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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Hey Doc....GREAT pics with a great fishing report.....you didn't mention if you had any shore lunches via Lake Trout... because we all know it Don't get any better than that.......
  2. I'm guessing Black Lab...right ??? Because I love Labs and Chesapeake's but they are a bit large for my house.....came this close "-" to getting my new buddy this past winter....a Chocolate Lab female that I really wanted but someone just BARELY beat me to the punch....maybe this fall it will happen.. But anyways....NICE LOOKING WATER BUDDY you have there and LOTS of future memories in the making. Bob
  3. Mercman is the "MAN" and my favorite C.C. by far........GREAT GUY and someday we'll meet for a day of fishing and he'll get a honorary induction to my REDNECK Brotherhood..."Git R Done" with my buddy Larry the Cable Guy..... :clapping:
  4. Just something for you all to think about.....kind of throwing a fly in the ointment... Water doesn't belong to anyone.....but let's say you own one of those boat garages that are so common on the Kawarhan Lakes....that water is in the garage right....so can I dock my boat in your garage....
  5. I would think you should be getting at least 25 mph....but how OLD is that old motor... Many other factors play into top speed...does the boat have a windshield as that will rob you of 2-4 mph....width and depth....deep "V" to semi-deep "V" bottom... Just to give you a comparison....my old 1985 50hp Johnson gets my 16'-4" VERY DEEP (39') Grumman (side console windshield) that has a 84" beam 30-31mph with all my gear (lots) and two full grown guys aboard....now when the motor was newer I could always top out at 34mph...but no longer. Bottom line...you may have the wrong prop or that OLD motor is worn down... Good Fishing, Bob
  6. Ron, While reading your post I was kind of on the fence back and forth....I am also one that doesn't like STUPID laws but sometimes they are for a good reason....since I am not familiar with the area in question I was a little bit hesitant to fully support your quest until you mentioned how kids could fish here if allowed....that put me fully into your corner and FULLY SUPPORT what you are trying to do here.....we need more kids to get out of the house and away from the electronics to appreciate our natural resources more and nothing is better then heading down to the fishing hole. GREAT EFFORT Ron and PLEASE keep us posted, Bob
  7. Frog kicker....come on down....this year I need all the help I can get... Not one walleye and everyone we talked to on the water and at the launch at the end of the day hadn't caught any walleyes either that Saturday... ...mind you, this is NYS best walleye lake with this years estimated population at 498,000 by our NYS DEC....
  8. Nothing "reel" special to report but at leasts it's a fishing report and not Bull over who's got the best fishing line....LOL Our walleye season opened up the first Saturday in May but because of flood conditions they closed the walleye lake (Oneida Lake) near my son's house so that weekend was just helping him do remodeling on his new to him house.. This time we left the house at 3:30am as planned to fish Oneida Lake...the plan was to cast large floating Rapala's on very shallow rock pile that have ALWAYS produce limit catches or at least close to limit catches in the past...but that was always the first Saturday in May and not the third one like this weekend Saturday. We decided to launch on our side of the lake and make a 6 mile run across the lake to save about 40 miles of driving the boat to the other NYS launch site....the only good thing about the other site on the north end of the lake is it's only 1/4 mile from our honey hole....nice SHORT boat ride especially in the DARK....but no I decided to save a lot of time and truck gas money by shooting across the lake....I have done a lot of fishing/boating in the pitch dark but this time mother nature through us a curve I should of thought of....we even checked the wind conditions before leaving in the morning on the computer and all indications say run across the lake....GRRRRRRRRRRRR We get to the lake driving down this narrow winding lane to the boat launch (about 3/4 mile).....at the water's edge it is like pea soup with FOG....LOTS of FOG....as we are un-tying the boat a NYS Trooper drives up and asks us if were nuts going out on the lake in the fog at 3:30 in the morning...I tell him he should come back later because he might have to arrest us because we are going to KILL THE FISH....LOL...The Trooper laughs and drives off. Now I have had experience navigating in fog conditions but it's still nerve wrecking and I wouldn't advise doing it but to run around the lake now would take even longer and throw the well established game plan out the window as far as fishing for shallow walleyes on the rock pile in questions....so we launch in the pea soup and with my Lowrance LMS 525C unit and mapping card we head north once I punched in my honey hole Waypoint.....almost due north with a slight yawn towards the east....now motoring 20 miles per hour in the dark can be dangerous....doing it in fog really makes it hairy....I can usually navigate in the dark just sitting on my seat but this day I'm UP on one knee the whole way looking over my windshield while my son Billy is scouring in front of us with our high power light in hand....just in case there is some nut case fishing out there without lights....you never know.... We find our spot ONLY because of the GPS unit after about a 15 minute run.... We cast our baits (#11 Rapala's) until almost day break without a touch....it's evident the water's too warm now (59.5) for those post spawn males to be up on the shallow rocks but as said before we had committed to our game plan and followed it until daybreak. Now it time to get our jigging rods out and drop off the rock pile to the first defined break which is about 9-11 feet of water......Oneida Lake is almost all rocks with little weed growth, however in recent years because of the zebra mussels there are signs of weeds