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Luke V.

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Everything posted by Luke V.

  1. That guys heart must have stopped for a short second or two. What a rush that would have been
  2. Chris. Thanks. Fighting these in 30 feet of water is awesome. 2-3 minute fights with a couple jumps. Makes for a good time.
  3. Does this one work
  4. My point and shoot crap camera got wet, this is the only good pic I got on my phone
  5. Pics are on my phone. Will get them off an up later on
  6. Last night got out for a quick solo fish on the river. Launched at 445 off at 815. Managed to get into some good numbers. 16 smallies in total. All on tube jigs. 20-30 FOW. Most fish were between 12-15 inches. Which is good to see as they were all very healthy and fighting hard! Caught two fish around 17 and one at 19.5. The cooler weather dropped water temps by 5-6 deg. F. Seems to have made them alot more active. Tight lines
  7. For an all purpose fishing camera i chose this one: Nikon AW100 Link: http://imaging.nikon...lweather/aw100/ For less than 400 comes with some decent accesories. Has some good features including the GPS tracker/tracer. Once you start a new tracking it will mark a point at every picture u take. Which is nice for setting up long drifts over structure. Since i dont have a fancy Graph on my boat using the camera as my graph is handy. Does pretty well underwater too. No complaints here Luke Edit: spelling
  8. Erie and Lake O are very much the same. It isnt unusual to catch 10-15 during a morning or perch fishing. But they are making the bass massive
  9. interesting read indeed. I wonder if they will publish a list of the bodies of water they tested.
  10. Awesome Idea for a thread. 1) While fishing in AP on Cedar Lake with my Dad and little brother. We were behind a small island on a rather hot day, were not 20' from shore when a Black Bear comes out from the island walks into the water and swims within 30' of our boat. He continued accross the channel and onto main land. Was quite the sight to see. 2) Again while up at Cedar Lake. Camping on the main land. It was mid day, everyone was out hanging around playing cards and sunbathing. I was laying in the sun in the middle of the feild drying off. All you can hear is what sounds like a horse coming down the road. To our surprise it was a yearling moose. I dont think I have ever got up and ran so fast. He tried to run straight through our campsite and down into the water, but stopped turned and headed up and into the bush. This is something I will never forget.
  11. You can still have lots of fun when its raining while your camping. Few years back i spent 13 days straight camping in AP in the rain. Like others have said, a good tent is a must. Make sure it has a full fly. Then tarp over top of the tent. Make sure there is an air gap between the tent and the tarp. We have a Coleman Dinning tent with flaps on all four sides. Pricey at $400 but its the best thing money can buy when its raining. Put three flaps down, throw in a picnic table in, and your staying dry and are comfortable. Fourth flap acts as an awning to sit under. Bring another larger tarp to cover the other part of the campsite and your laughing. few 100 feet of rope and a couple of tarps and youll be dry for the whole weekend. Another tip if its really damp, take a propane lantern and place it in the tent for 10-15 mins before going to bed. Makes it a little warmer but it draws all the dampness from your sleeping bags. CAUTION keep items away from lantern while its lit. I dont want your tent to catch fire. When we stay for loner trips this is how we tarp our site. (sorry i dont have an actual picture)(work computer) Hopefully the rain does hold out for you, but I find its always good to be prepared. Also setting the tarps like this adds lots of shade to your site if it ends up being really sunny Have fun Luke
  12. Awesome report, Look like you all had an amazing trip! The fishing seems unreal!
  13. Master, I agree. The cold front could have easliy turned then off. Was still a great night on the water. A break from the heat was pleasant.
  14. Very Nice bucket! I spent yesterday evening (monday) fishing. Launched at 530 off the water at 830. For the three hours I put in I was rewarded with 0 fish. With this type of change in weather, I fished a little bit shallower than I would on a hot summer day. However I had zero success. I was fishing in the Lower Niagara River, with tube jigs, senko's, cranks of all shapes and even did some drop shotting. Anywhere from 18-40 FOW. There were multiple boats out around and near me, all having little or zero success. Could have just been one of those days. Will give it another go tomorrow night. Tight lines, and nice shooting. Luke
  15. That may be worth a try. You just never know.
  16. BB, there is infact a Cormorant Lake. https://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=cormorant+lake&fb=1&gl=ca&hq=cormorant+lake&cid=0,0,10896898964207818061&ei=VAwcUMr3LsPo6wHN74HAAw&ved=0CJMBEPwSMAA
  17. When you click on the ship to store feature, it gives you a list of only the US stores. I don't know why but that how it goes
  18. When you order online, it comes from the US. Doesnt matter that there are stores in Canada. US based company only ships product for online orders from the US.
  19. From the front bench forward i built a small casting platform. High enough to fit the fuel tank underneath. Is by far one of the best mods you can do to a tinny. Less weight in the back, get on plane faster, and when your by yourself you can stay on plane with no porposing. Like others have said, leave the benches in, they are what make the structure strong. Ill see if i can find some pics. Made the lower frame out of 2x2 spruce. The platform is made from 3/4" marine plywood covered in marine carpet. completely removable. The fuel tank slide in and lays half under the front bench, half under the platform. Hope this helps Luke
  20. Love the smokers! Thoses bear pictures are amazing! Did he hang around long? Or did you have to take "care" of him?
  21. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/storm_watch_stories3&stormfile=Ontario_woman_struck_by_lightning_on_canoe_trip_31_07_2012?ref=ccbox_weather_topstories
  22. never knew they were called Fallfish, always called em suckers. Learned something new everyday! In AP i have caught them in the 3+ lbs range. They do put up a really good fight for a sucker
  23. Im with you Kemper. I have been stopped on large and small bodies on water. Both by MNR and OPP and havent been asked for my operators card . Wonder why we need it, if they dont ask for it, they only wanted to know if i had my Fishing License, and what I had on board the boat. Cash grab is all it is
  24. Update: went to crystal beach launch for 6:00 meaning I left at 5. Got there and the lake was rolling good. Decided to launch at chippawa and head to navy island on the upper river. Fished there until 11:30. With only one smallie. Went down the welland river in the hunt. Found a bunch of guys fishing a local bass tournament. Turns out they werent catching much either. Guess the weather was just to off today to make the bite happen. Oh well was better than going to work. Luke
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