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Everything posted by eye-tracker

  1. A lot has changed in the past few years - a few things you will need to do with your boat and as the operator is meet the Transport Canada rules and regulations for a Small Commercial Vessel. As a minimum you will be looking at the following: ROC-M VHF Restricted Operators License Marine First Aid Certification Small Vessel Monitoring & Boat Inspection Program Certification MED. A-3 (Marine Emergency Duties Certification) SVOP (Small Vessel Operator Proficiency Certification) I highly recommend you talk to a few charter boat operators that have met the Transport Canada standards to get a feel for all the details involved including commercial boat insurance. I would also recommend you check out the OSGA. Good luck and start working on that business plan... -s
  2. If it is Wabigoon Lake you will want to try Gold Berkley Flicker Shads. They worked great last summer when I fished the PWT Can-Am. Lots of noise and flash on that bait. If it was me fishing up there at this time of the year figuring your surface temp is in the mid to High 50's I would be going slow live bait rigging with FinTech Tech Sticks, pitching Nuckle Ball jigs along steep breaks or using slip floats in the back bays (back lakes) near spawning areas. -s
  3. If you can post a picture of the screen it will help us trouble shoot a little better. If you are getting vertical lines it is interference of some sort. Also is the transducer new or from an older lowrance unit? I have added some screen shots with settings from right out of the box. All I did was select the fishing preset mode of Shallow Water as most water I fish is less that 50 feet. Here is a HDS screen image I took in shallow water yesterday. I am using the auto mode with the shallow water preset. And it seems to work great with no tweaking. Here is a screen shot from a recording where I was jigging walleye along the base of a hump. The reason the depth shows no number is it is blank during the recording playback. Once again I am using the shallow water preset and all auto modes for the best results. I find with the HDS units the presets along with the fishing modes work the best with only a few manual over rides or adjustments. -sheldon
  4. Lots of lenses out there to do all sorts of different jobs. One thing I always recommend to people that are just moving into SLR cameras is to get the fastest glass you can afford. Fast glass will allow you to control depth of field and shoot in most lighting conditions. One lens that every Canon owner should have is: Canon EF Lens - 50 mm - F/1.8 - Canon EF -s
  5. Ben, Don't have the boats out yet? -s
  6. If it was one sonar unit I would figure it is a issue with the unit, but both doing a strange thing sounds like a common ground issue. I would check over the wiring and make sure all your grounds are connected. DC acts very strange when you have a faulty ground. Do your bilge pumps, live-well pumps or anything else hooked up to the same fuse block act strange? -s
  7. I have a story about GULP alive, I am a tournament walleye angler and I spend lots of money on live bait (leaches, minnows and crawlers) as we fish with live bait in tournaments. As we all know live bait works, but last season when fishing the Professional Walleye Trail Super Pro Can-Am event in Dryden Ontario I was faced with fishing only artificial bait for the first time. I have always used GULP or PowerBait as a topper to keep live bait on a jig or live bait rig - so I had confidence going in. Rolled into town a week early to pre-fish and asked the local bait shops if any one fishes with GULP, the answer was a firm no. They also proceeded to inform me the walleye only eat live minnows. After a couple of days on the lake I started to dial in a pattern where the walleye would take GULP Alive leaches and crawlers on slow death hooks, spinners and rip jigging. Each day on the lake produced lots of fish (Walleye, Pike and Bass) and we often moved into an area where locals had no luck with live-bait, but we produced fish with artificial bait. At the end of the day it will come down to technique and fishing locations, bait is only one part of the equation. To make a long story short, when the tourney was complete the winning weight for the tourney broke the lake record for total weight... so do an internet search on the PWT Can-Am in Dryden and read up on the winning patterns. Best part was I saved money as I did not have to purchase a couple of flats of crawlers, dozens and dozens of minnows and leaches. Not to mention I did not have to carry all the equipment to keep the bait alive all week in hot summer weather. I still like my live bait in situations where I want the live minnow to swim around or a ribbon leach to slither through the water under a slip float (mind you the new GULP floating leaches work great under a float) for those tough days when the walleye are in a negative mood. When I am on the move pulling bouncers with spinners or slow death Gulp Alive is pretty hard to beat. Good fishing... -sheldon
  8. That is funny jamie, The first thing I noticed was the boards on the port side where not on the right angle or distance back for the image and suspected a doctored image right off the bat. :D :D -s
