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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I have had a weight problem my whole adult life and a few years back lookin for answers I tried the vegetarian thing for almost 3 years. Never felt better in my whole adult life...so I understand the vegetarian way of life. BTW..it never stuck...I am a carnivore at heart.


    However I never thought for one minute I should stop fishing or join P3TA or anything that remotely resembles supporting any of those kinds of misguided beliefs.


    That woman has issues and by the sounds of it...no life either.

  2. My brother has the cast iron hot dog ones. Never leaves on a fishing/camping trip without them. Something about just throwing stuff in the fire to cook really seems to tickle people's fancy.


    The first time he got them out for me to try. I thought this is a lotta messin around just for a couple of hotdogs. And really if you sit down and think about it....it is. But DON'T forget them at home because it's fun.

  3. I think a lot of the pricing hasn't changed simply because nobody is stepping up to take the hit.

    Debbe always wants a funny desk top calender for her office at work..so Santa hunts one down every year.


    Right on the packaging it said $14.95 US or $19.95 CDN. I didn't get any kinda rebate. This coming Xmas I expect to see the same gouging. Not many companies are going to mark anything like that down. They are just going to carry on with there current pricing unless there is a huge market backlash and they are forced to change.

  4. Funny...those little buggers!!! My brother use do to some fishing up on the French River every spring and fall. The place they stayed had one dock per every 2 cottages. Every morning they went down to the dock to get in there boats to start the day off...there minnow buckets where always empty. Thought the guys "next door" where making off with there bait. Until a midnite beer and smoke break down on the dock caught a mink red handed raiding there buckets!!! The next year they had cotter pins in all there minnow buckets.

  5. Fishing Goals....Jeez....I really don't have any beyond just gettin out. I kinda think in the same vein as DanC though...not really about me getting anything spectacular...just getting out and seeing my fishing buds...new and old...having some fun and landing enough fish to remind us why we enjoy it so much.


    My dad, brother and I get together every fall for an overnighter in Orillia. Catch some perch..enjoy each other's company...which we don't get enough of in this busy world...and have a small wager on the biggest perch every year. Kinda like to see the old man get the biggest perch this year and win OUR MONEY...as it has never happened.


    CHRIST...what was I thinkin??? The heck with that...it's game on and his $2 is mine!!!!

  6. In my circle a Ceasar is not complete without the dill pickle. Slice it in half lengthwise but not all the way through...a cloths peg effect. Clip it over the edge of the glass. Goes perfect with a Ceasar. Dip...suck...chew...oh it's heaven.Forget about the celery...the pickle's the thing. Betcha can't have just one.

  7. My youngest finished minor hockey last year and High school this past June. During that time between school events and sports fundraiser's we always had our hands in our pockets for something.


    To each his own but I have always thought that getting your kids to beg for money was a classless thing to do, and it does put people on the spot. So mine NEVER EVER did it. If they where selling tickets we would buy a whole book ourselves...and never won a dang thing...chocolates...buy a whole dang box of bars...at least you got something outta that. Whatever extra we had to pony up came from our pockets, we never ever asked strangers...or co workers for money to support our kids.

  8. I have read many funny things on this site over the years...but this just killed me. I was laughing out loud and Debbe even came over to the computer from watching TV just to see what had got me going.


    Made my day....thx for sharing !!!

  9. I'd have a hard time narrowing it down to 10 let alone one...but if it had to happen I would choose Simcoe. I fish it 9 months of the year now...June, July and August I'm at the cottage in Bobcaygeon so I fish the Kawartha's in the summer.


    Many many good trips on Simcoe over the years...and met alot of good fishing buddies on the water there.

  10. I was out Friday night and had a Muskie on myself. No way it was coming up my 5 inch auger hole. After the 3rd time I had it up to the hole it spit the hook...thankfully...so I never lost my lure. I usually manage a muskie or two every winter on Scugog. I am not a muskie fisherman and I have only ever got them by accident through the ice on Scugog. Sure is entertaining with 4LB line and a 5 inch auger hole.

  11. Tom


    Debbe...my wife has never enjoyed fish. I have tried for over 20 years to find a fish she likes or a way to prepare fish that will make her enjoy it. Perch was about the only fish she would tolerate...but believe me she would never request a fish dinner.


    Two years ago fellow OFNer Beans and his wife Maribeth invited Debbe and I over for supper. Chef Beansie made a fantastic meal with fish...and Debbe even had 2nd's.


    We now have fish pretty much once a week. I have tried fresh caught Perch, Walleye, Pike,Catfish and Crappie as well as store bought sole, pollock and haddock done this way and it's all good. Give it a try...I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. The following is copied from the original recipe Beansie emailed me when I requested the recipe from him.



    As for the recipe:


    Natureally the amounts depend on how much fish you are cooking ...


