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About davew3

  • Birthday 06/05/1960

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  1. Huzzsaba In the Mineral Museum they have some rocks that I bet you have never seen. Geods the size of basket balls. Neat stuff. From all over the world. They also sell tickets to a rock deposit where you and your family can do you own looking for different minerals. Sometimes you can find stuff that you can make jewelry from. A good way to spend a couple of hours. I hope to get back up there this fall when the leafs are changing. p.s. I have been to the petroglyphs. twice, not as interesting as the museum. Regards
  2. Stop in at the Bancroft Mineral Museum. Neat place also stop for ice cream and watch the rock climbers. I think there is a way to get up top for the view as well. Have fun.
  3. Well the time is getting closer. Looks like I will be staying on Smiths Bay. The north end of the system north of of hwy 522. From what I here I will be searching for large northerns and pickerel for dinner. Any special spots or sights I should take in while I am there? Regards
  4. Use the "search" at the top of this page. Sure wish I could get up there. still a dream trip. Buddy of mine has been there three times. Loves it. Non stop action. Have fun.
  5. GTA is a big place n/s/e/w ? Halton Marine Burlington is where I take mine.
  6. Bellwood for pike is fun. Troll or cast off the rocks or at the mouth of the bay across from the boat ramp with mepps or mister twisters. Troll anywhere around the 15 ft mark. Other places would be Southampton casting at the mouth or Denny's dam. Trout, salmon. Or the Detroit River walleye. The Caledonia dam for walleye. Using minnows for walleye. You didn't say if you have a boat. Good luck.
  7. Well from what I see, we may not be the ones taken but the next generation will be. I will be 56 soon. I have watched the Libs close down the only coal plant that stayed on during the last big power out. Now if were to happen again there will be no power. I hope they have all the bugs fixed. I have seen them install smart meters with out our consent and have seen houses burn down because of them. I seen them waste BILLIONS shutting down a gas plant build just to save some seats in the Mississauga riding. I see this year a 4 % increase on basic rates. Sure wish my wages went up by 4 % http://www.ontario-hydro.com/ Hell they had to get the money from somewhere to pay off the teachers union. My wife and I use our power according to the peak time chart they sent everyone (by the way it changed this month, but I will get back to that.) so my wife and I save money by using the hydro the way the gov wants us to and what happens? They are not making enough of a profit. They are not losing money. Their profits are down so they cannot write themselves their big performance bonuses. Hell also they had to get the money from somewhere to pay off the teachers union. If you haven't received your new time of use notices in the mail you can go online. They extended the peak times. I am glad I am moving into a new high efficiency house soon. I pray my hydro bills go down. Good luck to everyone
  8. Well as long as you have the sealant do the others as well. Not necessarily take the bolts out but put beads all around. regards
  9. We used live minnows/worms with egg slip sinkers. about a 6 ft lead. also watch the locals, they use imitation minnow flies. They bomb them out and work them back in the eddies. And under hwy 30 at the Trent Village bridge. Also look on the map, look for the other locks and fish the bottom of them as well. Good luck.
  10. If you can use your garden hose to pump water into your live well. Shoot in to the intake with your pump on and stand at the back access to see of water builds in the bilge. Spray directly in to your live well and see where it drains. My one other thought is to do a very close up inspection of the bow of the hull. If there are cracks they maybe closed on land, but when under pressure in the water may open just enough for water to seep in. especially if it is by the bow. Do you see any small chips in the paint? If it takes 8 hours to get that amount then the entrance has to be very small. I had two drain lines to front live wells unhooked by a repair person and it sure didn't take that long to fill. Good luck.
  11. I just had my boat cover repaired at eagle marine upholstery on Industrial dr. in Burlington. labor rate is good, so is the work. 905-335-9629
  12. Tizfun, I am booked in a place on the Pickerel River this summer. While searching I found out that the lodges as a group stock it with pickerel, there is great bass and pike fishing. Check this place out I hear they have a great restaurant . Old Mirror Lodge by Port Loring. Boat in only. Regards
  13. I stayed there years ago. Good fishing for perch and walleye and bass. I know there is info on this site. Use the search up at the top. Make sure not to leave any garbage out at night. Lots of water to explore. Have fun
  14. Here is another thought. Staying at a place around Burleigh Falls and doing day trips. You can check out a few of the lakes, do a trip to the lift lock. Some great fishing. Just be careful going through Hells Gate Regards
  15. I have an 18.5 Smokercraft Fazer and I can tell you if the wind comes up on the bigger lakes you are going to have fun. Not sure how long you are planning to take, but plan some stay over days due to weather. Rice lake blows up quick. Look up Elmhirst's Resort on Rice lake. Me, personally, overall, I would plan on 25 mph ave. and study where marinas are. There are a lot of places where you have to putter along in the lower Trent. Regards
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