Hey Folks!
Wondering if you might be able to shed some light on my issue.
My outboard is a 2009 Mercury Sea Pro. 20HP. 2-Stroke
The last few times I have had it out it likes to hesitate/mis-fire when I am running it wide open. Then it began happening from idle all the way to WOT. The odd thing is, is that it does not do this every time. Some days it will happen once, others it will happen the entire time.
At first I thought it was a bad plug, so i looked at them they seemed good, but replaced anyway. Problem continued, so I turned to fuel aditives. Thinking that the fuel may be dirty, moisture etc. I started with using just the Marine Stay-Bil(blue Kind) mixed it with a few tanks and it never really improved my problem. So I picked up some sea foam, Have ran this the last two times I have used the boat and still does not seem to do anything about the problem. Today I used Sea Foam, Stay-Bil, Brand New Gas, and Brand New Oil and it still has the same problem.
The only thing left that I can think of is a dirty/plugged fuel filter. Can these be cleaned manually? Or should I look at replacing them? It looks like there are two different ones on the motor.
For gas mixture i am mixing 14oz of oil to 22 litres of gas. I use Quicksilver Outboard Oil(not cheap but it is recommended). I use regular pump gas and always have with this motor.
Thanks for your time and help in advanced.