    I'll give these for a frozen bag (400 g) of cod or my fav...haddock...preferrably thawed to absorb the marinade...arrange in a baking dish and sprinkle about a tablespoon of soy sauce and 2 tablespoons of white table wine over the fish about 15 minutes before cooking and let sit, do not drain...in the meantime preheat oven to 400*F


    In a small saucepan, heat some peanut or canola oil till hot and add 2 tablespoons of Panda brand oyster flavoured sauce along with a clove or two of chopped fresh garlic and a tablespoon of fresh chopped ginger root...add a 1/4 cup of hot water and stir until boiling then pour over the fish evenly...cook in hot oven for 15 to 20 minutes until fish flakes when tested with a fork...remove from oven and sprinkle with some of the green part of 2 green onions and a few drops of sesame seed oil...enjoy!


    Try it Tom and let me know what you think. We always serve it over rice...and white basmati rice is our favourite. The only thing that would make it better is if the master prepared it himself and if he made his authentic Chinese food to go along with it. Whatever you do..make sure you chop up the fresh green onions and sprinkle on the top..I really think it adds to the recipe...and you mentioned about sodium. We use the sodium reduced soya sauce (loblaws no name was the lowest sodium soya we found) Good luck and take care of yourself.

  12. I'll add my 2cents to the discussion. We have a small cottage in Bobcaygeon. It is not on the water, so the price is much cheaper then waterfront. My taxes are under a grand a year...and we are actually on town water and sewer. We use the cottage from May 1st until September 30...and then have winter tennants. We have been fortunate to get a retired couple who have a trailer for the summer and need a place for the winter, so they return every fall. So we have a cottage for the whole summer and then get 7 months worth of rent cheques to help pay the mortgage. When we retire we will sell our house here in the city and move to our cottage...which will be paid off by then...so all the $$$from selling our house in the city can be used to buy every darn fishing toy/gizmo/necessity under the sun (don't tell Debbe).


    As long as you do your homework...you will do well on any kinda cottage and whatever rental income you can get on top is just gravy.


    If you have any questions fire me a PM. I'll help answer whatever I can.


    Good luck with whatever course you take...the earlier you get into the real estate market the better...whether it's a cottage or your home.

  13. Yeah the "PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE" come back phone calls are annoying. And did anyone else get the nice card in the mail? Mine was soooo cute...Picture of a kid on one end of a teeter todder with the other end empty up in the air...and the caption reading...We miss you. Brought a tear to my eye....not.


    Switched to Rogers this past summer. Combined phone/cable/internet package...for $28 a month less then Bell...with more features then what I was getting from Ma Belle.


    I hope everyone leaves them. Would serve them right for years of gouging. I never ever had any issues with Bell...and would consider going back if they became more competative. My livelihood does not depend on the phone...so I will always shop for a bargain in that department.


    Never heard of VOIP before...but my homework on them has officially begun.

  14. I have dealt with Fishing World only on occasion as I live in Oshawa....however all my experiences have been positive.


    Experience #1


    When I got into Carp Fishing it was the only "one stop" store for Carpers in Southern Ontario. Maybe it still is...I have so darn much gear now I may never have to buy anything else. I went there on advise from a fellow member of this board. I was like a kid in a candy store. They had everything I needed...and a staffer who was a Carp finatic himself to help me out. Any by help me out I mean listen to me and help me out...not try and rape an unsuspecting newbie to carping.Bass Pro had nothing to compare and neither did any of the stores out east of the GTA. It was abit of a run for me from Oshawa...but well worth it.




    I needed blades for my 5 inch Strikemaster Lazer Auger. Just try to find those in stock somewhere here in Southern Ontario. Bass Pro...no. Tromblay in Orillia...no. Everywhere else I asked...no. I call up Fishing World...yes...and they are delivered to me in 3 days and the delivery charge was less then what I would have spent on gas to drive there and back to get them.


    Experience #3


    I use live maggots/spikes for winter ice fishing. Nobody local to Oshawa carries them. Places on Lake Simcoe I frequent have them sporadically and lots of times they are past there prime. I pick up the phone and Fishing World delivers them right to me... again for a minimal charge.


    Just thought I should mention a different point of view. I do not know anyone there and have no stake in the store. I'm just a satisfied customer.


    Too me its like grocery shopping...some stores consistantly have the best meat...some the best produce...some stores you only go into because they have a super "special" on for a week, so you buy a ton and stock up....and the one you drive right by on the way home from work...well....it's just plain convenient.On any given week or on any particuliar item your store of preference can change. It is up to us all individually to make the best choices for ourselves.


    Good luck with your purchase Gerritt. I respect your opinion...but will continue to patronize Fishing World as long as they continue to treat me the way they have in the past.

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