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Posts posted by Jen

  1. I have to say , just as everyone else has, amazing report... I couldn't read it fast enough to find out what you had on your line at the end... and wow... that is one nice pickeral.


    Team #3 is pulling ahead, ouch... time to get out there and start fishing again.


    Way to go and thanks for sharing your awesome day.



  2. I can not tell you the number of times I have said ... " there must be no fish in this river!" while standing looking at the dang things swimming by... trying everything in my tackle box. Many evenings spent wondering if I could catch one if I just walked into the water and grabbed it rather than using a fishing rod.


    We all have our moments... but I wouldn't trade one of them for a couch.


    Thanks for posting that Ken... Now I know I am not alone!

  3. I drove by the accident tonight at just after 5:30... the car that was hit by the transport was a total write off and they still had someone covered on the side of the highway waiting on investigators. What a tragic way to lose your life.


    The comments about something needing to be done are so true... no one should get that phone call at dinner time saying they lost a loved one on their way home from work.

  4. Awesome picture, sounds like you guys had a great weekend. Shane knows exactly what needs to be done to keep those fish on her line. Nice Job Fred...in raising her to fish!


    Can't wait to get up there with you again!





  5. It is amazing when no matter how much there is to do our children will convince us to do something that makes not only them happy but us as well. They are brilliant beyond their years. You and Ryan look like you had a wonderful time together ... nice fishing!





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