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Posts posted by Jen

  1. It was a very good weekend, thought I would add a couple more pictures...


    The public boat launch was a "joy" to say the least... water was a cool 41 degrees, although for the end of April I would have to say we couldn't have done better weather wise...


    Spending the weekend with Family doing something you love can not be beat...



  2. We bought 1300 feet of lakefront property 9 years ago, it is on a small lake that doesn't have swimming and very few homes... quiet and peaceful to say the least... We will build there someday, but for now it is a little piece of heaven.


    Good Luck in your search.

  3. I have completed many house inspections where the home inspector has suggested testing on either plumbing coverings or insulation that may contain asbestos, in all of those circumstances I advised my clients to have the suspect materials tested. The sellers usually have no problem with doing this. Have your agent extend the condition on house inspection on an amendment to cover the amount of time this will take and add a clause that states what your expectations are.


    A lab at McMaster recently did testing for a seller when my buyer requested that the plaster covering the radiator pipes be tested. The results for asbestos were negative and the deal went through. It is all about piece of mind and due diligence.


    Since you are in Burlington Tony, it might be an option to have the test done at McMaster, if you want the information on who to contact I have all the paperwork at my office and can look it up. PM me if you would like.


    Cheers Jen


    On a side note, if you love the property, then I am sure your agent can work something out with the sellers if there are health issues. These sorts of things are pretty standard findings when it comes to home inspections. Better to be safe.

  4. Allergies are totally scary things... From reading all the stories here it is amazing how many people you know in your everyday that could actually die from something as small as a bee or as easily found as a peanut...Thank Goodness for epi pens.

  5. FishingwithDemasse001_2_.jpg


    Yet again I have had the opportunity to meet another wonderful member of the OFC community. Thank you so much Dave, for hanging out with me today. Had a great day! Not to mention all the tips I picked up along the way. Now lets just see if I can get my kids out there and onto the kind of fishing we had today.


    Again, Thanks

  6. Sorry Roy, I was no where to be found at almost 9pm at night... I was on the 407 with Corey, driving back from Bass Pro to get myself to work by 9:30. What the heck happened to you , we waited at Corey's work but you just didn't show up before we had to leave... Maybe next time!! :) thanks for the roll call though!





  7. Hmm, it seems I will be there as well, although, since Sonny has given me a ton of homework, reading and preparation and Easton has a list of chores as long as his arm that need doing, I am not sure I will be on time. LOL.


    Very much looking forward to it! With all of us up that way we should think of getting together somewhere! Just a thought... when not fishing of course.


    (somehow I think I am going to be very busy on the water and should possibly bring a sleeping bag for the boat, thanks Bro!) :)


    Cheers to all, not long now!



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