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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I agree with the Canadian bacon...not good....but we have a LOT of our own Maple Syrup in NYS and many other states including Vermont which is a top producer of Maple Syrup.... We never see Canadian Maple Syrup down here in the Buffalo area.....mostly home grown NYS Maple Syrup from only 40 miles south of here.
  2. The stocking numbers for Red Lake seem Extremely low for any good results...Oneida Lake in Central NYS has always been stocked with OVER 100 million fry in that lake since the early 1900's and NOW receives 150 million fry...The DEC hopes for a 1% return...Oneida Lake is much smaller then the Nip and that doesn't even take account of the French River area that many fish may head to...But anyway's here is a LOT of interesting data on Oneida Lake and how it's been managed over the years...keep in mind there is no killer gill netting on Oneida Lake. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/41034.html http://www.nywea.org/clearwaters/pre02fall/314050.html http://www.oneidalakeassociation.org/hatchery.htm
  3. Less native problems....I guess...MAYBE...all the Indians here care about is CASINOS....they are making a KILLING here in NYS with them....because of the temp casino (all slots for now) it forced the closure of your slot only casino that was part of the Fort Erie Race Track in Fort Erie, Ont...because of that the race track is now going to close after over 100 years of operation... Give your natives lots of money and they could care less about netting any fish of any kind.... ...that is why I suggested a small tax on resort owners on Lake Nip and a special stamp to fish Lake Nip...these funds could buy out native gill netters....we did the same thing here in the mid 80's on Lake Erie...a special $3 stamp to fish Erie for three years but after only 2 years they discontinued the required stamp because all the commercial gill netters were bought out and the stamp was no longer necessary...any extra funds collected on the special stamp and tax could go directly to stocking Lake Nip....Everyone WINS...oh, now that doesn't happen in any of our Indian Casino's...LOL....REMEMBER......IT'S ALL ABOUT THE.....
  4. I keep telling you boys........BUY OUT THE INDIANS....problem solved...you only have to look at Lake Erie in the early '80's.....we had bought out ALL gill netters on our side of the Lake and now it's the BEST Walleye Lake in the WORLD... Remember, it's ALWAYS all about the money....
  5. BLOW TORCH.....
  6. No need to cook venison in a crock pot..actually a waste if you ask me...slow cooking is for tough cheap cuts of meat...like a pot roast. For venison I have cooked MANY either in the oven or on a charcoal grill...trying to keep the heat to 300-350 degrees...but the whole trick is to only cook the roast to 130 degrees...a decent electronic probe left in the roast and monitored outside the BBQ or oven works the best...it's the only way I roast now. I have also done several standing rib roast the exact same way....and BTW you only need to put 2-4 small incisions into either roast and then push some garlic deep into the roast....salt and pepper the outside of either roast and put it on the BBQ or in the over.... OH, I almost forgot......take the roast out of the fridge 2-5 HOURS before roasting depending on the size of the roast...you want that roast to get as close to room temp before roasting this will make sure that the roast in rare to med rare in the middle and not raw. Time wise...figure about 20 minutes a pound...most venison roast are around 3 pounds, so only 1 hour to cook it to perfection if monitored with the electronic probe. Enjoy and MERRY CHRISTMAS, Bob
  7. Those are two completely different fish but related.....Lake Erie also had what were referred to as "BLUE PIKE" in the Buffalo area...a smaller and tastier fish compared to the "YELLOW PIKE" or better known as our WALLEYE...and your Pickerel...So this is basically like comparing a northern pike to a chained pickerel...both kind of look alike...the chain pickerel rarely grows past 5 lbs...and again both are completely different fish but also related.
  8. This is a very good point I never thought of...how can it be a native Canadian tradition if there were no walleyes in the prior to the 1920's.... ...if this is true.
  9. May I suggest a solution to eliminate Gill Netting on Lake Nipissing. Impose a small tax on all the resorts on the lake....Like 1/2 to 1% on rentals...(details to be worked out) Also impose a "Special" Lake Nipissing STAMP that all anglers must purchase and apply to their fishing license...let's say for example $5 per stamp...then both monies collected from the resort owners and fishermen would pay the "NOW ACTIVE" gill netters on Lake Nipissing an annual stippen up to the amount they have averaged over the last 3 years until these "Active" netters are deceased. NO NEW GILL NETTING WOULD BE ALLOWED and those "Active" netters would have to turn in their equipment (nets only) and no longer be able to legally net fish of any kind on Lake Nipissing. Also any extra fund (if any) would go DIRECTLY to a stocking program for Lake Nipissing ONLY... Details could be worked out...Like this program ends after all "Active" netters are deceased, actual amount of the tax and stamp, etc... This way only those actually fishing Lake Nippissing are the ones contributing to the cause....the resort owner would of course pass on the cost of their "Special Lake Nippissing Tax" to those who rent from them. But in the end this would help the resort owners tremendously. Bob
  10. I was going to mention that....Paul in NOT normal....but didn't want him to go off the deep and and jump like a "Frog"..... And about the email address....you are MUCM MUCH MUCH better off with a non-affiliated email address like Gmail from Google...you keep it no matter what Internet provider you use. Gmail has the largest storage capacity and by far the BEST spam filter I have seen...Hotmail sucks IMHO...they once cleaned out all of my inbox and I couldn't recover very important emails from colleges both my son's attended for financial aid. For Gmail you need a invite from someone who already has it...I have no idea why they do this...but send me a PM if you want a invite. Bob
  11. This concert was in behalf of those effected by Hurricane Sandy.....when other natural disasters happen ANYWHERE on the globe the U.S.A. is the first to respond....but when a natural disaster happens in the U.S.A. it is almost silent from the rest of the world.....the only friend I heard of that came to the aid of those in NY and NJ was our old faithful friend CANADA...... THANK YOU
