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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Beautiful scenery and a beauty report. I just love the colors on Specs. The "cloud" of bugs around Todd made me think of Pigpen of the Charlie Brown cartoons. No offense to Todd...it just came to mind when I saw the picture. I also noticed the Folger's "worm can". Got the same one here in my fridge at home.


    THX for sharin.

  2. If everyone started posting topics like this. I for one wouldn't be a member here much longer. Unless you are involved in this personally and know ALL 3 SIDES of the situation...Side 1 what person A said, Side 2 what person B said and side C...the truth, I don't feel the public has any right to get involved. Lets just go fishing and leave them to sort it out.

  3. Good outing Rich. Can't be fishing in shorts and T's and hauling them in every time out. I think I recognize the location of your first 2 pictures...but I won't tell. BTW I think I lost my sunglasses down there the night I was out with you and the "BOSS". Take care and keep the reports coming.

  4. Maureen I have owned them all. From higher end expensive toys to low end stuff that only lasts 3-4 seasons of hard use. Personally I have found Diawa reels to last me the best. Dollar for dollar I think they make the best product. I used to get the higher priced stuff but found that it makes more sense for me to grab a $60-$80 ballpark priced reel and then just replace it every 7 years or so when I feel like treating myself to a new reel. As a matter of fact my latest Diawa was a $44 reel I picked up in Gagnon's in April. Spooled it up with 4LB line and did all my spring crappie and perch fishing with it. Really like it so far, but I have only had it for about 6 weeks so I can't say how it will stand up. It's up at the cottage right now or I would give you the model number. Good luck choosing a new reel Maureen....lotsa stuff to drool over before you decide.


    Have fun with your new combo once you get it out on the water.

  5. 2002 VW Golf Diesel...55 litre tank. $52 the other day to fill er. Gets about 1100Km highway out of a tank....700KM a tank Highway towing the boat (mind you it's a little boat...lol). $1.31 for diesel here...in 2001 it was 39.9!!! Someone is getting rich...and I'm pretty sure it's NOT ME !!!

  6. Thanx for the heads up Beansie but I got er covered. Got back from my weeks holidays up in Caygeon today and have to work straight through until Monday now. Took Debbe out for Mother's Day supper tonight !!! The kids can cover there arses this weekend and do there part when I'm working on Sunday !!!

  7. Cliff all we did was put an ad in the Lindsay Newspaper and we only had to run it for a week. Got between 5 -10 responses every year. Go through the interview process and pick whoever you think will work out. Our first 2 winters we had 2 different young couples. Our third season we hit the jackpot and got the retired folks who want to return every winter. Also if you know any real estate agents in the area, let them know your plans. The real estate agents who we dealt with when we bought our 2 properties up there told us that they always have people between houses that need a place for a short time. They sent a few professional couples our way, but our little place was too tiny for there needs. Another option is to type something up and ask local trailer parks if they would be kind enough to circulate it around the park or post it up on a community board in the park somewhere. Frankly Cliff you will be amazed how easy it is to get winter tenants.


    Good luck with whatever decision you go with

  8. A few have mentioned that you may end up losing some of your privacy with regards to sharing the yard, the dock etc. Cliff have you considered winter tenants like we have in our little place in caygeon? Our tenants move in October 1st and move out April 30th. I nice retired couple who go to their trailer on Balsam for the summer. You would get 7 months of income from your tenants, who you will probably hardly ever see in the winter cause everyone is inside, then come May 1st you got the place to yourself again for the nice weather when you wanna be out enjoying your property. I think it could work out well for you. Having been to your place I can attest to what a beautiful yard and home you have. The right tenants would think they died and went to heaven if they got the chance to come every year for the winter.

  9. Have made plans to fish cats on the saturday Meely or I just might come over for a boo as I have never been there. No point in going after you guys are there though... Tony will have had a hook into every fish in there... so they will all have lockjaw Sunday. Cept for the ones that go home for the frying pan.


    Enjoy the day.

  10. I have a Legend 14 footer. Called the Ultralite. Basically there low end tinny. My 15HP Merc cracked the angle supports on the transom my second season with the boat. Welded up some extra metal as a bracket on the support and bought a transom saver. Have had no issues since. But for any boat similar to mine I would recommend it.

  11. Cherry was at a Oshawa Generals game when my sons team was one of the teams on the ice between intermissions for the TIMBITS hockey thing. After the game one of the kids spotted Cherry just walking around. Our kids just swarmed him. It was totally unrehearsed. He talked to every kid and gave them all autographs. And I think he enjoyed it just as much as the kids did. Class Act all the way.

  12. Looking at it from his point of view. If I was in his position I would be thinking. I paid this guy my hard earned money to do a job. And the job wasn't done right. You can argue this part until the cows come home about whether it was done right the first time or not. It doesn't matter. What matters is I'm sure that the customer will be thinking that. I would be expecting it to be replaced for free based on the fact that I have shown you loyalty by being a repeat customer. If you didn't man up I would be searching for someone else who appreciated my customer loyalty, plain and simple. Have had the same scenario repeated over a few times in my life. I have a list of people who will get my repeat business for various things. And I have another list of people who will never get another penny of my money for as long as I live. Through YOUR actions YOU get to pick which list your customer puts you on.


    For the life of me I can not even begin to understand how this could be a hard decision.

  13. I haven't smelt fished since I was little, so little in fact that all my father let me do was watch from shore. But I sure enjoyed it...and nothing beats fresh smelts in the frying pan. Anyway I'm looking to give it a go again but have no idea where to begin. I am in Oshawa and am willing to drive 2-3 hours to chase the tasty little buggers down. Can anybody take me under there wing and let me tag along some night when they are heading out? Willing to split gas, do the driving,whatever. All I'm asking is for the opportunity to give it a good go with a chance for a frying pan of smelt. My job affords me lots of days to get out so I'm not limited to weekends only.


    PM if you wish, and thanx to anyone who is willing to help out.

  14. Debbe is currently taking a microsoft word/excel course at Durham College here in Oshawa. Every Tuesday night. She picked a class that will be done before May 1st so it doesn't interfere with any time spend in Caygeon this summer. She is very happy with the course and has learned a lot of practical useful things that have made her job at work much easier. I know Oshawa is out of your way Meely, but I'm sure a college closer will offer up the same classes. Like I said she is enjoying it and learning something to boot. I'm still a looooonnnggg way from being computer savy, so it's good that one of us has a touch of the geek going for them.


    Just a heads up though, don't be thinking you will have a room full of college kids. Everyone in Debbe's class is 35+ Middle agers just trying to upgrade there skillz.


    Good luck with it Meely. I used to have an old neighbor who told me "Knowledge is a good thing, and it's not heavy to carry around with you". I always liked that phrase.

  15. Have always had great results with Canadian Tires top of the line latex, and if you are not in a big hurry keep checking there flyers as it comes on sale quit a bit. So you end up paying low grade paint prices for the good stuff. There semi gloss is perfect for any interior jobs. Not too shiny and easy to scrub. Fairly thick so it goes on nice without being drippy. Best advise I can give you...always do 2 coats. Even if the can says one coat coverage and it looks good after one coat...do 2. Also as someone has already mentioned NEVER paint acrylic over latex. And I always do primer first. it may not be necessary, but I find starting over from a white primer base has always made the finished work look better. BINZ primer dries in 45 minutes and can go over acrylic or latex so that takes that problem out of the equation as well. I am not a painter but I enjoy painting and my finished work is always nice. Feel free to PM if you need anymore advice or have anymore questions.

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