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Posts posted by Jen

  1. Hey Cousin,


    Happy Birthday. I hope you find many reasons to smile... what an awesome day!


    Happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Fred..............

    Happy birthday to you!!!







  2. We had the same issue with black flies in Hanover this past weekend! Are you still itching where they bit you???


    Pics are amazing, looks like a little piece of heaven.


    Can't believe ppl leave behind such a mess!





  3. We have owned our property just south of Wiarton for just over 9 years. There are always bears seen on the concession about 800 yards from where our trailer is and we have yet to see one wander in when we are there. The noise, fire and smell of us seems to keep them at bay. Unless your dad wanders upon one with cubs he shouldn't have a problem at all. From what I have read pepper spray won't do much in that case anyways. Best to just be attentive of your surroundings. Sounds like you have it all covered though.


    Have a great time with your dad!





  4. Hey all you salmon fisherman, save some for me!!! 3 more sleeps till my charter. :clapping::thumbsup_anim::clapping::thumbsup_anim: Any helpful tips anyone has to offer would be fantastic. I've never fished Salmon before.


    Fishmaster will tell you everything you need to know, but seriously, you will do just fine... it is awesome fishing... like nothing you have experienced before definately... specially if it is wavy.

  5. This is the first time I have tried this so I have included pictures,


    If anyone is still up, can you tell me how I am going to know when the salmon is done. Or do I just let it sit in there till it cools?


    Trial and error it seems!





    Been keeping the temp in the middle zone on the gauge, which says ideal.


    Thanks in advance if anyone has any advice.


    Thanks Jen

  6. Gotta love a May 24 long weekend where we don't have below zero temperatures... Headed out on Saturday morning North to Hanover, great piece of property , pond, swimming tons of fun.


    Since I was going to be near water I didn't bother taking my rod out of the truck. We arrive bright and early and the first things my kids say is "mom can we have your fishing rod?". Of course I ask why and they say they can see fish everywhere, so we walk over and this is what they have seen.TheFarmMay2407001.jpg

    I quickly explain that the fish they are seeing are out of season and they are not allowed to fish for them. This is what follows, they decide to feed them instead by catching minnows.TheFarmMay2407009.jpg

    A little distraction and the cold water and all of a sudden they are counting fish, and staying dry!


    Until the dirt bike is discovered.


    Then some music before the rain blew in and we headed home.TheFarmMay2407050.jpg

    Sonny will be arriving at 7:00 am to head out on Lake Ontario for some salmon.

    Long drive home, I figured I could sleep in a little as he would be late, not a chance. He arrived at my house right on time and with coffee.


    Put the boat in at Jordan Habour and headed out. A direction or two from his sister (me) and we were definately in the wrong place very quickly. After much discussion, I decided it was time to just sit back quietly and nod while he got us back to where we wanted to fish. (Not just off Fifty point, which is where I directed him) Our lines were wet by 8:50 and within minutes we had our first fish. He was kind enough to let me bring it in. Not 5 minutes past and another this time Sonny's turn.


    Came up beside Fishmaster at one point in time, they showed off their catch,


    We then decided to changed our lures and moved around a bit, as the cold air and rain blew in, another salmon for me, and then the last one of the day as the waves picked up.



    Final count for the day was 5 on 4 in the boat and an amazing time.


    This had to be one of the best May long weekends in as long as I can remember.


    Family, fish, and fun.


    No inches for the team though... maybe next time!

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