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Luke V.

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Everything posted by Luke V.

  1. I agree with the others about Paul. He's amazing!
  2. What are you wanton to target? Upper? Or lower? Time of year?
  3. Rod Caster, I do not think they are the same. I probably wont be eating any of them being that they come from Lake O Thanks for the replies everyone
  4. Was out on Lake O on the weekend. Fishing for bass, we came off a drop off noticed a large ball of bait fish, marked big fish underneath. So down went the jigging spoons and up came white perch. I have never caught one before. Just curious if they are common in lake O and if they taste the same as a yellow perch. They were decent size 10-12 inches. a pic just bcuz Thanks for looking
  5. Most if not all scrap yards take batteries. Last time i got 5 bucks a piece
  6. Came home to this little guy hanging on the screen of my patio door. I was able to get really close to him/her. As I have learned through the internet they are not common to my area (Niagara Region) Feel Free to post any uncommon sightings you have seen this fall.
  7. I would say 40-50% of the fish I have caught this year on the lower have looked like this. Some much worse than others. It seemed to be more common with fish coming from the shallow weed beds
  8. Thanks for the replys guys. After cleaning the filters last night I put it in the water and gave her a run. Ran just as good as new. Got dark brought it home. To look into the coil. I switched the coil pack from one to the other. Put it in the water again today and it ran just as good as yesterday. I will continue to watch this and keep a spare coil with me just on case
  9. Tank is the same age as the motor. Line is new last year. Ball stays hard all the time. I have never notice it going soft. I'll have a look at the pick up in the tank
  10. I used carb cleaner when I cleaned them
  11. Rain/humidity has no increasing effect on it. I don't think it's a wire, they look brand new, not cracked. I just took apart/cleaned both fuel filters found some sand in the primary filter. Didn't find any in the secondary filter. Also on the secondary filter the bolts were loose. I believe that air could have been gettin into the fuel and changing the mixture.
  12. The gas never sits more than a week. The motor was run/used 2-3 times a week since the end of April.
  13. Hey Folks! Wondering if you might be able to shed some light on my issue. My outboard is a 2009 Mercury Sea Pro. 20HP. 2-Stroke The last few times I have had it out it likes to hesitate/mis-fire when I am running it wide open. Then it began happening from idle all the way to WOT. The odd thing is, is that it does not do this every time. Some days it will happen once, others it will happen the entire time. At first I thought it was a bad plug, so i looked at them they seemed good, but replaced anyway. Problem continued, so I turned to fuel aditives. Thinking that the fuel may be dirty, moisture etc. I started with using just the Marine Stay-Bil(blue Kind) mixed it with a few tanks and it never really improved my problem. So I picked up some sea foam, Have ran this the last two times I have used the boat and still does not seem to do anything about the problem. Today I used Sea Foam, Stay-Bil, Brand New Gas, and Brand New Oil and it still has the same problem. The only thing left that I can think of is a dirty/plugged fuel filter. Can these be cleaned manually? Or should I look at replacing them? It looks like there are two different ones on the motor. For gas mixture i am mixing 14oz of oil to 22 litres of gas. I use Quicksilver Outboard Oil(not cheap but it is recommended). I use regular pump gas and always have with this motor. Thanks for your time and help in advanced. Luke
  14. Roy you got it! Cudos to him!!!
  15. It was windy down here (niagara region) yesterday
  16. Hopefully this wasnt anyone on here. Stay safe out there folks http://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/toronto-man-ok-after-rescue-from-sinking-boat-on-lake-simcoe-1.987407
  17. Lew I understand completely. It jumps 8 cents takes a week to go down 4 and then jump 8 cents again
  18. Lew. 1.24 is considered cheap here. I paid 132 yesterday and saw as high as 135. Will see what they jack it too.
  19. Ok. I'll shoot you a pm with what's been hot lately
  20. As far as chop goes you won't have a problem. The sucky part is the wind pushing the boat around plus the current moving you wherever it wants you to go. It will be a bit murky/stained but that has not hurt me this year yet What are you targeting?
  21. Signed!
  22. Fishnsled, Thank ya for the link
  23. here is the original, My friend did the enhancement on the original
  24. Awesome Pics, and those are some real bruisers
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