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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Bought one for my husband (ccmtcanada) as an early Christmas present. We have had good luck with ours. That said, be sure you really understand the warranty information and return policy. I gave him his early because there was only 6 days for the return if he hated it or it didn't work and the warranty is 6 months. Send ccmtcanada a PM, I am sure he would be happy to give you his thoughts on it blyght
  2. can't wait to see the pic!! Try this link OFC Help
  3. Wow...looked like a great time with all those ppl there!!! Awesome report...thanks for takin the time to post and write it.
  4. Excuse me boys??? What ever do you mean??? Cant leave him alone for one minute on this darn puter!!!!
  5. The walleye are in the water....cause that's where we put them after we catch em.
  6. I am sorry to hear of your loss Dano...... blyght
  7. I am not really set up for musky..waiting for my Christmas presents.....big bro promised new reel with extra spool ready to go for the big boys Hoping to add some tackle and start scouting in the new year. blyght thanks again for your words on my walleye
  8. Hmm so many many choices to choose from.....being realistic, I would love to target and of course land northern, salmon and IF I manage that.....MUSKY!!! Another dream (saltwater) is to go fishing with my big bro for some striper and maybe the gods will smile on me and I could fight with a shark for a bit blyght
  9. Great looking fish!! When I grow up, I am going to fish for musky blyght
  10. Great looking bass! Always nice to have success!! bly
  11. Thanks! So nice to meet good people with the same interest and a bonus when the kids hit it off hehe You have a nice family Fishergirl! We had a great time also...have to do it again Looking forward to hearing about the days events at BOQ.
  12. Thanks for the apology....but it wasn't really necessary! Because of exactly what you said and the layers of clothes, people who see us fishing assume the same thing. As you may have figured out, I'm not the typical woman...I just love fishing and will go to extremes to get out there. It's actually a funny joke in our house when I'm all dressed for fishing. Thank you
  13. Looks like you have the pic thing down and great pike too!
  14. A BEAUTY!! Hope the finger is back in action soon!!
  15. I know that the "girls" like it, I am one and my husband plays the guitar Maybe I should have him teach me to play.
  16. I did purchase the Manzella bow hunting gloves that I mentioned. I went to the store and tried several kinds while taking into consideration all the great tips from here. These gloves are thinner and waterproof, maybe not as much as others but they outlasted the neoprene and they did not break my budget. With all the talk of layers, extra gloves and so on, I wanted a glove that would be warm and waterproof on it's own but allow me to confidently handle my rod and that I could add layers under and/or over so I could adapt them to weather conditions fairly easy. The manzella's held up great last night Thanks again! Blyght My brother is always yelling at me about feeling the bite..."Do you want to be warm or do you want to catch fish?" Well, being me, I want both LOL
  17. My husband and I want to thank EVERYONE who posted with great advice in this thread. We took a little from everyone's post and decided on a few new pairs that we bought have used in the last few nights. We made sure to take lots of spares with us as well. Because of this, I was able to stick it out fishing for longer than I normally would have. If you have a minute, check out ccmtcanada's post called "Walleye Report - Nov 23" to see how you all helped!!!
  18. Try this link OFC Board FAQ's Picture posting and many other helpful things there!! bly
  19. Welcome to the board!! Happy Thanksgiving to you also!! Wonderful that your son is able to be there with you!! Oh, and no pics bly
  20. These sound very interesting, don't suppose you have a good picture of them or know anyone that might have the pattern etc to make em?? My daughter loves to knit and thinking I might convince her to try and make some.
  21. All in fun and since there are usually more males registering vs females......the odd "Net Girl" popping up might be good for a laugh I thought "Live Well Monitor" was great if it would have fit lol bly PS We never actually thought anyone would change it.....just thought it was funny...more than once due to the layers of clothing required this time of year, people have stopped to chat and I get "Oh, your a woman" or, to my husband "well, good luck to you and your buddy" lol
  22. They rock!!! Nice report and pics Sounds like a great time! bly
  23. Early in the evening
  24. "keeping the gloves dry" "carry at least three pair" It is like you all know what a silly thing I just recently did Was so excited about the walleye I caught that I forgot to pull off my over gloves before handling etc the fish. Usually have extra gloves in the car and extra socks (did I mention I soaked one boot)but not that night, thank goodness for a generous husband and hand & foot warmers...he gave me his Thanks for taking the time to help!
  25. I am in the market for some new winter fishing gloves. I purchased a pair of fleeced lined neoprene water proof etc gloves, tried them last night and the "warmth" factor was just not there. Considering some from Manzella (warmest-bow hunting) and am wondering if anyone here has any input on that brand or maybe could suggest another good one?? Thanks! Blyght
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