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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. Without adding anything else to the teams, a good goalie would have added several wins to the season thus far for the leafs. It should be more apparent now than ever that the goaltending is the weak point for the leafs. Similar position to the Sens actually, both are near the bottom in goals against this year. I would take reimer or gustavsun's GAA as a backup over either the Sens Auld any day of the week. The starting goalie for the sens is only marginally better than either of our two backups. I just hope the leafs can pick up a goaltender. I would think Boston will be shedding a goalie this offseason, perhaps even vancouver. Nitimake, roloson, huet and vokoun are all free agents this year afaik, so there is the possibility of upgrading.
  2. Yah, I would agree with BillM on this one. They played hard all game, gustaf made a few good saves, but did let in some sucky goals. That last one was a dagger in the back. Is Turco that out of the question for the stretc run? They deserved that one point. If they had better goal tending they should have had 2 points. That was a tough one. Lupals face at the end was priceless.
  3. HOLLLLYYY MACANOV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Sinclair was that you with the cowboy hat and the lollipop dancing? rofl tough game so far. I would love to be watching the winnipeg game at the same time. To be honest if the leafs get knocked out by any team in the NHL I hope its the peggers. WOul dbe a great story to see them in the play offs. Not that I want the leafs to miss.
  5. As far as I know insurance ends when the road ends. I know a few people that ran into this while offroading. I would imagine its null and void in the middle of a lake. Would suck if its a newish car your making payments on.
  6. tonight will be a big night for the bottow feeders in the east. Leafs need this win. BTW NO SPEZZA and NO Alfafaredson
  7. I think carter would be a better trade than nash$ I am not knocking nash but the leafs need a center more than another winger.
  8. I thought according sens fans that the feb 4th game was to be a measuring stick game for the leafs? Oh wait, I forgot that on the 5th it was determined to be too early to tell according to those same sens fans....
  9. How did that Chara trade work out for yah?
  10. Can I have 3 favorites? St.Croix Legend Tournament in 5'10 with my stradic for skipping docks. I love this setup and can skim one under a 30 foot dock front front to back bounce off the shoreline and land it in a pina colada laying down next to the a girl laying down for a tan Cumara 6'8 M XF and curado E7 for finesse jiggs so light and comfy I can flip all day with this setup. GL2 drop shot rod with a stradic. I love this setup as well.
  11. Grabo was MIA for the first 30 games.He has come on lately. as for kadri, komi I would consider these guys write off's Kadri just doesn't have the hockey sense. He has skills but no hockey brain on the ice. He could very well become a solid top line wing man or a never was in the minors. I would give up those three guys for Nash no problem. As for Schenn I would like to see him stick around. so it comes down to Grabo(a ufa) and Schenn(an unknown yet to be developed d man) for Nash. Nash Turns 28 this summer Nash and grabo are both on pace for the same stats, 8 more goals and 10 more assists. Nash is doing these stats with first line minutes and grabo is doing it with second line minutes. I am not saying grabo is better but these are the numbers. Is nash going to have better chemistry with 20 games remaining than grabo? I don't think so. Not to mention you have to recover the minutes that Schenn puts in. Who do you put in his place? A deal for Nash is NOT a deal to make a push. Its a deal to build a better team over the next five years. The reality is that with any of these guys the leafs are still missing a number 1 goalie, as neither reimer or gustav have stepped up....AND.... most importantly they still don't have a top line center. I think it would be one heck of a line having Kessle and Nash on the top line with lupal dropping down to the second line to replace grabo. but this will screw with whatever chemistry there is currently. Still short that big line center. Either way a deal for nash is a deal for next year or the year after. A deal for a goalie is a deal for the play offs. To be honest what team other than Boston have the leafs not been able to skate with and gun with toe to toe this year? Even short a big time center the leafs can skate with any team in the league. They need a big team center to shore everything up and add the consistency, and they need to figure out the goal tending situation. What are they going to do in the play-offs? Play rock paper scissors for starting goalie? I am happy with the team as a whole, but we are still missing some key components, and as much as I like Nash, he is not the component we are missing. We already have three 30 goal wingers that haven't accomplished anything. Don't forget... Nash is a -22 this year and grab is a +5 with the same goals and assists.
  12. Personally I like my GL2 better than my Crucials, or compres. I do like the feel of my cumaris better than all of them though. I certainly haven't had any structural issues. But my gl2 is not a casting rod. its a drop shot rod.
  13. Sorry, no core here, but I do have a gl2. It's awesome.
  14. Pretty happy with my liberty, not a lick of trouble. I know several other liberty owners that haven't had any issues with them as well.
  15. Nice!!! Did you give your kids a red ryder bb gun too?
  16. Well, I went to the mall after work, and realized I forgot my wallet at work. I was supposed to get dinner to eat in, but I only had the spare change in the car. I had 17 dollars and 63 cents. I bought a pre barbequed chicken, potatoe wedges, a can of green giant corn(peaches and cream), and I have enough spare to buy a no name box of ferreroo rochie's. I appologized when I got home. Explained the situation. We ate dinner, and she went to bed. Now I am on OFC, watching the hockey game with the couch to myself... Winning!!!!!!
  17. Unfortunatly I do not... But I think I can buy one with a dozen minnows...
  18. Go get something on your way home for your better half or you ain't goin fishing any time soon.
  19. It wasn't me.
  20. Wow, I am so sorry to hear the news. I can't say I have met either of you in person, but I do recall some of the posts your guys both made. I really enjoyed the enthusiasm and pride he showed when he first posted about you getting into SAIL. Prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family.
  21. Very little changes after the trade deadline in terms of who's in and who's out.... A bit early to put money it? Yep... But to make a guess... Whoever drops back now is gonna fade away quickly is my guess.
  22. These are the teams in running. I would put Mtl and below out of the picture being 10 pts back. its gonna be a monumental challenge to make that ground up... So make you picks. Who will be out an why? I am thinking Ottawa and Florida. Reas for florida is I think Washington will pull up there boots and pull ahead of Florida and not look back, and winnipeg would just be such a cool story so I think they have the motivation... this puts Florida on the outside.... The Sens, I just don't think they can keep anything together, they are slumping at the wrong time of th year. COldest team in the last 10 games with only 3 wins.
  23. Yep, ellwood epps in port perry has them in the pistol calibers, 30/30 and 308....sorry no more 12 gauge 00...
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