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Posts posted by Jen

  1. Very interesting points made. Gives you an insight into how different people view a situation.


    He is my baby, and he does now know how to swim.


    Actually it never crossed my mind that he didn't.


    I will be cautious in the future of what I post, as to not offend sensibilities.





  2. Of course fishing is sexy!


    Think about it a bit,


    You get up early, you make coffee, your quiet and considerate, watch the sunrise, watch the sunset, put food on the table, sometimes by flashlight. Listen to amazing music, go to beautiful places, wear all the right clothes and have shinny things that come in a box. Who wouldn't find all of those things not only sexy but romantic.


    sex·y /ˈsɛksi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sek-see]


    –adjective, sex·i·er, sex·i·est.

    1. concerned predominantly or excessively with sex or ( Replace the word sex with Fishing);

    risqué: a sexy novel (or book on fishing).

    2. interesting or exciting;( kinda like fishing) radiating sexuality ( kinda like a lure in the sunlight to a fish)

    3. excitingly appealing; glamorous: (catching the biggest fish in the boat that day)


    LOL, some threads just make me giggle.


    Women will go to any means to meet men, and vice versa...

  3. I can certainly relate, after ordering WFN, being told I had to upgrade to this that and the other thing. Waited the whole week for my appointment, then got up early to let the cable guy in...(they said between 8 and 12 and of course this time they show up at 8) spent four hours watching him install the new dish, run cable, etc... I sit down to turn on the television and no WFN... OMG.


    Ok, phone call needing to be made.


    I have no patience.



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