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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I have owned both the box style and the flip. No comparison. The flip style is way more user friendly/versatile. More money...absolutely, but in MHO this is definately one of those areas where you "gets what you paid for."


    I currently have a Fish Trap Pro... again in MHO...the best one man portable hut made.

    I know there 2 and even 3 person models are quality made as well.


    There are lots of choices out there...but whatever model/make you go with I would go with a flip for sure. You will not be disappointed.

  2. My wife used to visit her grandparents in Annapolis Valley every summer when she was a kid...and hasn't been out east for over 30 years. We have always said we will go...someday. Well 2008 is the year we are going to finally make a journey out east. One thing we both want to do while we are there is some whale watching. Can anybody out in OFC land give me some kinda idea what might be the best time/month to hit the peak whale season...if there is a peak season. Any help would be appreciated. We are planning 2 weeks out there...so if anyone has any other tourist "must see/do" recommendations we would be grateful for them as well. I would like to toss some fishing gear in the car as well. What can I expect? Stream trout,bass whatever. Any kind of general help would be appreciated. I just gotta wet a line while I am out east. Thx to all for any help you can offer.




  3. Sounds like a "Merry Christmas" at Lew's house....but here is a little tip a very wise person taught me years ago.


    Always,always... no matter the gift... pretend you want the model one version cheaper

    then I one you really want. Chat it up, go on and on and on and on and on and on and on AND ON...you getting the picture... about how much you would like the cheaper one....it does ALMOST EVERYTHING I need it to do. Then casually mention that the next higher model would really be the cats pajama's but it's just a little more money so it's a little too much for now but....sighhhh...sighhhh...sighhhh...maybe someday.


    If you have a good relationship you will get the better one because she will enjoy making you happy and will be so pleased with herself.


    If not do what I do. Exchange the cheap one she got you for the one you really wanted after Christmas!!!

  4. I grew up in a house where cheap cuts of meat and canned veggies along with instant coffee where the norm. My wife's family....much much different. More expensive cuts of meat...no veggies from a can and real coffee. I have more or less shifted over to my wife's families ways as far food and drink are concerned.


    But when I visit my folks I still love my mom's cooking and when I smell the instant coffee in the morning it reminds me of how I grew up and I enjoyed it all.....then Debbe and I drive over to Timmies and get a coffee!!!!


    It's all good....enjoy what you have.

  5. He had greatness, no doubt. But from my point of view never showed enough of it in any kind of a sustained manner....which to me is the #1 measure of a Hall of Famer. I would vote no. Plus he was one of the dirtiest players I have ever seen with his stick, which I think is the reason he got his bell rung so often. Seems NHL'ers wouldn't let him spear them in the groin or the calves like he got away with here in Oshawa playing against small boys in junior hockey.

  6. I have had both and from my experience I can tell you this. If you are going

    to be open air fishing you do not want a 2 pc suit. Some one replied to this

    thread that a 2pc is fine for snowmobiling and that maybe true...but if you

    get stuck out on extra chilly day...or worse a raw wind...The cold will get up

    your back and make things unenjoyable.


    Now if you are going to have some type of shelter I would recommend a 2pc

    hands down. If you are out braving the elements get a 1pc...you will not be



    The other article of clothing I would recommend for the cold weather is a

    turtleneck polarfleece shirt. This has nothing to do with safety...but I don't go

    out on the ice without wearing mine.


    Good luck with whatever you choose.

  7. LOL Debbe is staring over my shoulder as I have invited her to read this thread. At 34 I had about 10 chest hairs...maybe 11....and normal? eyebrows. At 44 chest hairs are sprouting everywhere and I was FORCED to trim my own eyebrows starting about a year ago.... What the heck?????


    She says...I thought this was a fishing site???? You got some sick puppies on there!!!


    Gotta love this thread..thank you LEW...I feel SOOOOOOO much better. Ditto to my "Eyetalian" buddy Meely....another good chuckle.

  8. Good job Beansie !!! Nice to hear "Carp Point" still has some of our favourite residences around. I hope you said goodbye to our battle scarred chipmunk for the season? And if Faye and the dogs where around I hope you wished them a good off season from Caygeon...and a safe return back home across the border.


    Same place... same time next May/June??? I'm already looking forward to it.

  9. Steve


    Debbe and I just saw a financial adviser about a month ago. Part of his advise to us was to make sure our wills where current...of course. He mentioned that the Canadian Cancer society I believe has something going on with lawyers who have signed on to this program. They will do a will for $100 and the money goes as a donation to the cancer society. Our wills need to be made current....but we have not got around to checking into this yet.


    If you are interested it maybe worth your while to contact a financial advisor at the bank you deal with or someone you may know who does this kind of stuff, just to see what it is all about. You are not going to beat the price.

  10. Haven't seen a Carp...Alive or Dead...on Sturgeon Lake at Carp Point for a month. The die off seems to have stopped there. Just waiting for the survivors to move in and start feeding again.


    Been tossing corn at my swim every time I go up to Caygeon and fishing at least one day on the weekends...like I said nothing doing.


    I start 2 weeks vacation up there this Friday. I hope things pick up or I will be forced to throw the boat in somewhere and chase something else.

  11. I have no idea what there numbers are or how they effect....or if... they effect other species. Seems you are an expert. Please share some proven information. I for one would like to see it. If you can't then I have to assume you are one of those people my dad always warned me about....the ones who just like talking to hear the sound of there own voices...Seems to me if you are going to stand on your soap box and preach you should at least have some sort of proof to back up the jibber jabber.

  12. Sinker you have a good point. How many others have already fished the Kawartha's and hauled there potentionally infected boat out to fish somewhere else the next day or the next weekend.


    Scary stuff.


    Personally I really enjoy carping so I have a hard time reading others comments who are trashing carp. All I can do is promise that if the same fate befalls a species of fish that others enjoy fishing for I will not be posting anywhere how happy I am to see there enjoyment taken away from them. What kind of a sportsman's wish is that? Sometimes you just have to read comments from others and not even meet them to know what they are made of...or what they are lacking.


    I don't wish to see anyone's fishery ruined...so I hope this mess gets figured out soon so it disrupts the enjoyment of as few of us as possible. I'm sure most of us would wish for more time spent fishing instead of less. That is my wish as well.


    Good luck on the water to all.

  13. I fished my swim "Carp Point" on Sturgeon Lake last Thursday and today and got skunked both times.


    I have no problems with a skunking...over the years I have endured my fair share...my concern is that whatever is killing the carp on Scugog has gotten into Sturgeon as well. Today I counted 12 dead carp above the dam in Bobcaygeon and several more at the dam over by Forbert Pool.


    Anybody else out there seeing dead carp on Sturgeon? And does anyone know if they have figured out what is causing the problem?


    Anyone who is a Kawartha Carper has got to be a little concerned about this.

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