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Posts posted by Jen

  1. Those are some nice fish Steve! It has got to have been really hot out on the water the last couple of days...


    Keep posting those pictures...


    Yet I want to know why I don't see pictures of women with big fish... :) cause you do know that we are very good at getting them in the boat...


    Thanks for the report... always very enjoyable...





  2. You take some amazing pictures... but what is more enjoyable when reading your reports is the amount of joy you can hear and feel in them. Family time is sometimes worth its weight in gold... you manage it very well... not to mention you packed halloween masks... WAY TO GO DAD>.. as my kids would say " YOU ROCK!"


    Glad Ryan had a great day...nothing better than watching them drift off to sleep on the way home ...





  3. I have to say I read the title of your report and immediately knew what I would find in the content. Thank goodness you had the inspection...yet I was dishearted to hear the story that followed.


    Being a Realtor myself I am aware of all the clauses and content that should be in offers and it saddens me when I hear story after story of the client that has been misrepresented. Believe me when I say , not all agents are only in it for the money. I truly love my job, it is the only one I have found that allows me to see dreams coming true.


    What comes around goes around, and eventually that will happen in this case as well.


    Your new place sounds wonderful!


    Hope everything goes smoothly for you from here on out.





  4. I noticed that one inch and was just waiting on you to mention it. Dang, this just means Up Scalers will have to replace the fish we already have.


    Congrats on the great fishing guys...


    This is way too much fun!!





  5. Having three boys is sometimes a challenge, however, I will have to say one I truly enjoy.


    With the weather being so beautiful and my need to get out there and fish crazily growing we decided to head to Port Maitland this evening.


    The moment the kids arrived home from school we got in the truck and started the drive. No complaints that dinner would have to wait till we were done fishing, they were all excited and ready to catch fish. (note here how that says CATCH fish... these boys didn't want to go fishing, they wanted to catch fish!)


    After picking up minnows at Fishmasters bait and tackle, we arrived at the pier around 5:00 pm... by the time I got them all set up, three lines in the water I was already replacing one rod for the next as the words " MOM, I got a snag" were repeated often. The first perch caught was the biggest one you see sitting on the cutting board in the pictures below. Great incentive to keep their lines in the water rather than wander off looking for something else to do.




    I had help for a while when fishmaster showed up, as I was running from one child to the next taking off fish, baiting hooks and generally keeping them happy...I hope it didn't cut into his fishing time too greatly :rolleyes: (huge thanks). Many crappie rigs and all my hooks later Sonny showed up with his boat :clapping: and took the kids for a ride. I opted to stay on shore to spend atleast a few moments with my own line wet... although he anchored right out in front of where we were fishing , so everytime they caught a fish they could show it off. It was wonderful watching them from a distance and seeing how thrilled they were, even when the fish was a sheephead.


    The boys feet were back on solid ground just before nine... a bunch of very happy children to say the least... A wave to Sonny and Fishmaster as they headed off in search of Walleye. Quick stop at a friends place to show off our catch and play with the dogs, a visit to the beach, then drive through McDonalds and they were all on cloud nine before I pulled into the driveway at home. (While driving we got to see, a Doe and her Fawn, Bunny Rabbits, a Raccoon and her 4 babies, and a fox... not bad for a night just outside of town. Since in Temagami the only wild life I saw was a snapping turtle and signs that moose actually exist. lol )


    Into the house to clean our catch! DSC00812.jpg



    Now this is where it got fun... only one of them volunteered to help...and he had never cleaned fish before.





    and wow :clapping: what a great job he did.


    Almost done!



    There is nothing like spending quality time with your kids! It being a week night and out of the blue made it even more memorable for them...


    Smiles and hugs and off to bed.



    Although somehow I know when I wake them in the morning I will be reminded why 9:00 pm is usually bedtime.





  6. Great report and pics


    Each report is a dagger to my motivation to do well at university...I can fish now and study later...Opportunity cost?...Marginal benefit of fishing is still greater than marginal cost (or torture) or studying. Therefore I CAN go fishing...I hope I don't write this on my managerial economics exam...If I do, it's because of you and Bly.


    As far as B-ville goes, it's a wide open estuary at the ramps. Not the greatest place to catch panfish but I do remember getting the odd rock-bass and bullhead there at night while drowning worms. Bring the bug spray during summer...Lots of mozzies.


    Just a quick note... the fish will still be there when exams are done... thought you might need someone to remind you of that!


    Cliff and Carol... OMG is all I have to say. Each night when I come home I look forward to your reports. Well written to say the least... Your passion not only for fishing but for one another is inspirational . Reading your reports always puts a smile on my face, knowing that you are both doing something you love and TOGETHER. WOW>>> YOU ROCK!





  7. Every night as I close my eyes I will send a silent prayer to you and your family. Your Aunt has a long road ahead of her, although from the sounds of it she has many loving people around her for a shoulder to cry on and support when she will need it the most. Sometimes that alone can cure a body and heal a soul.



  8. Thanks everyone... I am still thinking of all the beautiful places I forgot to or missed taking pictures of.


    Recently someone said to me. You see beauty around you everyday, it is only when you catch it with the lens of your camera that you become aware of it. That comment is so true!


    Now onto the next adventure...





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