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About whiskywizard

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  • Location
    Sturgeon Lake, CKL
  • Interests
    Family, cruising by boat, making broken things work again.

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  1. Water abuse in Ontario should concern us all but Nestlé shouldn't be our first target. They are more environmentally friendly than you can imagine. A very close personal friend of mine is a senior manager at Nestlé Waters. I've toured 2 water bottling plants and seen inside the operation. Over many, many beers we've talked about how Nestlé is viewed by the public vs. how Nestlé really is. At the plant I toured most recently, Nestlé's waste water gets re-processed and piped back to the local municipality where it joins the municipal water supply. They have aggressive targets for reducing environmental impact and helping their communities. They account for something like <0.0004% of water taken in Canada. And maybe most importantly, Nestlé Waters has said publicly at numerous hearings that they are prepared to pay whatever the proper fee is, as long as other for-profit water-takers pay too. G.mech posted some good data. We need to clean this issue up but we need to manage by facts, and that means starting with waste by municipalities, mines, golf courses, etc.
  2. If it doesn't show, I will usually make my own grommets for larger diameter holes. Use a short length of any small rubber or vinyl tube. Slice it lengthwise and cut it to length to suit the hole diameter. Sorry - no photo handy. If I'm not explaining it well let me know.
  3. If the box isn't secured really well, it will move about and damage your rack's paint. I suggest u-bolts, with polyvinyl tubing slipped over them, or wrap them in self-consolidating silicone tape. Either will protect the rack and be secure. http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/tools-hardware/plumbing/plumbing-parts-fittings/plumbing-parts-fittings/watts-clear-pre-cut-vinyl-tubing-0633265p.html?utm_campaign=bazaarvoice&utm_medium=SearchVoice&utm_source=AskAndAnswer&utm_content=Default http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/fushion-pro-self-fusing-black-silicone-tape-0670023p.html#.VxVnXhMrJE4
  4. Here are the measured levels, taken from the level monitoring system at the control structures. http://www.pc.gc.ca/lhn-nhs/on/trentsevern/visit/ne-wl/trent_e.asp Today, Sturgeon is well above normal navigation levels and looks like it's still heading up. It never hit a historic low, but it got close.
  5. Is it 9 days you've been without either vehicle now? That's hard to live with.
  6. At the south end of Sturgeon, the ice is long gone. I was in Lindsay yesterday and noted massive flow at the stoplogs by Lock 33. This morning, lake level is WAY up. It's over top of my seawall and part way up the lawn. Typical Spring here.
  7. No ice in sight down my way. Sturgeon's south end is wide open.
  8. Thanks Cliff. The solution to my posting problem came to me in my sleep. ;-)
  9. Launch this web page https://www.tvfool.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=66&Itemid=75 Then click on Start MAPS, and enter your address or GPS coordinates. It will show you what TV stations you can expect to receive (and how well) for antennas at various heights.
  10. Art, Roy, Big Cliff - whatever you did has fixed my problem at least partly. I can now view and login using my phone. Before, I couldn't even view as a guest. Thank you. As soon as I get home I'll check to see if I can access the site on my computer. Thanks again Whiskywizard.
  11. Why do musky think it's ok to hit walleye baits?

  12. There are a few good reasons to avoid the enhanced licence. You can get into trouble if you wind up in the US by accident, such as when a plane gets diverted. If everything goes perfectly, it's fine. In July, the Canadian passport goes from a 5-year renewal to 10. BTW, we have NEXUS cards. If you cross more than a few times a year, it's fantastic. You can even use your NEXUS when returning to Canada from anywhere other than the US too.
  13. To me, a cistern was a reservoir for rain water, collected from the roof. Am I using the term differently than you? A cistern can often run dry and if it's your source for drinking water, it requires pre-filtration and UV treatment.
  14. Long driveways can be a special kind of fun. In summer you need to maintain it and in winter you need to clear it. Hiring a local farmer is cheaper than owning your own tractor and blower, but he'll always clear his own place before yours. If getting to work is important, you need to plan accordingly and gear up. Back-up power is more important than in the city. I'm on a section of line that only has 16 customers. If we lose power along with other areas, it can be a while before power is restored to my area. You also need a bigger gennie than town homes do because your well pump will be 240V. I'm seriously considering a whole-home generator, because primary heat is air-source heat pump with propane fireplace backup. Grass cutting can be a big enough chore that you'll need a serious mower. Plan/budget for that if it applies. You don't want lawn cutting to get in the way of fishing! My insurance company really hates wood burning appliances! They make it a pain to own one, so no wood stoves for me. .
  15. Two things that make the biggest difference for me are the toque and socks. But be sure to change into fresh socks just before climbing into your sleeping bag. The ones you wore all day will be damp.
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