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Everything posted by FisherJuli

  1. Nice work, G-Man!! They are fun to catch aren't they?!!
  2. It was a fabulous week of fishing and relaxing... And a well overdue holiday for us all!! The loons, the lake, the cabin, the gorgeous northern scenery- I can't wait to get back already!
  3. Hahaha... Great comments, guys! I know team 10 has it in them... I know it!! But, hey- maybe the north can bring me some more fisher girl luck!
  4. Haha- thanks, Rick! Funny enough, I only took a mere 162 pcs (add 10 from Frankie to that, too!). I am getting a bit more selective in my shots ( or else I will need a NASA hard drive at this rate!) and find I delete some duds on the trip, too! We'll get some good shos together again soon... Well, I now have surgery Sept 19 so whenever we are out again, I'll hurt less and snap more pics! I still owe you a post from our last trip, and I am sorry for that, Rick.:-)
  5. Thanks, Rick!! For the record, Rick and Simon both have the recipe for a great day on Lake O: technique, instinct, and the ability to get us on some fun fish!! I mean, come on, who can't have fun?!!! It was interesting to see the lake from a different angle, but it is gorgeous from any angle at an early hour!
  6. Nice fish... It sure was a super duper day to be on the water! :-)
  7. Simon- for the record, you asked me not to take a mad-doctor hair pic AFTER I took that one... I listened... But Frankie happened to like your wild silhouette!!! It was definitely a great time, and it was certainly a much appreciated prize from the Fish A Thon for a Cure- so thank you again! Simon, you are a character...and fun to be out fishing with! Shucks...thanks for the compliment! As for the reaction to my fish... I blame the lack of oxygen to my lungs as my muscles took over!!! It is always a treat to have my dad out with me-- he's an insanely selfless guy (and the best dad) who inspired my love (and wacky enthusiasm) of fishing... So that was a real treat!!! My biceps today remind me of how many times I reeled those little and biggies in! Fun, fun, fun!
  8. Soo tired, and still so wired from a great fishing day!!! Thanks, Simon!

  9. Great work for such a spectacular day, boys-- g-man, you don't disappoint!! We were certainly lucky to have such an incredible day!!
  10. Hahaha- you two are always fun to get pics of, and I couldn't resist the pic of you two sleeping! But seriously, it is always a great time to be with bunch of great guys (knife weilding, spray gun toting Alberts and all!!) and to participate in something that is near and dear to us all. The sponsors, the awards, the prizes are impressive icing on the cake. Dan and Ryan, and the rest of the volunteers--you outdid yourselves!
  11. I have had them this year for the first time ever- they are destructive especially on new rosebush growth. I did read that if you catch them, to put them in a pail of suds and water, which serves to 1. Kill them, 2. Give off a bad smell to repel others. I have this nasty bug brew near my rosebush for 2 weeks now, and since I did that, their numbers have dwindled. With that said, find another couple daily. They're a nuisance, and destructive. For the record, I have caught at least a couple hundred, and haven't been bitten by one, either- whew!
  12. Wow, those are some big ones, Rich- nice work!
  13. That was a super report, Rick... Right down to the accent, hammin' it up pics, and superb landscape shots! It looks like you guys had a great adventure! Congrats on the pb, too!! Oh, and hey- remember that you're not alone with a camera incident, huh?!!!
  14. Great pics, Dan! The fireworks look awesome on the beach, and that goldfish is crazy! :-)
  15. I sure don't delve in to the high end dslr's, but my old Rebel XTI isn't half the quality of my new Rebel T3. Plus, it has video, and is much more light sensitive. I guess the old one was meant to fall in live well!!
  16. Now, THAT would be a day to get me hollering, all right! Nice work, guys-- G is clearly conditioning himself to some really nice fish this year- I am impressed how he 1) has been ordering up the biggies of the day, and 2) slugging them above his shoulders!!! I sure hope we get out tomorrow! I am way overdue for an adventure with the three amigos.
  17. 40 or 50 smallies--that's some decent action, and some nice fish!!
  18. Great pics-- I especially like the osprey and the ones of Ralphie! It looks like you had a fantastic time!
  19. I would take him in a minute.. skillsaw teeth or not- but great description Mercman! killer rabbit & the holy grail- that's one vicious possum! Ch312- cool (of course, I would have a pet rat if I could, too!)! Good luck, Spiel!
  20. Why is it that 'baby' versions are so dang cute?! I'll send my neighbor to you- he traps everything and takes it cross the lake!!
  21. Fantastic pics.. Great pics!!! Wow, I love the colours on those brookies, and that one pike was a monster!! Oh- and great shots of the dock... I could go on!!! Very cool! For the record, my old Canon camera fell in a live well... I snivvled and swore for days, but the new camera trumps the old one!
  22. Congrats, Djeep- fun contest, Mike! Thanks for putting it on!
  23. MJL- are you using one with a wire lead? 99% of the ones I use are... Or else I bet I would frown, too! PLUS, my lure on Saturday had two hooks, which saved me when one gave way with the tooth!!
  24. Those first few pics of the bookies are spectacular- what colours!!! The underwater shots rock! You are for sure on my radar for stunning pics!! Thx for sharing!
  25. Incredible! Those guys have teeth that don't end, beautiful markings... And as for Summer, I know that fishing bug all too well! I always wanted to catch a gar... Now, I am rethinking that! I think I will enjoy your pics for now, instead!
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