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Posts posted by Jen

  1. It will be nice meeting you Tracker, Corey, and Gerritt! Just want to clarify, what is a Newbie and how do you decide who that is in a group of OFC'ers? LOL


    Also, Corey made a great suggestion in a post here...




    He suggested we get together a box and send it off after we all meet up on Wednesday.






    p.s. Gerritt , you have nothing to worry about, I won't be playing with a .410 and they don't sell 9mm amo at BPS. ;) lol

  2. Most of the ppl I fish with don't eat fish, so often they go back. Once in a while I will keep a bass for breakfast, but mostly it is catch and release.


    Now in saying that, the kids catches (which are rare at best) get put on the table, usually small, they are walked through catching, cleaning, and cooking them. Thing with kids is, the fish tend to swallow the hook... we are working on that. All three of my boys love fish because of the simple fact that they put it on their own plate.

  3. I will have to agree with you there Roy, and LoonieToon, it was easy to become missing in action there, hopefully we can be introduced next time.


    Thanks for a great day to Denise , and Chris... (ps . glad to see you posting now!)


    Can't wait to get out on the river with you guys!





  4. Hmmm,


    BPS next week Gerritt, just don't stand anywhere near anything dangerous and you should be ok... I said 'should' right?? LOL


    Thank you all very much for the birthday wishes... I am 39 years old and wouldn't want to relive a day...Looking forward not back... or atleast I keep telling everyone that...






  5. I had the same problem for a while as well and found this works just as well as using photo bucket.


    Select the pictures you want to post.

    Send them to yourself in an email...xp will ask if you want to make pictures smaller say yes.

    Then open your email, copy the pictures to your desktop,

    Hit browse button in the area below the screen you type in on here

    Choose to go to desktop, pick the picture you want

    Hit the upload button

    The program will put the photos in your attachements file

    (there is a box right above the browse button that says attachments)

    If you click on the drop down menu in that box it will show you what pictures you have up loaded

    You will see a green + beside the picture on top of a page and a red x , click on the green + and the link to your picture will appear in text in the box above.


    To check that you have done it all right , choose preview message.

  6. Nice fish! Great report. I am going to show this one to my boys so that they know there are fish out there when you put in a little effort. Can't wait to see your summer reports.





    Way to go dad for netting that fish!

  7. I will be heading up to Grey Bruce next week... I will grab a flyer from the local real estate company and zip you off a pm when I get back. We have 70 acres 1300 feet lakefront on Mountain lake and the value sits somewhere in that price range. The prices on acreage with waterfront up there are still very reasonable. That is if you do not mind small lakes, like, Boat Lake, Mountain Lake, Spry Lake.





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