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Everything posted by RangerGuy

  1. Will do BigBuck Can't run her this weekend I have a Retriever Trial... but get to run her Monday after raising a motor.
  2. Hope it goes away. I was /am being very careful with the break in. Followed it to a T so far. I watched the tach and my watch like a hawk!
  3. Thanks Everyone, feel better now. If it can happen it happens to me so I was a little worried HAHA! I'm going Monday to have the motor raised up 1 hole and try a few props. I will get them to make sure everything is ok while I'm there
  4. WOW!... I didn't see anything mentioned in the motor manual.. regarding that. Actually, the dealer must add it because it says specifically in the manual that the mntor is shipped without oil. Guess I will wait until the full 20 hours are on the motor before changing the oil.
  5. Ok, what is Yamalube break in lube? I did not add any additives to my oil, only the suggested additives to the fuel.
  6. So I went to change the oil last night, just cause I felt like it. I have about 6 hours on the motor a 75 HP Yamaha 4 Stroke. I noticed last night my oil smells like gas. I'm pretty concerned about this. Is this normal for a new engine, the backyard mechanic in my says no freak'n way.. rings are leaking. Is this normal while a motor is breaking in?
  7. Agreed! HAHAHA!
  8. Yup.. It disgusts me, but I'm not smart enough to be in government. I'm just a dumb .net developer.
  9. I'll get shot for this, but here it goes. The problem is this countries government.. We let these great big ocean liners enter our waterways and let them dump thier ballast releasing hitch hikers from other countries in our water ways. If our governemt had 1/2 a brain there would be legislation to prevent this act with serious concequences. The ships should be forced to hold the ballast until it is a safe distance from our ports or to dump long before they are in our ports. So they either come in full or empty either way we could tell if they were dumped near our waterways. I call for fines large enough to hurt the parent companies and jail time 10+ years for capitans of these vessels that dump in our ports. As for the people that sparked this conversation. 1 answer JAIL TIME!!!, FINES!!! and confiscation of the vehicle used to get there, fines against the person & business. So sick our weak laws and governemt!!!
  10. man! that is one sweet look'n rig!..It shoud fly with a 140 Congradulations!!!
  11. Dara, the motor is running a analog yamaha tach with 2 warning lights. I would think it's off but it's idle numbers are dead on? Could it still be off, maybe I should pull it and make sure the dip switches are set right? doubleheader, did you get much bow lift in your alaskan or was it a very flat running boat and required very little trim?
  12. Congrats!!!. Lab pups rock! They are very smart animals. We have 2 If you ever want to see just how smart these animals and are near a CKC Field Trial or HRC (Hunting Retriever Club) Hunt Test make a point of watching a few series. Truely amazing to watch these dogs do thier work. Enjoy the puppy breath..man you made me want another LOL!
  13. Specs on the motor say 75hp @ 5500 if I remember correctly so that's probably why there isn't much diff between 1/2 or full throttle There is no torque for me at any speed this surprises me. It's much easier to drive than my old 60hp Johnson 2 stroke. The transom isn't actually riding that low concidering it's only a 20" transom. I'll run it again on Saturday with the batteries in and see what she does.
  14. Great report!... Glad you like the TM.. I just installed the same one on my rig yesterday. I still need to pick up some batteries and crimp on the connections.
  15. When a new boat needs to be adjusted like motor hieght etc.. is this something the owner ussually is charge for? Or is it normally just included in the sale price?
  16. Thanks Guys, I will wait. Thanks Tybo, I will do that.. If I remember correctly my Ranger had those locking nuts with nylon, I will see what they have at the marine, if they don't have them I will get them myself. Also, it doesnt look like they put much silicone where the bolts are either. I can see a few globs but certainly not nearly as much that was on my Ranger.
  17. Thanks guys.. Yeh I'm gonna wait until I put the 2 trolling motor batteries in. I got the TM mounted yesterday and the wires run. Just need the batteries and to do some crimping Although, I'm pretty sure it's to low. In that last video you will see I can not see the cavitation plate and if the bow is runnning to low now.. it will run even lower when there is wieght up front. Just found a pretty cool thread on another board. Engine Hieght
  18. Ok so the break in went very well. I got through the first 3 hours without a hitch. I am very happy with the boat & motor combo. I do have some questions and hoping somebody can provide some input who is experience with setting engines up. Below is a list of speeds & rpm's I recorded when the first 2 hours of breakin were completed. These ranges have no trim. When I tried to trim I did not get any bow lift but got some bouncing. I have zero exprience with an aluminum boat like this 18' Alaskan Tiller so I have no idea what to expect. When running, the boat's bow kind of seemed to be diving a bit (but I'm not positive). Also, I had a full tank of gas, no passengers or batteries, empty live well. I am wondering if I need a different prop or to lift engine 1 bolt hole. Below are some pictures and videos I captured. (RPM @ GPS (MPH) with 0 trim) idle speed is constant jumping around and is at. 750 @ 2.5 - just idling in forward 3000 @ 13.5 - just plaining, bow up a bit 4000 @ 22.7 - bow is lower At these rpm's it kind of looks like the bow is diving a bit. 5000 @ 29 - 1/2 throttle 5500 @ 30 - 3/4 throttle 5900 @ 33 - full throttle (I tried very little trim to lift bow and this was the result, I could have easily over rev'd the engine if I added any more trim. Really I only touch the trim switch for a very short period of time under 3 seconds, but no lift occured) 6000 (Max rated rpm) @ 36.5 - full throttle Trim is @ 0 for these pics Cavitation Plate Hieght Prop view Transom view in the water at the dock: Engine Idling.. does this look like it's sitting way to low in the water? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL_HRrrvSts Here are a view videos at different speeds. Does the cavitation plate look like it's to low in the water? 3/4 Throttle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsUvDCaCzlE
  19. man! .. i don't want to order it ..i'm impatient LOL!
  20. I removed the other battery box floor which is only screwed down and there is indeed a plastic tube running to the bow, which I got my fish wire all the way to the bow So all is well, just need to find some good marine wire now..
  21. I would have thought that as well .. but there was nothing on the road and my motor was still tilted up. It was like the energy was diverted directly to the transom saver.
  22. Yup.. you needed to put a deposit.. no leg to stand on unless you gave him a deposit.
  23. Mine are goin in the front boxes as well
  24. I just read on another forum that the conduit is run up the starboard side, I only had time to check the port side hehe. Some owners have found that end of the tube was filled with floatation foam. That's easy enough to deal with. Problem with pulling the floor is it is rivited and they have a nice matching paint on them LOL!.. I will check tonight
  25. Yeh I'm hoping I can fish them..but I will have to cut a whole in the battery boxes to even attempt it I'm pretty hand and entirely re-wired my Ranger, so I figured why would I pay Lund to do it. Atleast I'll know all the connections are done properly and the way I want it, if I do it myself LOL!
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