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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. My parents had a cottage on the Bruce just South of Tobermory on a little Lake called Larry's Lake. Willow Creek was about 2 miles away. Always saw rattlers over in that area just sunning themselves on the gravel road. If we where up for a weeks holidays in the summer and I didn't see at least one snake during the week I felt cheated!!!

  2. Did a 150KM round trip commute from Oshawa to West end of Toronto for over 2 years. Actually enjoyed the 45-60 minute run each way. Gave me time to think/plan/relax. Basically it comes down to who you are. You either have a commuter's mindset or you don't. It's not about money it's about what works best for you. Good luck making a decision.

  3. I have never fished for chrome up your way...so I really can't help you there. However if your main goal is to get a fish for the table...well...Rainbows are one of the worst tasting freshwater fish out there. And I have eaten plenty of freshwater fish. Rockbass and suckers caught in cold water are even far superior in MHO. If you just want to wet a line and hook a few fish....well they are alot of fun. But for food...do yourself a favour and target something else.

  4. Got up yesterday morning and my PC just would not boot up anymore. The last time this happened my computer "vet" told me...if it happens again I strongly suggest the old girl be put down.


    Brought the new baby home last night. I like it alot but there will be a learning curve for sure. My first question to you MAC people out there. How do I take a picture I have saved in my email and make it my wallpaper? I have a nice picture of our cottage that I have used for this on a couple PC's but I can't get er done on the MAC.


    Any help would be appreciated. I'm just trying to personalize the new babies room!!!

  5. What's that they say....if it doesn't kill you....it at least lets you go new vehichle shopping. Something like that anyway. Sorry for your poopy day Cliff...but I'm glad you are OK. Count your blessings and take care of yourself....and watch out for those Kawartha Lakes Drivers!!! I cringe every summer when we are in Caygeon alot.

  6. Ignore him Rich. He won't be there long. One good hookset will prolly tear one of his arms clean off. Then he'll be off to the hospital and you will have the place to yourself again. I actually feel sorry for him and those pathetic guns he has!

  7. Was at Port Bolster on Tuesday then wandered over to Salvation Army Road for a boo. Glare ice an inch thick with 1-3 inches of water under it, all on top of the other ice. If the water under the surface ice doesn't refreeze before all this snow gets piled on it, I can't see it being any fun for bikes, but I would think sleds would be fine.


    Dress warm and have fun.

  8. I personally try to follow the path "Do on to other's...yadda yadda". I think that's the way to be.


    However certain people bring out the worst in me. Case in point, our vending machine guy at work. Machines empty on weekends...we work weekends. Best before dates on meals, and milk...well I think he regards them as GUIDELINES only. Machines stealing your change and in ill repair...I think you get the picture. So anyway our coffee machines dies and after 2 months he replaces it with a machine that has NO CREAM.

    In the meantime we now have got a coffee maker set up in our work area. After much complaining about no cream he has started putting creamers in the cold vending machine and leaving that slot as free. I stopped taking my own cream to work...I just steal his when I'm making my coffee. Don't feel guilty at all. I figure if he is going to be such a dick to all of us, a little payback is in order.


    Same with check out people at the grocery store. The good ones I always tell them when I have something under my cart. The ones who are useless and more interested in chatting with there friends I never tell. If they don't notice too bad. I got no time or respect for people who have no time or respect for me or there job.

  9. Good thread and good suggestions from others. A part time job doing something you enjoy...great idea...helps with expenses and sanity. My mom volunteers at the local hospital...doesn't get a penny for it...but it gets her out of the house and she has made alot of new friends just through the simple act of meeting people.


    I love sports especially hockey. There is something about grabbing a coffee and heading out to the local arena to watch your kids play. Mine have outgrown it but when I retire I plan on "adopting" a local team every year and making a point to get there schedule and watch there home games. For the cost of a cup of coffee I get out of the house and enjoy being at the arena and watching the kids have fun. I figure that will be good therapy. Gotta be better for you then sitting on the couch everynight watching TV.


    Same with fishing. I don't know what kinda fishing you do....but you can shore fish for several different species of fish pretty cheap. Don't have to spend much money to enjoy a day on the water....especially if you already have tons of gear like you said. And friends in a similiar situation could help with splitting the costs...a win win situation.


    I am a list person. Debbe says I am the "LIST KING" Make a list of things you have to do or can't do without and things you can do without. You might be surprised at how small the list of important things really is. Focus on those things.


    Also look after yourself. I can speak from personnal experience here. You really don't have to do much "right" to make your life so much better by improving your health. Little changes can make big differences. Take charge of your health and you will be rewarded with a better quality of life...I can't stress the importance of this enough.


    Bottom line is your retirement is what YOU make of it. If you focus on the negative things and mope around feeling sorry for yourself I guarantee your retirement will suck. If you focus on the positive things you have it will be fun and rewarding. Your choice. Relax and learn to enjoy your life even if it has a few bumps and brusies...and isn't the story book ending you had dreamed of.


    Take care and good luck.

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