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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Let's see... Fix the car Sharpen all my hooks fix lures harass ccmt organize the tackle box organize the cupboards organize the closets harass teenage daughter spend some time being ill clean the grout fix some plumbing issues harass ccmt reformat the 4 computers wash & groom the dog fix any home network issues harass teenage daughter laundry organize my mp3's organize my pictures organize pens harass ccmt OH just kill me now!! lol blyght
  2. Welcome Simcoe members! I hope that you enjoy your stay. No continental breakfast but the maid service rocks lol
  3. Thanks for sharing that Snag! I have always been fascinated with sharks and had never seen live footage of one of these so it was a real treat. Thanks again! blyght
  4. Sounds like you have been hijacked..not fun. Good luck! blyght
  5. I can only think of 2 things to say 1. you are wearing a shirt...not sure I have ever seen that hehe 2. I am guessing that is not your boat or stringer of fish blyght
  6. Cliff and I are confirmed for a campsite June 22-24. Really looking forward to meeting everyone. Blyght guess that makes it 41
  7. Guess I was too late....maybe next time... blyght
  8. Lew, I agree with you 100%. Yesterday as I was taking my eldest to her bass lesson, I used all the idiots driving around as what I like to call "a life lesson" (whenever I see/hear about stupidity or something great we try to talk about it right then and there) I pointed out to her that it is NOT that difficult to drive in the snow if you remember 3 basic things 1.SLOW DOWN 2.leave proper space for braking and 3.don't try to "race off" from every stop. We also talked about the benefits of snow tires etc. We saw one slide that demonstrates my other thoughts about winter driving...that alot of people are just bad/unsafe drivers and they put everyone else at even more risk during the winter..learn to drive right and one would be amazed and how much easier the heavy traffic and bad weather are to deal with. Just adding my thoughts to your rant....hope you don't mind Blyght
  9. Welcome!
  10. Way to go Fishfinder and sorry to hear about the rod Loved the pics and thanks for sharing and increasing my fish envy lol blyght
  11. Welcome to the board Mark, great place to be when you can't be on the water. Not sure if you have had a chance to look around the site yet but here is a link to help you with the posting of your pics you mentioned. OFC FAQ's Just give a shout if you still have trouble, lots and lots of very helpful people here. blyght
  12. Welcome to the board! Great intro, looking forward to more posts/repots from you. blyght
  13. Try this..... Advanced Taxidermy Hope this is the one you are looking for, they came highly recommended when I was asking around blyght
  14. I would be MORE than happy to trade my bad day steelheading with your "bad day" ! blyght
  15. Not sure if they have to exact trap you are looking for but you can usually borrow one from the local animal control (think there was a 50 deposit). Good Luck! blyght
  16. Sweeet! Thank you for sharing the pictures, I was beginning to forget what they look like! Always nice to have a family member with you to share a great day on the water. blyght
  17. Welcome to the board Lakeman! Happy New Year to you also
  18. Ccmt and I used Outlook Express for awhile when we were receiving hundreds of spam and there are some preset filter options......... Tools Message rules mail select "where the from line caontains people" select "move to specified folder" For this I created a folder named "Our mail" you should then see a blue link to add people and from there be able to choose everyone in your address book. Not a great long term solution but it helps in the meantime. . Hopes this helps in the short term....PM me if you need more info. blyght
  19. Gotta love December pike from softwater.....who would have thought! Thanks Snag and keep 'em comming! blyght
  20. Great news!! Thanks for sharing some of your Holiday Joy with us! Hope everything goes well with mom and baby! Tell your bro..thanks! blyght
  21. I have been sitting at my desk today trying to compose a post to say THANK YOU and to let all those involved with running this wonderful site how much I appreciate their hard work and how it would truely break my heart if anything were to happen to it. I am finding it just about impossible without writing a novel. So, in an effort to be brief but in no way minimize the meaning.... This board/community has made me sit in awe/amazement/wonder, made me laugh and a few times, almost cry. I have been "online" a long time,longer than I have known my husband and over the years I have joined and left many message boards. This is the ONLY website/message board that I have ever frequented that I would actually pay a membership fee to be part of. If there is ever a way that I can help out, Please,let me know! blyght
  22. Congratulations on the job and welcome back blyght
  23. Way to go! Feels good when you start catching what you are after! blyght
  24. Ok, my secret is out, I might as well confess........the real reason all our pictures are at night, the real reason we are never in the same photo, and the real reason we catch "big" fish........ Ccmt is a hobbit. His real name is Grigory Bolger and yes, we do live in the Shire. Thank you Moosebunk for outing him, it is such a relief, now he can be himself. By the way, that 4 pounder was actually 4.25 That is a BIG difference for "little people". Daisy Bilgor (member formally known as Blyght) PS Photo provided by Rosie-Posie Peatfingers of Brockenborings (our half hobbit daughter)
  25. Bly


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