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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Beansie if I had known you where scoping out my "green crocs" I would have grabbed you a matching pair. The 2 of us could really turn a few heads down at Carp Point.


    Seriously though...best damn footwear I ever got for when you are wading in and out of the water in the summer. It's just to bad that the day I decided to spend some cash on them, green, neon orange and neon pink where the only colours Bigley's had....and I wasn't making a 2nd trip to a SHOE STORE...in the same summer. Hell shoe shopping at best is a once a decade thing for me. Debbe's been after me for 2 years now to throw out my fav beat up old running shoes.

  2. This was my second full carp season. I am hooked as well. Probably 90% of my fishing time between June 1st and the end of September is spent at my swim... "Carp Point"...as named by Beans. Just learning my digital camera so maybe someday I'll post a few shots myself.


    BTW I would say that the ducks in your Peterboro pics are Rodpodys. At least he is the one who keeps them well fed all season.

  3. Last day of holidays today for me. Went to a local Conservation area to walk around and get some fresh air. I noticed a ton of Goldenrod along one of the trails. I remembered a thread I read on a board somewhere..maybe this one...about using the larvae inside for tipping baits with. Took out the trusty pocket knive on the keychain and sliced a gall open. The larvae inside was about the same length as the maggots you buy around Lake Simcoe all winter that I tip jigging raps with for perch...but it was at least twice as fat. Almost round it was so chubby. So I figured I'm out nothing and in less then 10 minutes I filled the 2 big pockets of my Tough Duck jacket up with 150 galls.


    Brought them home and they are now in a bucket out in the garage.



    I use maggots alot, but they are hard to come by sometimes, particularily early ice when tackle shops have not started stocking them yet. Also at last ice when tackle shops stop getting them in. I hope they work, because if they do I have a free unlimited supply.


    Anyone out there given them a try? I'd like to have some input from others who have tried them.

  4. After seeing this thread the other day, Debbe grabbed the video and we watched it. Just brutal. Some serious crap predicted to happen within the next 25-50 years. I am definately NOT a political person so I was not expecting to enjoy a video hosted by Al Gore. I was surprised. It was well made and presented the facts in a sensible thought provoking way. We both enjoyed it. In my humble opinion a MUST SEE for everyone stuck on this place called earth.


    PS Note to self. Don't buy any Ocean Front Property anywhere on the planet.

  5. I desparately wanted to be on Scugog for the walleye opener. Generally for the opener we fish a shallow bay...5 ft deep at the most...on the west shore. I did an advance scout Dec 31 in the afternoon. There was shore ice maybe 100 yards out into this Bay....then open water.


    All we have done since December 31 is lose more ice. Nobody wants to get on Scugog more then me. I'm just dieing for ice. With the long range weather they are predicting it doesn't appear that this will happen anytime before mid month....probably much later.


    Hey I'm very disappointed, but safety comes first... and right now it is completely unsafe. Be patient ice will come.

  6. I was there today myself. Fished from 10 until 2. Caught about 40-50 perch...no size at all. My biggest was maybe 9 inches and 1 maybe 8 inches...with all the rest being smaller. Never saw any fish bigger then my 9 incher caught while I was there. It wasn't a zoo like I was expecting though so that was a bonus.


    I was planning a trip to the eastern tribs for rainbows...but with the rain we got last night I opted for perch instead.


    Anyday fishing is better then a day on the couch at home...but man I'm hurtin for SOME ICE !!!!

  7. I sat down at the Puter yesterday morning and got the same thing. Called the wife downstairs...she is a manager at a TD/Canada Trust. She mailed the email to her work email and then left for work. !5 minutes later she phoned me at home and said Corporate Fraud/Security had already closed down the email address. Couldn't believe how fast the problem was detected/corrected. I hope no one got suckered on it...but I can tell you it was handled ASAP.

