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Everything posted by Garfisher

  1. I doubt you would get a gar to swallow anything but live bait . They usually smack at things with their "beaks", so rarely would they actually take a fly or lure and swallow it before they figure out it isn't food
  2. As far as I know there are none in Simcoe, I think they do go inland along the Trent Severn, but I don't think they are that far up the Trent Severn from Georgian Bay. For flies, people do use those rope flies, however the only thing I have against them is that if you break the fish off, it's as good as dead because the fish can't open its mouth. However, you can use a streamer such as a woolly bugger or other various minnow immitators, just add a stinger hook (treble) to it and you can usually improve your hook up ratios (at least that is what Nick Pujic does, he seems to have good success with it).
  3. I've never really seen gar shallow until the May 24 weekend usually, and I am not quite sure of their whereabouts at this time of year. They could be in some large rivers that do have populations of them (i.e. the Grand, Ottawa, St.Lawrence), however I think finding some would be all based on luck. The gar should be starting to go shallow in about 5-7 weeks
  4. I'll add that shallow (1' to 5') flats are usually very good too, especially in the summer. The gar I get usually are cruising areas that are sandy with some rocks/boulders, although weed bottoms (those that have Chara sp. or Nitella sp.) will have gar as well. Gar like a presentation that floats or suspends, nothing that sinks though.
  5. Lake O shorelines DO fall under FMZ 20 because you are still fishing Lake Ontario (however rivers aren't unless specified on the boundary map for FMZ 20)
  6. That's the genus name of what we call "sunfish" (wasn't sure if you were being serious or not)
  7. 2nd year fish here . I've never seen a bluegill coloured like that, and redears can have no/little colour around the opercular (and have the colouration shown). That's why I'm pushing redear. Either way its a very big Lepomis
  8. I 2nd that ID Chubs themselves can put up a decent fight when they get big enough.
  9. How did you catch A dace, let alone 8?
  10. http://www.tnfish.org/PhotoGalleryFish_TWRA/FishPhotoGallery_TWRA/images/RedearSunfishLoudounNegus_jpg.jpg Opercular tab colour doesnt always work. While redears normally do have a red tab, not all redears have a red tab.
  11. Redear Sunfish http://www.outdooralabama.com/fishing/freshwater/fish/bream/redear/angler/ Check out the two being held by Nick Lewis (9th row down), looks exactly the same
  12. Im pretty sure that's a giant redear sunfish
  13. Guys on the Midland town dock using perch as bait for Pike. Told them they were now illegal, they said that in the regs it said perch could be used for bait.
  14. Yes unless that creek has a sanctuary or different rules than other waterbodies.
  15. Probably a Longnose Sucker, although apparently male White Suckers can get the stripe too when in spawn mode.
  16. http://www.gazette.gc.ca/consult/consult-eng.html#i1 This site is where you can also put in some input as well on this, as it goes directly to the government. I would suggest using this instead of petitions, theres probably many petitions already against this possible change, and having one source with many names compared to many petitions with a couple hundred signatures would probably be more helpful to the cause. It isn't up there yet, but it certainly will when it's introduced to Parliament.
  17. 10*C is when they supposedly start running according to the Freshwater Fishes of Ontario
  18. I use the "fish-n-fool" knot for braid. Pretty simple and its very strong (stronger than a palomar I think). I havent had the knot snap on me yet using braid
  19. And also of note the boundary upstream ends AT the locks. Last year I had two people tell me it was to the rail bridge in Nayoro , one was dead set on it, the other thought it was that (but quickly agreed with me that the locks made more sense)
  20. Bluegill will always hit, however right after ice out they are not going to move much for a bait (you basically need to stick it in their face). Things should hea up around 40-45*F
  21. They're something great for chasing after on a hot humid sunny, calm afternoon. Average fish in the 30-37" range, can't complain. Just gotta hook them 1st lol
  22. Record white sucker is between 5.3 and 5.4lbs. Nice record suckers photoz
  23. Ever see the ones that hang out in the shoals?
  24. I think they were always around in the lower great lakes, but as the water warmed, the crappies expanded their range, and with the help of canals and lock systems (as well as stocking by both the legitimate and bait bucket varieties), have been able to move around almost at free will. Thats why there's now Crappie in the Kawarthas (and Pike are doing the same in the same water system, although naturally because they hurt muskie it's a problem)
  25. As long as Winnipeg can come back from their quick trip out west with at least 2 points I'm happy (I would like to see them beat Vancouver but I do have my doubts). Hopefully Ottawa can beat Tampa Bay tomorrow night,and Carolina can pull off a win in Washington.
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