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Everything posted by frodobuggins

  1. This has always been my go to...
  2. I thought the only limit Nippising had in the winter was the amount of beers one could drink? After 20 yrs plus of ice fishing (drinking) with little or mediocre results, i don't think i would notice the change to 2 keepers. Its 2 more than i usually keep
  3. So all posts should read something like this: " was out in the world today....that is all" Thornbury/Meaford/the Sound/ Saugeen aren't exactly secrets so who cares if OP posts where he was. Your posting this just compounds the reasons so many fisherman i know don't even join this site....
  4. You mean something like this....http://lmgtfy.com/?q=sigur+ros Perhaps you could show me how to imbed this too?
  5. Oh man i read the title wrong. I thought it said "lunching" So hungry now....
  6. you would like sigur ros. google that bull up!
  7. Actually, i have a sizeable university debt that can confirm that i do know how to read but thanks for the welcome just the same! I'm really sorry that your whole way of life was threatened by my saying it didn't make sense to keep fish to eat when other food abounds in great abundance... I have been reading this forum for years and joined a few months back. Lots of helpful tips and stories to be read and to apply to my time on the water. Enjoy your time on the water Woodsman. I know i will.
  8. Wow? Why do you take offence to my not keeping fish for myself? I don't care if you keep fish or not as that's a decision you have to make for yourself. If you want to eat the fish you catch, go ahead. It's not really necessary or relevant to go on a heater over people keeping fish they've legally caught. That's a leap in logic you took and wasn't in my reply. I share a boat with friends who keep and eat the fish they catch all the time. I take no offence when they do, but secretly, i do enjoy when they are getting skunked and they ask for one of mine and i smile and live release! Got to earn those calories!
  9. I'm surprised anyone keeps anything these days. When i think about all the pressure the fisheries are under, the state of the environment in general and in particular our waterways, i figure these fish are having a hard enough time. If i'm hungry, i just go to a grocery store which is always stocked with the calories i need to survive. Now, if i lived somewhere remote and i needed to catch and eat for my survival, then yeah-i would keep and eat. As it stands now, it makes no sense for me.
  10. I went to UWO and used to catch smallies between the bridge at oxford and the first one south of that...then i would drink heavily and have a 10 lb panzo from the alibi
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