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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. John was an awesome steelheader in the 70's and eighties but I think the crowds drove him away. I see him usually in the spring at one of our perch hotspots as he is quite a fanatic of panfish.


    I think I know that perch spot :angel: BTW shouldn't you be working :whistling:


    His column will be missed. Always enjoy reading his stuff.

  2. Now that's just plain nasty. Never been in the dog house. But I could tell you all some real scary stuff about sleeping on the couch :canadian:





    Sorry, I have to go now and take that nice little Shark Cordless that I bought at CTC last night back before it's too late! :blush:

    Sniff....your thoughtfulness brought a tear to my eye Cliff. Don't you dare return it. Sue would be overjoyed. :whistling:

  3. Too late...it's done...All three rings...The engagement ring....The wedding ring and the suffeRING.





    suffeRing ??? You are new at this aren't you. It's spelt SUFFFERING.


    Congrats and good luck. Although you are off to a good start already. Her playing with your fly....in public no less :canadian: Does she have an unwed sister?

  4. One coffee and baileys when I get home from fishing and am relaxing... especially enjoy sipping on one while I'm cleaning fish. Then it's straight into the homemade red wine :wacko:


    I used to be a beer drinker, but since becoming Diabetic I have found my blood doesn't like it so much. Red wine seems to be it for me now...but I have FULLY adopted to it.

  5. Since I have dropped 59 pounds



    Congrats on the weight loss. I can relate to the cold thing. When I shed my weight I couldn't take the cold anymore either. Used to be the first one in the water for a swim in the spring...joking I was part polar bear...now I'm the sissy standing on shore having my family splash water on me and telling me it's fine and to stop being a baby!!!


    As far as clothing. I just wear a regular long sleeve T-shirt on the bottom. Over that I have a polar fleece long sleeve turtleneck. That's the secret. Polar fleece is very comfortable and light and the turtleneck really keeps the cold from sneaking down your neck and lower back...which is where I always seem to feel the cold first. over that I just have a regular hooded sweater. And then over that...my survival suit,rainsuit or snowsuit...whichever the weather calls for.


    BTW if you do get polarfleece be careful how you dry it. I have a few battlescars on mine from having it in the dryer too long..it actually melted a bit. So watch it carefully or make sure it is in there with a full load of other stuff. Or hang it on the clothsline and avoid the dryer altogether.


    Good luck at staying warm, and once again congrats at shedding the LBS...it really is amazing how much better you feel.

  6. I can not say for Scugog...but I did drive by Pidgeon around noon today and it was solid shore to shore south of Gagnon narrows. Scugog typically freezes faster then Pidgeon. I would hazard a guess that Scugog will be solid enough by this weekend to ruin your hunting plans


    Perhaps someone else can be more helpful. Good luck if you do get out though.

  7. Shouldice doctors use a certain "technique" that is apparently unique to Shouldice. They pride themselves on how few of their clients have relapses.


    That would be the pure tissue surgery. They actually weave your muscle tissue together so when it heals you have no "hole" for the hernia to pass through. Other surgeries like laproscopic put a mesh in there to block things up.


    Having gone through this hernia thing I have drawn the conclusion that its like baking a cake. All chefs have there way of doing things and none of them are wrong if the customer is happy with his cake. I just found through personal experience that Shouldice is not the be all and end all of Hernia surgeries like so many people believe it is. It's overwhelming reputation has carried it well beyond what it actually is...in my opinion.

  8. First of all Radnine...Good luck with your surgery! Rest easy because it will be over and done with before you know it.


    I went to Shouldice in May 2007 on several people's recommendations. They told me I had a Indirect inguinal hernia. Check out there little animated picture of its progression. I felt like I had a sausage in my sack. Now they don't take appointments, its first come first serve.I filled out the sheet they gave me and sat there for 4 hours...guess I picked a busy day. My cottage neighbor in Bobcaygeon who has the same hernia as you wasted a whole day down there. 14 hours from the time he left Bobcaygeon until he got home that night. And this is just for the consult. Anyway I waited 4 hours for the guy to look at me for 3 minutes and tell me to leave and come back when I had lost 30LBS. The thing is I had just lost 97LBS !!!! I was in the best shape I had been in for over 25 years and they wanted me to lose 30LBS more? I had gave myself...in my mind anyway...the hernia by going to the gym and working too hard at losing the weight. But now I was not going to the gym because of the hernia, so I was not losing anymore weight. I stewed for a whole year and because I still was inactive actually gained back some weight. In May 2008 I said I have to go to plan B. Went to a local surgeon in Oshawa recommended by my family doctor. A 10 minute consult with no damn wait because I had an appointment. Had laproscopic surgery done on Sept 5. I have 3 scars. The biggest one is 1 inch long. Shouldice will leave you with a nice 4-7 inch gash. Which do you think will heal better/faster? I was 80% back to normal in 3 days and after a week...though I was still taking it easy...I felt I was 100%. Laproscopic in my mind is the only way to go, and Shouldice does not embrace this type of surgery. As a matter of fact I do not think they will do it at all...too old school.


    Also I have a co-worker who had his hernia done at Shouldice. They did the pure tissue surgery on him. He has had nothing but discomfort since. Apparently according to him some of his nerve endings have got tangled up in his muscle tissue...neither of us are doctors so please don't jump on me for this discription...but he says because of this he gets little aches and painful twinges quite frequently.


    Now I'm not trying to scare anyone away from Shouldice, because I know of way more people who have had results that they are very happy with from there experience there. I am just trying to point out that in today's world of modern surgery you can get outstanding results from a local surgeon if you do a little homework. Shouldice has an outstanding reputation. I'm just not sure it truly is any better then dealing with a good local doctor/surgeon. And if you are a little heavy they will not touch you, where as a local surgeon will.


    If you have any questions Radnine just PM me. I will be happy to help if I can.

  9. The part I hate most is when the ice is to thin for fishing but there's to much ice for a boat...

    I'm with you there brother!!! I call it December. Except for the Jolly fat guy bringing you stuff on the 25th...pretty much a useless month as far as I am concerned.

  10. Just got back from Bass pro. Ended up getting "Rocky Sport Utility Max". Same as what Burtess recommended. $139.99...was leaning towards some Irish Setters but being the stingy bugger I am, just could not justify the extra $80-100 bucks. Thx all for offering your opinions. It gave me several different things to consider.




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