  9. Pam, You should try contacting many of the Artist Groups in Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council. I am sure you could work out some kind of twining program where city artists can show your group around. In return your Artist group can invite them up to Timmins as a return favor for spectacular fall art. A few clubs you may look up are: The Arts and Letters Club Forest Hill Art Club The Don Valley Art Club When I studied Fine Arts at York University the amount of artist resources and funding in Toronto was phenomenal. I still feel it is one of the top cities in the world for supporting the arts. Good luck... -sheldon
  10. The Brokeh on the lego man is all lens. It was shot with a 135L series lens, with a very shallow depth of field. -s
  11. As a recommendation on the software I would stay away from photoshop at this point and spend your money on Adobe Lightroom2. Your workflow software is very important, the new version of Lightroom has me doing all my edits within the software. I think I have only open photoshop once in the last 4 or 5 months. -s
  12. It is great to see the older episodes on the web for those that don't subscribe to WFN in Canada. -sheldon
  13. I use the Uni and double Uni knot for everything, that way I only have to know one knot . It is great all around knot for everything from a hook to adding leaders to super-lines. -sheldon
  14. The BASS Elite Series entry fees for I believe eight tourneys this season is around $55,000.00 US. -sheldon
  15. LEW, Last season MinnKota fixed the interference issue with the built in transducer that had been plaguing them for years on their bow mount motors. I did run a test last season and noticed you get half the targets on the built in vs. the Lowrance add on transducer. So if you can live with less detail and only use the front transducer for depth the built-in will be fine. Otherwise I would recommend going with the lowrance bow mount transducer for the best detail of targets. -sheldon
  16. I use the Mercury brand of fuel stabilizer in my Opti when gas is going to sit for more than a week or two. Which is almost never in my boat. I can easily go through 2 60 gallon tanks in a weekend when hunting walleye, so fuel sitting around is not an issue. I did hear from one of my Mercury techs to only use Mercury stabilizer as it was tested to meet the motor requirements. He also mentioned Mercury has issued safety bulletins in the past recommending not to use Stabil as it has damaged seals and other fuel system parts. Usually in October I start putting it in the tank every time I add fuel so I will never be caught with out it when I decide to put my boat up for the winter. Hope this helps some of the Mercury opti folks... -sheldon
  17. The new Lowrance HDS units are going to offer Side Viewing Sonar as an add-on in 2009. This is great news for Lowrance users that have been looking to pick up any of the new HDS units. Official Press Release from Lowrance... Side-Viewing Sonar Option for New High Definition Systems -sheldon
  18. Disengage the clicker when reeling in or fighting a fish to prevent it from prematurely wearing out. The clicker is more than a sounding device, it is also used to keep tension on the spool when free spooling out line, which prevents over-runs and backlash tangles in the line. -sheldon
  19. P-Line FLOUROCLEAR is a copolymer base that is coated with fluorocarbon, it is a great line for leaders, tying spinner rigs for walleye and casting cranks. I have been using the 20lb flouroclear because it is almost the same diameter as 10lb test. On my trolling rods I really like P-Line CX Premium copolymer and Flourclear lines as they have very thin diameter which allows you to use heavier pound test while reducing line breaks and it has very little effect on dive curves. You can also get these lines in different colours to use in different lighting situations. The CXX lines have a thick diameter and is popular with the bass crowd as it has excellent breaking strength, abrasion resistance and casts well thanks to the thick diameter. -sheldon
  20. An ultra-wide angle lens on a small sensor APS-C digital camera will give you that bending. -s
  21. I will go with Dave Wolak. -s
  22. You can not read the Navionics charts with your computer as the SD file is encrypted to work only on that SD card in a GPS that suppports Navionics charts. The only way you can read Navionics charts on your computer is by purchasing software like Fugawi ENC and a Navionics Card reader that allows you to read the SD chart. Hope this helps... -sheldon
  23. Some great shots, I love the painterly boken in a few of the shots. Really makes the subject jump. -sheldon
  24. I like looking at the images on here, not what I thought I would see on a fishing site. I love my photography and have been shooting since I was 14 years old. I like to shoot in my studio with controlled lighting environments. Here are a few image I will share with fellow anglers and photo enthusiasts. I am presently work on three series of photo works: Experimentation in Light Images all painted with colour lights and camera movement Building Blocks. Multiple images of subjects that are constructed with blocks One Solitude images of single items that are simple but complex all at the same time. I look forward to viewing more of your photos, and will drop in on this thread area when I stop by to read some fishing posts. -sheldon
  25. Bully Bass, Look at used digital SLR cameras if money is an issue. Many good bodies can be had for peanuts. As an example I still often shoot with my circa 2001 EOS-1D 4.48 Megapixel camera that blows the doors off many small sensor cameras today. Don't get caught up in the pixels wars it is all photography industry marketing hype to sell cameras. A 8x10 photo only needs 4 Mp. The photographer makes the image not the camera. -sheldon
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