now sparsely growing in a few selected areas in the lake and I know just where some are close by....so we start jigging these areas with minnows hoping to get our walleyes and some bonus pickeral as we have done in the past....but wait.....we start hitting perch....one after the other....and I mean some BIG perch...up to 14" in length and FAT...but not full of eggs fat but fat from feeding....I quickly pick up on a pattern that if you just keep reeling in the jig...like a slow swim back to the boat the perch will grab the jig....and if you just kept reeling they hung on for the hook set....we are hitting them left and right like this in 8-10 feet of water with some sparse weeds here and there....we also get into the biggest Rock Bass I have ever caught and that includes those big Rockies from Lake Erie....see pics below. We ended up with 35 nice perch and the 3 biggest Rock Bass I have ever seen.... So back to the boy's house for slice and dice time....even the bride chips in to help us and she can skin as good as anyone... Then on Sunday (today) we decided to try this real small lake near my son's house for pickerel because I wanted some for my smoker and in less then 2 hours we had to fish we caught 4 pickerel and one 15" largemouth bass plus we both lost 1 pickerel at the boat.... I'm hoping this is just the beginning of a better fishing season that really hasn't been that good for me. Bob
  9. Something similar happened to a good friend of mine....I GOT a email from my friend Will saying he was stuck in England and had lost his wallet and needed cash wired to him ASAP from me...of course I knew this wasn't true so I called him at home and he answered the phone....but they broke the password he was using for his email service and then changed the password (a easy password) so he couldn't even use his own email while this was all going on...he was forced to start a new email account but this time with a much harder password...since then I have also changed my email password, making it MUCH more difficult to crack....you might want to do the same and save yourself LOTS of headaches that my buddy went through. Bob
  10. Better yet, don't go to work and use that gas to go
  11. Oh NO....he's a Redneck that just doesn't want to admit to it.... SOMEDAY my friend we will meet and I'll have a full body suit of cammo for you to wear........and from then on you will be known as Muddawg...
  12. My luck I'll get Bazooka Bubble Gum.....
  13. Well then, you must be enough to keep them happy...
  14. That is why they have the man control the bow mounted trolling motor to turn the boat so he's over the fish....at least that's what my bride has been saying for YEARS....not quite sure what she meant though....
  15. Who is this man they call Mercman....I'm starting to think he's the Quebec Santa Claus in via a New Princecraft....how many times have I had read that he's sent more gifts to needy fishermen....you know us Rednecks need stuff too...LOL... Paul, even though we have never met I'm sure you're a GREAT GUY from everything I have read here... Redneck Bob (who like's "stuff" too...lol)...mostly guns...
  16. What the hell..Pikeslayer....Residents only....AGAIN...this keeps happening to me....but I'm prepared like a good Redneck....I'll just have to go Commando AGAIN....got to get the light cammo gear ready for next month..but remember...NO ASSAULT Weapons of any kind this time (don't ask)....kind of keeps me defenseless when the Canadian Air Force does a full force attack on me come dusk....they are unbeatable ! ! !...what on earth do they feed on when I'm not there ? ? ?
  17. I called this phone number 1-800-667-1940 to purchase a new Ontario License and one for the bride plus a Outdoor Card for her....the nice young girl on the phone was more then helpful and assured me that I would receive my license before I leave for Cliff's on June 24th...she even said they will go out in today's mail.... I know I should of ordered a couple weeks ago but I just kept forgetting.....and I guess they plan on allowing non-residents to purchase a license online soon... I did ask what do I do just in case I don't receive my license before we leave...she said just call back and they can fax one to me....NICE...I'm impressed. Bob
  18. One word...."CABELA'S"
  19. Why here at OFC we believe everything we read on the internet.... If it's on the net it's got to be true....right...
  20. Yes, but I believe the best treatment is to keep them hooked up to a smart type charger all winter long for BEST results.
  21. Park it and walk......and when you can't hypermile whenever possible...it WORKS.
  22. Of course my winter doesn't get as cold as where you are but we still see temps below zero and in the single digits most of the winter.....with that said I haven't pulled boat batteries out of my boat in over 8 years since I put in a on-board charging system in my boat..(boat is kept in a unattached non heated garage)..takes care of the main starting battery and the trolling motor battery....with this on-board charging system my batteries last a LONG LONG time....the charger is plugged in ALL THE TIME the boat is not fishing, even when I'm on the water if all possible. I highly recommend this for any fishing boat. I never worry about my battery conditions anymore. Bob
  23. I would relax and enjoy fishing.....your good to go and if not your warranty will take over.
  24. So, who's that....do you have to pick him up on the way or does he meet you at the house.....
  25. I have only been on 3 fly in trips, but have never used any live bait of any kind.....our main target fish is always walleyes with pike being #2 and bass being ho hum, who cares. ALL BLACK BUCKTAIL jigs that I make are our #1 lure plus LOTS of other stuff I almost never use.... The end of May I would "think" would be the start of black fly season depending on temperatures (we always go much later in the year to avoid them)....so as previously mentioned....take LOTS of spray, etc....to protect yourself from the vampires.... Play it safe and I'm sure you will have a SUPER TIME, Bob
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