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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Everytime my folks get a new dog they say this will be the last one. Can't tell you how many times that cycle has repeated itself. I think pets...dog's especially...keep you young. You don't get the "Mans best friend" tag for nothing. September 12 is shaping up to be a fine day!!! I wish you many happy memories with the newest family member.

  2. Congrats on getting a home. Now the fun begins!!!!! As far as getting stuff for your house...do a google search for " freecycle". It is a site dedicated for people to get rid of..or get... stuff for free. There are sites all over. In the last 3 years I have got a number of things for my home and cottage and quite a bit of stuff for my daughters first apartment. And it's all free. Check it out and good luck with your new home.

  3. Tried both. Don't like the braid for a mainline because you seem to tear alot of hooks out of fish and tear up the mouths more of the ones you do land. However you loose alot of feeders to Zebras and rocks. I have settled on 17LB mainline with a 5 foot section of braid that my feeder rides on...and then back to a one foot section of mono that my hook goes on. Seems to save me alot of tackle with more landed fish and damages the fish less as well. Seems to be workin for me.

  4. I was gonna sneak over on the weekend for a visit and to check up on your completed Stone wall. Erika showed up with the little one so I never made it over. Once again good job on the Ski hunting. You guys are making it look easy. I will make it over another time to check your wall out.

  5. Nice Shayne!!! Tell your young lad congratulations for me. I got lots of fishing pictures...but my all time favourite is of my son holding a 7-8 LB Muskie he caught on Pidgeon when he was a little guy probably around the same age as your son. It was a really colourful fish and he had a smile from ear to ear!!!


    Time with your kids on the water....priceless.


    Thx for sharin.

  6. lol...thx Tony...that was a good one. Glad you still have a sense of humor. Getting your butt kicked by your little sister and all :whistling: ...must be a tough pill to swallow...lol


    Meely/Tony keep the pictures and reports coming. Nice to see you get into them.

  7. A modern convenience we all must have it seems. Watched the "sickness" first take my daughter, followed by my wife and most recently my son. So far I have resisted getting a cell phone. No real use for me, so why bother? If I needed one for my profession then I would have it. I figure I have about 4-5 circumstances a year where I really wished I had one. But I can't justify the cost to myself for those 4-5 times. Look up the word cheap in the dictionary...there is a smiling picture of ME. :thumbsup_anim:


    As soon as my wife/daughter told me receiving text messages was "free"...I said that will not be around for long. First they get you hooked and then they reel you in!!!


    Your best hope is that competition will keep prices reasonable, but it appears telus and Bell are already "in bed" together to ensure they continue to take as much out of our pockets as they can. The others will follow....it is just a matter of time.

  8. Like Ron at Little Lake I have noticed a decline in the numbers at my "Swim" in Caygeon. Best morning this spring was 7 landed, but last week on vacation I got skunked 3 times and that has never happened in June over at Carp Point. Average size is way down as well. Typically we get a majority of the fish 18-23 LBS..this is a guess...this year 8-12 LBS.


    It's to bad if a die off is happening over on Simcoe. Never like to hear of a die off of any kind.


    Might have to get the boat out and chase walleye and bass again. Haven't done that during the summer months since I started Carpin.

  9. Catch alot in the spring fishing for perch/crappie. A buddy I took asked me to start throwing the bigger RB in the basket. That night I did a taste test. Perch/Crappie and Rockbass all filleted and fried up separately. Perch was #1, Rock Bass was #2 and crappie was #3. I was very surprised, and have kept a few rockies every year since.


    However these are fish from cold spring or cold fall water. RB I have had that where caught in the heat of the summer where not as good.

  10. If you are sitting out at home...plug in a fan!!! Seriously...it works real well. Debbe and I discovered this a few years ago while trying to sit out one evening and enjoy some time on our front porch. Just like a windy day...lotsa wind....no bugs. However 2 fans would be optimal as a few of the little buggers figure out how to sneak up on you on the leaward side of the fan!!! Other then that go for the highest DEET you can get, but be warned this stuff is NOT good for you. Better to plan outdoor time around those little buggers schedule/peak season's

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