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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I have had the Fin Bore, the Swede Bore and the Strikemaster Lazer. Out of those 3 I would recommend the Strikemaster as my first choice with the Fin Bore a close 2nd. The Swede Bore I would never recommend. It was my first auger when I was an ice fishing newbie. They are not even close to being in the same class as the other 2.

  2. I own a pair like Tonyb's top picture. Good ones...but the ankle straps wore though the winterized rubber boots I had them on. So I bought another pair of boots solely for ice fishing and rated for -100 celcius. Then I screwed 3/8 hex head screws into the sole. It was an experiment that worked really well. I get about 3 winters out of the screws then they are pretty much wore smooth...so you just unscrew them and put new ones in. I never have to worry about traction anymore or bother with adjusting the straps and I will not get another pair of boots ruined by the straps cutting into them. Plus 10 screws in the bottom of each boots is a lot less bulky and lighter then any strap on cleats. I never considered the strap on cleats bulky or heavy until I tried just the boots with hex heads screwed into the bottom. I will never wear the strap ons again.


    As I mentioned I use these boots solely for ice fishing so I never remove the screws. However they don't do any damage to the boots so if you want to use the boots for something else just take the screws out and screw em back in when you go fishin...it only takes 5 minutes of your time.


    Just offering something else to consider. Good luck with whatever you go with.

  3. Been there...done that!!! I am not a hunter...though I wish I had been introduced to it... so a few years back I had to use my VW Golf to bag myself one. Heading up to Pefferlaw to get a few perch through the ice one January morning.

    Wrote my car off, but my fishing buddy and I where OK.


    Glad to hear you are OK as well. Enjoy your harvest !!!

  4. Whatever model you choose just make sure it has curved blades, rather then straight ones. The "curve" is the secret and makes all the difference in the world. I have had both models you are asking about in 6 and 8 inch sizes. My current most used/favourite auger is a strikemaster lazer. I chose it because it has the curved blades and because it has a 5inch model. It is a big enough hole for perch,crappie and small walleye fishing...which is what I do. The 5 inch hole is just that much easier to cut then a 6 inch hole. Something to consider before you purchase. Good luck with your new toy!!!

  5. Congrats


    It sure is nice to receive those little perks. And it's equally nice to hear that someone actually appreciates it.


    The company I work for has changed owners 4 times in my 25 years so one never know what the "New Guys" are going to roll out. This year after 25 years of never getting a Christmas bonus the "New Guys" handed out $500 to everyone. I was grinning from ear to ear...especially since I had just put 4 new tires on my car just the day before. Others where doing the "It's about time we finally got something" rant. I was left shaking my head. Some people no matter what are just ungrateful whiners.


    Nice to hear you got a little perk and appreciate it. Now go out and get some NEW TOYS!!!

  6. I personally think the soundest advise that anyone can give about saving $$$$ on mortgages is start out with a 15 year ammortization instead of the standard 25. If you find things a little tight you can always change the ammortization latter to give you move freedom. But my experience is you always scrounge up enough money to pay the mortgage...you may not have a few toys that others have....but you can sure treat yourself down the road when you are mortgage free after 15 years instead of 25.

  7. I agree 100% with JohnF. It's not the institution just the particuliar idiots you maybe dealing with. That goes for any business not just banking. Sniff around and get as informed as you can...for most of us it is the single biggest purchase you will ever make.


    Kyle I sent you a PM. Just let me know if Debbe can answer any questions for you, and good luck with everything.

  8. Over the years I have tried a few homemade "walls" to block wind. A friend has an old style blind...that they don't make anymore...which is sturdy enough...but not portable because once you set it up it is a PITA to take down and move.I would imagine any blind to fall into that same catagory. My experience has been that if you do any amount of ice fishing at all and like to be mobile you will eventually end up with a flip style hut. More money but well worth it.


    But if you are a penny pincher like me you will try to do it on the "cheap" first. Then when you eventually get a flip style hut you will realize the money and frustration you could have saved yourself if you had just spend that few extra dollars in the beginning.


    We all gotta go at our own pace and learn what works best for ourselves. Good luck with whatever you decide.

  9. Walked on the ice at Airport Rd and had a line in the water by 8AM. Stayed until 2PM and culled through about 60 perch to get 13 keepers between 10-11.5 inches. All on jigging raps and bugs.A solid 4-5 inches of black ice with an extra inch or so of white ice on top of that. Just a skiff of snow on top...perfect for walking.


    A group of 4 was the only company I had out there. I chatted with them on the way in. They appeared to be having the same luck I had. Sure was good to be on the hardwater again...and fresh fish for supper tomorrow night.


    Play safe if you get out.

  10. My brother swears by his electric. Myself I just enjoy getting out the wooden handled rapala and doing it manually. Get home, get organised, pour a coffee or a coffee and bailey's and sit down and relax and clean fish.


    But that's just me. Prefer a standard car to an automatic as well. Any my house will NEVER have a dishwasher...cept for the wife or myself.


    Keep it simple.

  11. These are good boots for the buck if you can wear them. I find they

    are too narrow around the top...uncomfortably tight on my calves.

    The pair I bought just sits in the basement collecting dust. Just a heads up

    for anyone looking at grabbing a pair.

  12. Sinker I got your back on this one.


    I never ice fished Scugog back in the days before it was open Jan 1st. However a Co-worker of mine, the one who got me into ice fishing in the first place...says he had more then a few winters where he was icing walleyes on the BOG well before December 1st. And if he said he did, it's the truth...simple as that.

  13. CLEAN A FLOATER SUIT ????? Did I accidentally click onto the Chataleine website??? LOL.

    If I cleaned mine it would probably fall apart. Besides, I like the way it stands up all by itself

    in the corner of the basement. Like a soldier...waiting for battle!!!

  14. Beautiful !!!! January 1st on the BOG is one of my favourite openers. Can't wait!!!

    Our own Beansie's Baked walleye with Basmati Rice and a greek salad that evening for supper with a bottle or two of wine...followed by a coffee and baileys. Now that's a perfect day.


    Thx for the pictures....now you got me going!!!

  15. All I gotta say is good luck. Losing weight...dead easy for me. Ten years ago I lost 50LBS in 4-5 months. At the start of this year I lost 97LBS in 3 months. Like I said losing weight is dead easy.


    However the only problem I have is that gaining it ALL BACK... plus some more...seems to be what I am truly gifted at doing.


    This time around I have TYPE 2 Diabetes to thank for my motivation, and I'm sure the weight will stay off.Fear is a hellishly powerful motivator.


    Again good luck. It's the best gift you can give yourself and everyone who cares about you.

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