  8. Charles

    Are you getting your sleep? 5 years ago I had a annoying eye infection. Every morning when I woke up my eyelids would be cemented closed. Many different things where prescribed...none worked. This started in the spring. I had also been having trouble sleeping. In the fall I made an appointment and was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Once I got a CPAP machine and started getting proper sleep...within a week my eyes cleared up on there own.


    I guess my immune system was so messed up because I was run down from lack of proper sleep.

    I'm definately no doctor. Just trying to emphasis how important sleep is to your overall health.


    I'm with everyone else on this thread....go see a doctor...a month seems like a long time for a cough to be hanging on.

  9. Maureen

    My dad is a puzzle nut. He has done all kinds. He had one a few years ago that was solid purple . It was supposed to be hard. He did it in no time flat.


    I'm sorry I can't help with a suggestion for where to look for a puzzle Maureen. My mom and sister get my dad's puzzles when they go down to the states.


    However if he wants to make a puzzle harder to do tell him to dump it out and turn all the pieces upsidedown...and then put it together. That's what the old man does every once in awhile just to make things interesting.


    Good luck with your search

  10. On a fly in trip outta Chapleau years ago...hopping jigs in the current...the boat swings towards a overhanging tree. I set the rod down to push us away from the tree with the oar. With oar in hand I get a fish or a snag and my rod flys out the back of the boat. Tried for awhile to retrieve it ...couldn't see it and the current was a pain...no luck. A couple of days later in the same spot my buddy hooks a small walleye that ended up swimming around my rod or the fishing line and he hauls in my rod and reel for me!!! After I lost my rod and reel I jokingly told the boys in the fishing party that I would exchange sexual favors for whoever got my gear back.... and my buddy still says I owe him whenever he sees me.

  11. LOL Gerrit. That would have to be the mother of all smokers. I would go another route. As BBR would say "Chowda"...you could make gallons of it.


    This second catch really doesn't surprise me however. I just finished my 2nd full season of Carpin and have a "swim" in Bobcaygeon I bait regularly. I have caught this one carp with a good scar on it at least 5 times....stupid fish...over the last 2 summers.

  12. I traded up to a Fish Trap Pro from a Frabil a few years ago. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the Fish Trap Series. I do not think I would like a portable with the seats NOT being attached. To much hassle setting them up or having them sliding all over the place while you are trying to land a fish or move around.


    You mentioned only taking it out on COLD COLD days. I have found I enjoy my hut as much on those bright sunny days. You can sight fish for shallow fish. Also it's nice to be out of the bright sun. It doesn't matter what weather I get anymore. The Fish trap Pro goes with me on every trip.

  13. Same as you Hearing Fish. Kiosk...but in 1979. Did you still have the Rec Hall when you where there...cause we finished building it the summer I was there.


    Also my Daughter was a Ranger in 94 and my son this past summer.


    Best summer of my life and an experience I'm glad my kids had as well.

  14. Looks like you are getting all geared up for the ice. I buddy of mine has those metal creepers. Alot of the "Old Rainbow" fishing guys do. However my friend never wears them anymore because they are too darn heavy.

    I do alot of ice fishing. A few years ago I got -100C rated boots solely for ice fishing. The only time I wear them is for ice fishing and I never wear boots while I am driving my car.


    So I went to Crappy Tire and got 3/8 hex screws and screwed them into the bottom of my boots. This will work on any boots suitable for winter wear. The head of the hex bolts give you more then enough traction. Nothing to strap on ...no extra weight. If you find your new creepers too heavy or a bit of a bother give the hex bolts a try. I'm sold on it.


    P.S. I found after 3 seasons some of the heads where getting a little rounded and my ice traction was not as good. Just take em out and screw new ones in.


    Bring on the ice.

  15. I checked no because I honestly don't own a single article of red clothing. Do I support out troops you bet I do. When your great uncle was named the "Savior of Ceylon" by Churchill himself...do a google search if you wish...you know a thing or two about military pride. May they all come home safe.

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