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Posts posted by Jen

  1. I heard about a boat sinking over the weekend. The men at the weigh station were talking about it and the fact that a lot of ppl chipped in to help.


    So sorry to hear it was yours Young One...


    I would definately be returning it and insisting on a full replacement... take a woman with you who shops, they know everything about 30 day return policies.



  2. Friday morning departure time was to be 10:00am, however Sonny and I ran out of patience and headed out before Easton, his dad Ike and friend Jerry.


    First Stop



    Finally we are getting close,




    One more quick stop at Carrara's




    Had the pleasure of meeting Sam,




    And finally, Pickeral Park...




    Quick stop at the store to pick up our tickets and free hats and off we go to get Eastons family set up for the season.




    Unpacked, opened two trailers, ate and then a walk down to the docks to enjoy the evening sunset




    Just as we were settling in for a long wait till midnight, Mike the Pike and Percher (Dan) showed up





    Percher, Mike the Pike, Jen, Easton and Sonny. It was an awesome evening of never ending stories. Great meetin you Mike and Dan.





    First fish of the day , although I have to admit to being on the dock right after midnight with Easton for hours with not a bite between us, while Sonny and Jerry headed out on the water in the boat.





    Sonny and Jerry, frozen and tired coming in to weigh in their fish. Bright and early Saturday morning





    Quick picture of their fish in the live well and then off to the weigh stations





    Easton helps out




    Sonny and his catch (someone else is going to have to post sizes lengths and weights as at the moment I can not recall)




    My very first Walleye ever...




    Now exhaustion has set in after getting up at 5:00am to hit the water, fishing till well into the afternoon, even though there were 3 - 4 foot waves at times, we decide to call it a day




    Early Sunday morning first catch of the day




    Then Sonny caught this, amazing fight but not the winning Walleye




    And then this 32" pike hit Sonny's line, although this is the only picture we have. It was handed over at the weigh scales and for some reason :) no more pictures were taken.





    Easton was out with his father and Jerry and managed to bring in this 35" pike.




    Then it is time to pack up and head home. Last we heard the leading fish in the Walleye category was 13.5 (est) lbs caught by someone at Pickeral Park but weighed in at another station




    All and all the weekend was filled with many memorable fishing moments, from candles for ambiance in the boat to good people getting together for a lot of laughs.


    It was great to meet our fellow members from the board Sam, Dan and Mike!


    I will say thanks to Easton and his family for inviting us, as well as putting up with all the antics and bad jokes and thanks to my Brother for putting up with my constant ramblings...both in person and over the marine radio.


    Last but not least a beautiful moment! If you look close you can see it.







  3. Hey Ger,

    I just put four new 20in tires on my truck, after pricing out many brands and suppliers "Wheel Wizards" on Barton Street East, beat out everyones pricing by about 20%. Their customer service was excellent!




  4. I was wondering the exact same thing about fiddleheads. I love them and have picked them in the past but always wonder if there are kinds of ferns that you can not eat.


    Morels are also one of my favorites, along with wild onions and splake it makes spring up north a mouth watering experience. No wonder I can't wait for the snow to melt and everything to start growing.


    (p.s. if you actually manage to find morels, wash them really good or you will be adding protien to your diet ;)... they have a nutty cashew flavour and are #1 on my mushroom list!)

  5. Not only was fishing for these guys fun it was a great fight. A couple of them were caught on a big muskie rod and then a couple on a light rod with 6lb test... ( I learned it is all about setting the drag)


    I hope to see a pickeral that big this weekend... YEAH RIGHT!! (secretly keeping my fingers crossed)


    Thanks for the comments guys!





  6. The evening began with a fire in my oven... now that was a great joy seeing as I was cooking for the weekend and really needed the use of that oven. So off I went to drop the pizza off at Eastons so that he could finish it off and decided I was going fishing. Stressed and not wanting to be in the kitchen anymore.


    And here is what I caught.




    Now if I can only remember to bring along my ofncommunity.com sign I would be doing ok.


    Hope everyone has a great weekend! I look forward to all the posts... Off to Quinte in the morning with camera and SIGN in hand!





  7. Congrats on selling your house. What your agent did was staging and it truly does pay off in the long run as you saw with the multiple offers you have received.


    It also makes moving on to the next step of packing a little easier...





  8. I have rented a cottage with some friends and the kids. It comes equiped with everything we need to have a great week. It will be from July 15- July 22. If anyone knows anything about this area, fishing or otherwise it would be greatly appreciated.






    The lake is between McKeller and Whitestone on 124 outside of Perry Sound!

  9. If you mix this one up before you leave on your fishing trip it works well too


    5 c flour

    1/2 c lard

    1 tsp salt

    2 tbsp baking powder

    1/4 cup oil


    mix everything except the oil cutting in the lard with a couple of knives or use the food processor. Throw this in a zip lock. The oil is for frying it during your shore lunch.


    Mix two cups of the above mix with one cup of water, preheat frying pan and oil then remove from fire and pat the mixture into the pan, return to the fire until the bread is golden brown around the edges, flip and brown the other side.


    This can also be mixed and squeezed onto the end of a stick in small amounts and baked over an open fire...it will look like a cat tail when done. Eat this with butter and jam for breakfast in the morning... mmm

  10. Great on an open fire as a snack


    Loaf of crusty bread, heavy pot or skillet with a lid, crushed garlic, olive oil and a huge bag of mussels.


    Heat about a half inch of oil in the pan, add garlic and mussels, cover and let cook till the shells are opened.


    Remove from heat and enjoy, eat the bread after dipping it in the broth that is created...


    Simple easy snack!

  11. Perch Fillets

    Carnation milk

    Graham cracker crumbs or wafers which you crush yourself



    Dry perch fillets , dip in carnation milk, and then cover with graham cracker crumbs, fry till done in the butter and enjoy!

  12. I have been following your posts as well... have you ever done a nice job. Then as I am scrolling down through the pictures I get to the one with the prop... and go ouch... that had to make your heart show up in your throat?


    Enjoy all the effort you have put into that boat... and catch lots of fish...





  13. Way to go Ryan... and Mike, putting the rod aside to ensure a successful day is always hard ... but for our kids we will do just about anything to see the kinds of smiles you caught in those pictures...


    Glad you enjoyed your day and thanks for the post. It was good to read.





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