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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Two LANCASTER ICE TEAS and you will be wobbling back to Newfoundland.... ....ask our buddy Cliff about those lady cocktails....
  2. Get yourself a 16' aluminum fishing boat with a 50hp outboard and you will have it FOREVER......my is 27 years old and runs just like it was NEW....had her out again today (10th time this year) and haven't put a dime into her this year.....last year she was showing signs of overheating but she was 26 then....cost me $300 to have her clean out but really that has been it for 27 years.......can't beat that even with a Ugly Stick....LOL......and she catch LOTS of fish for me....sometimes even bass....
  3. OH, you like to indulge in the adult beverages......tell you what....when we meet...and it will happen someday.....we sit down and we'll share some adult cocktails together......the first one to say enough cleans ALL the fish next next morning/day.....
  4. The wife and I did a trip back around 2008 and did very well out of Air Ivanhoe......we flew into his American plan lake....Nemogosonda Lake (spelling)......the food was none stop and VERY good......I caught LOTS of nice size walleyes but my wife caught the only pike......about a 8-9 pounder...great for her.... They run a first class operation from what we experienced......talked to a guy that has been flying out of his camp Monday and they have been killing the walleye out of the lake he mentioned to me......if you want the name of it PM me. Bob
  5. OH, I didn't even know you guys had a NFL team up there.....
  6. VERY NICE to hear.........my fishing buddy is going out tomorrow....out of Wilson Harbor on our side.....hope he does half as good as you did..... LOTS OF GOOD SMOKED FISH YOU GOT THERE........will trade perch for some...
  7. See now if you would have compared your BEER to ours.....NOW you could be "Crowned" CHAMPS.........
  8. Now it's starting to get deep in here........ Just screwing with you Brian....
  9. Why of course he survived.......he had the best health care in the world....by the way........that just a everyday procedure up here.
  10. This is the BIGGEST bunch of BULL CRAP I have ever heard.....yes...I do have a co-pay.....$10 FRIGGIN DOLLARS to see ANY doctor I go to INCLUDING all my specialist....and NOTHING when I go into the hospital........what you are hearing is about the people that don't work...NEVER worked....don't want to work....and don't need to work because they are on government programs....they have been on government programs the whole lives....they are 3rd generation people that are on government programs that have never PAID ANY TAXES but want MORE AND MORE from us working folks......how would that work if EVERYONE did that...... SORRY..........again.....our health is second to none in the WORLD....NEVER heard about any of our government official going to Canada (not there is nothing wrong with Canada) to have a medical procedure......HOWEVER, Many other high profile people from all over the world come here for our health care....please explain that....
  11. I am only referring to what I have read here SEVERAL times by other veteran Canadian posters..... I have had MRI's in just a day or two when needed.......many don't know it here but I had some health problems here at the end of Nov and beginning of Dec....went to the doctor and he admitted me into the hospital from his doctor office......had SEVERAL test done that day and stayed the night.......see the doc again the following Thurs and was readmitted the next day for a procedure.......this is NORMAL here when it comes to our health care.....I wouldn't trade our health care with ANY other country in the WORLD.....PERIOD.
  12. SECOND I would of pay more attention how to do multiple quotes when someone here told me how.......
  13. FIRST I would have you locked up within 24 hours...........
  14. Your lucky I got it that close in spelling..............
  15. This has to be one of the most dumb post I have ever seen..... FIRST it was your country that signed the contract with a PRIVATE firm in the U.S.A. to do your licensing for fishing and hunting....our government had nothing to do with it. Second we have the BEST Health Care in the World here.......If needed, I could get a MRI tomorrow.....I have heard the horror stories here with guys waiting 8 months to get a MRI only to have it cancelled for one reason or another....your own government officials come here for medical procedures....check on your Prime Ministor from Newfoundland..... ...he had heart surgery down here... And yes, Canada has the only honest politicians... You have a lovely country up there....but don't try to make it better by putting down Big Brother......we have enjoyed each other's countries for ever......but the way your making it out, you may want to invade us for our own good......not a good idea... Long live Canada and the United States of America...... Bob
  16. No list should count unless it is in alphabeticle order....
  17. You got it right........but there is NO reason to Freeze them......unless you are going to keep them for next year....any minnows salted now should be good for any time this year.
  18. WHAT......Nobody list GOBIE on their catch list.....caught several yesterday while perch fishing....
  19. License.....we need a license here to fish.....I thought that was only in Canada.....Redneck's don't need licenses to fish or hunt....
  20. We have a Canadian Tire Store here..... :dunno: ...that's new to me if so.....
  21. krixxer, my boat is only a 16' aluminum boat but she's has a wide beam for a 16' footer....84" beam and 39" deep......but if you take it slow on the rough days you will have no problem navigating 3 footers....I did it for YEARS but now I'm a lot older and can't take the pounding... But anyway's.....yes, too calm can make it tough fishing anywhere....a nice 1-1.5' chop is ideal on Erie for perch.....and have caught many in 3' waves....when I caught these Lake Erie PIGS it was a good 2' chop building to 3' when we finally called it quits....at first we had a hard time getting my anchor to hold in my little hot spot....... The only way to catch fish is to keep going out.....and the best time to go is whenever you have time.....each time you learn something out there. Good Luck and keep me posted how you do. See this thread for more info...... http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=62142&st=0 Bob
  22. For those who are thinking about a Minn Kota TM or Battery Charger http://www.minnkotamotors.com/products/promotions.aspx
  23. Perch fishing was OK at best yesterday....TOO CALM on Lake Erie........I went alone with Tundra and caught 17 perch.....kept 11 and only 5 were PIGS.....most of them now caught were males.....will be trying again tomorrow if winds stay calm, but this time out of Buffalo Harbor instead of 45 miles west out of the Catt..... I did get a bit of a late start as I decided it would be easier yesterday to purchase my bait as I had too many things going to make a bait run on Monday.....but when I got to the bait shop he was closed with a sign "Be Back at 8:45am"...grrrr....but he did get back by 8:30 with fresh minnows.....and then I quit around 12:45pm......so it was a short day.....HOWEVER, the bite wasn't really on....things have slowed down a bit.....maybe tomorrow will be better. Bob
  24. There is really no such thing as a HD antenna.....HD is just simply UHF frequency.....any antenna works fine....just don't use a UHF-VHF combinder....instead use a splitter if you want more then one antenna hooked up and pointing in different directions.....I have one UHF and one VHF antenna hooked together by a splitter with each antenna pointing in almost completely different directions.....this way I get all my HD channels FREE.
  25. I all honesty I did NOT read every post........but I do a "little" about HDTV......make sure you get at LEAST a 120hz refresher rate if you into sports........the cheaper TV's are at 60hz or whatever they are called......that makes the picture FUZZY when watching fast action....like football and hockey.
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