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Posts posted by Jen

  1. Man I love these Algonquin reports, it really makes me want to get out and do this. Someday I have to give it a try. Thanks for the report. :clapping:


    As I was reading I was thinking the exact same thing...


    Written well, sounds like you had a great time, not to mention the fish! WOW.





  2. I know the just one cigarette thing, quit for 7 years and all it took was one to go back.


    On my way to going cold turkey again very soon, your accomplishments and following your threads here, have certainly inspired me to do something about a horrible addition, as I am sure it has many others.


    Well done Jon,



  3. The reason I chose to join OFC was because of the way people treated one another. I understand your desire to control something, but seriously, if you close off viewing to the general public, how are you going to attract, not only new members, but advertizers etc.


    Just my opinion. Leave it the way it is , because obviously , it is working.




  4. Lessons are best learned this way...


    We caught the illegal OFC sign when the pictures were being taken Irishfield... slipped that one in under his fish, on the back of a parking ticket... His sign is nice... and what the heck , why not help out the other teams just a little. Bad enough that pike didn't make the half hour live release test we couldn't have it not living on in a OFC tournament post.


    It was a nice catch none the less Easton, too bad the live well isn't big enough for fish like that!




  5. I know all the places you mentioned in your post... as we were trolling some of the same ones... it was right between the Old Church and the Culvert that I caught my Walleye, bouncing weeds with a jig head.


    Sounds like you made some wonderful memories this past weekend...


    Great post, thank you for sharing.





  6. Nope, as by the time I got my camera turned on and ready the bald eagle had landed in its nest... so all I got was a picture of a nest a tree and the idea that something is in it. Was truly amazing though without a doubt.





    Here is the bigger catfish that I brought in...





    Thanks again fishmaster, next time Easton and I will join you.

  7. Great Meeting you Mike!


    Looks like your weekend was well spent, filled with good times. The picture of your boots and rod is my favorite... I bet all of us have a couple like that in our photo albums...You captured exactly what it is all about!


    Nice to see the pictures of the final board and prizes.





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