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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Myself I use Trilene XL in 4LB. I have found that the biggest difference in casting distance come from how full your spool is and not the line you are using. Make sure your spool is extra full of line. You have to be extra carefull that you keep good tension on your line when you retrieve it though or you will get more problems with birds nests...but that is my advice. Good luck with whatever you choose.

  2. Nice haul Dutch and thanx for the report and pics. I will be heading up to Caygeon for 11 days vacation starting May14. Would be nice to get a feed or 2 of crappie mixed in with the walleye while we are up there.


    Enjoy your fish fry and poker night

  3. I was up in Orillia Monday scouting some of my spring perch and crappie spots out. Lotsa ice in Mcphee Bay and other areas on the lake. A good wind could easily blow it up to Orillia and plug up any boat launching spots. Maybe fine by this weekend but I would suggest a backup plan just in case...so you won't make the trip for nothing.

  4. Headed up to Simcoe today to try for some perch. Wasted trip in that regard. However a propane company/station in Brechin has a sign out front and they always have a humerous little message on it.


    Todays message


    " You know it's spring...because the leafs are out "


    No disrespect intended towards the Leafs or there fans. It just made me chuckle.

  5. I recycle. I have 2 composters in my backyard. I have a fairly large vegetable garden and grow alot of our veggies. Just this past summer we changed all the lightbulbs in our house...except for 3 of them...over to those queer spirally looking energy savers. I'm feeling really good about myself !!!! My work is done !!! I have done my part to save the planet. Now it's up to the rest of you...lol.


    Not being any kind of expert my only conclusion is that we can all do our part to make it better. I believe wind and solar power are the way of the future. Prices will come down after the technology is refined and mass produced. When I was in High School...late 70's... a good calculator was $30 plus batteries to keep it running. Now you can get an equivalent solar one for $5 at Walmart...that you never have to put batteries in.


    Whether you believe that global warming is as bad as the "Al Gores" of the world say it is or not...well to me thats not the point. To me the point is what can I do as an individual to make it better. Only the man in the mirror can answer that one for you.

  6. I just retired a Normark Rapala knive...the ones with the wooden handle. My son got me a new one for Xmas as the old one had been sharpened so many times the blade was almost gone. Had it for 29 years. You can go and spend more money on a knive with better quality steel that may not need sharpened as often...but I only sharpened mine twice a year and have filleted thousands of fish with it. I was very happy with that knive and I am enjoying it's new replacement as well.

  7. Pike would be my second choice for freshwater fish. Cold water fish under 30 inches can only be beat by perch in my humble opinion. Use the 5 fillet method and you waste hardly any meat and you will never get a bone.Walleye and crappies are a distant third and forth choice as far as I am concerned.

  8. Yes I agree with what others have said....great thread. I also fine it unbelievable that 2 people have already said Bobby Orr...that was the first thought it my head...unreal. Was a huge Orr/Bruins fan back in the day. Have read tons about him...what a class act. My son has had to listen to me tell him about a million times that he has truly missed something by not seeing him play.

    My second choice would be my wife. Not so much to go out and fish because she will do that with me now however she reads a book and enjoys the weather...fishing just doesn't really turn her crank. What I wish is that one day when she woke up in the morning is that she had the same passion to be on the water and enjoying the outdoors and the fishing as much as I do. 25 years and it hasn't happened yet..but one can always hope.

    As for grandfathers...I never got the chance to know either of mine. My dad, brother and son are still around and we get out when we can so I'm good there.


    Again great thread. I hope we get lots more responses.

  9. I agree with muskieB smokey's would be a much closer stop. There is even a Timmies close to it.

    Might I suggest artificial bait ? I fish Simcoe for Perch alot and haven,t used minnows for over 10 years. My #1 bait would be a #2 or #3 sized firetiger jigging rapala tipped on the treble hook with 1 Berkley 'Micros" Power wigglers..small artificial maggots...neon pink being my favourite colour. I also use homemade Simcoe "BUGS"...Harry used to sell them but I have not been there for ages so I don't know if he still does. If you do try either of my suggestions I would also suggest going with 2-4 LB line...anything heavier and you will not get a good feel for using the artificials and end up missing light hits.


    Good luck when you get out next. I hope you give the artificials a shot. It sure beats having to scurry around for bait everytime you head out to the lake. Not to mention lugging a bucket of water around if you are walking out...less weight to lug around is always better.

  10. Turtle

    Thanx for the report. I was out of Sibbald PP yesterday and had the same. Fished from 7:30 until 2. brought 14 home....none over 10.5. Probably iced over 100 perch. Tried from 10 FOW to about 22 FOW same results everywhere. About a foot of snow on the ice made it tough for walking. A 3 man MNR Posse came by on their snowmobiles at around 10:30AM and checked everyone for fish and there licenses. Never seen them on Simcoe on a weekday before. Good for them I say.

  11. Hey Maureen


    When we go up to Sudbury from Oshawa we take #12 up to Orillia, then through to Coldwater and then up the 400 to Sudbury. We used to do the 401/400 thing...but find the #12 route a nicer route and the Timmies in Orillia is a nice stop for a pee break and a coffee. And the bonus is that it is actually a little quicker.


    As for Beaverton...give yourself an hour from Oshawa.


    Have a good trip.

  12. For me on Simcoe, nothing beats a #2 Firetiger Jigging rapala with the treble hook tipped with a maggot. First thing down the hole everytime. Second choice on Simcoe would be the "bug". The bug is better if you get into a school of aggressive fish...you can unhook and get your line back down the hole quicker. Pretty much the only 2 baits I use on Simcoe. Good luck Gerritt at feeling the "tugs"

  13. I left the board about a year ago. It was going downhill so fast it wasn't funny. I used to love that site. I agree with everything icefisherman said. That site will never be good as long as a certain individual is involved. I hope it comes back up minus that person because it was a great source for info on anything Simcoe fishing related. Good luck to them sorting it out.

  14. After checking the lake last night and seeing tons of snowmobiles ripping around and lots of fishermen, I decided it was safe to venture out today for my first ice trip of 2007. Walked on the ice at 8AM and cut a bunch of holes in 4 FOW. 8:17 first fish a scrappy 15 incher. By 8:35 I had iced 3 more... a 16 and two 18 inchers and missed one that was nice enough to leave the lips of my minnow on my williams for me. Then my 20 minute feeding frenzy was over. Started moving around. After cutting many holes I managed a nice 20 incher at 10AM which I quickly released. At 10:30 it was time to leave but it was good to get on the ice again and the fresh "eyes' for supper tonight will be great.


    Everywhere I cut a hole I had a good 4 inches of black ice, plenty safe for us walkers, with just enough snowcover on the top to make it nice for walking...no bare ice anywhere to slip and fall on. It sure is nice sneaking out through the week...only saw 7 other fishermen within a 2 mile radius of me. Beautiful and peaceful morning. A nice start to 2007.


    The ice is shaping up good. Get out and enjoy it...but play safe.

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