  12. Here in WNY $3.73 per US gallon...but my son is paying $2.85 in Virginia...
  13. Try again....they didn't have our area code but do now..they keep adding more area codes as time goes on....however, I don't use Magicjack...I use Google phone from my computer...call anywhere in U.S.A. or Canada for FREE....but you can't get calls to you.....and for texting....here's a great site for those who don't have texting or are limited in the amount of texting per month, like me... http://www.textem.net/updates.php
  14. Actually walleye fight very well when you use light jigging rods...I use a 6'-6" LIGHT rod with mostly 4# test and 1/8 jigs....popping them along weed edges or sparsely weedy areas...also on top of rock piles if the wind is blowing right over it...
  15. Being the same species as Lake Erie walleye...I'm GUESSING they will roam the entire lake following a food source....Lake Erie walleye travel from the extreme western end of Ohio (Spring) to the extreme eastern near Buffalo (mid Summer) depending on water temps and food source...this has been documented many times with tagged fish.
  16. SAD...and I'll bet it's only the beginning...they are not for sale because they can't handle the reservations.... I stayed at Memquisit Lodge about 4 years ago...nice set up...great people who own it...very good meals on their American Plan...lousy walleye fishing........I always wanted to fish that area, so we tried it for 5 days...I have no desire to return....but if the walleye fishing was close to what it should be that far north, I would return in a heart beat.
  17. As long as the Nip continues to be gill netted you are spinning your wheels with a stocking program. Nipissing is I'm guessing 5-10 times larger then our Oneida Lake in central NYS...it's our walleye factory....there has been a fish hatchery right on the lake (actually across Rt 41 but on a spawning stream and only 100 yards up stream from the mouth) for just about ever.....the NYS DEC stocks 100,000,000 fry EACH year with the hopes of a 1% success rate...that's ONE HUNDRED MILLION walleye fry with the hopes of a 100,000 return....and there is no gill netting...never has been...walleye populations are just above 50% from the good old days though... Now, to go through all that so they can be gill netted is ridiculous. If sportsmen must comply with a slot limit then at the very least control the mesh size of the gill nets so anything under the size of 19" can pass through the nets...what's fair is fair....maybe then something good will happen to the Big Nip....here's hoping...
  18. The best for now would be for the locals to start a all out BOYCOTT on any fish or maybe ANYTHING the natives sell until they cease gill netting...
  19. OH, OK....I didn't read it that way...thought you were leading to anglers being responsible for the other 50%....makes sense now..
  20. I couldn't have said it better......you see......from what I have gathered here...is the native Canadian's have monetary reasons to keep gill netting on Lake Nippissing...so it's very important not to kill "their" income...but meanwhile all the fishing resorts can go belly up...
  21. Sorry, I can't believe those percentage numbers...Lake Erie once had gill netters on the U.S.A. side...once they were outlawed everything else fell in place....BEST walleye fishery anywhere in the WORLD "NOW"...and the same could be said for the rebound for Lake Erie's Yellow Perch. You have to remember....you can only catch fish when they are biting...but with a GILL NET you can get them all the time....night, day and storms don't matter if you already have your nets set...they are out there for days at a time...then just collect them and sell the meat.
  22. YES...same here...not a single guy I know that had fished that lake goes there anymore....SAD
  23. I can't disagree that it's not beautiful water and all that....but I can get that MUCH closer to home, at many lakes... You see, when a FISHERMEN travels 8+ hours to fish, he expects to catch the species he's after.... For putting meat in the freezer...you can't beat Lake Erie....ESPECIALLY since the U.S.A. side outlawed gill nets and in hence, there are no longer any commercial netting on our side of the lake...HUGE DIFFERENCE now...
  24. Oh, they ALL have....and I don't think any of the businesses would like what you are saying...NOT GOOD for the local economy... I was probably going there before you were born....made my first trip there in May of 1975 and continued to go there for almost 15 years...I no longer even consider it...and that's SAD...
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