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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. In the bass boat we used to have golf club tubes and racks. it was a pita to get the rod tips into the holes. we took them out this year and are now using those nylon woven rod gloves. We bought them at bass pro, but the spinning rod ones suck as they barely go over the last eye. I also put my rods in two bags, one for spinning rods and one for baitcasters. Then just drop the bags into the lockers. I find this setup is much easier to deal with on the water than the tubes.
  2. I have a piece pencil in my palm as well from pretending I was spiderman in grad 2 or 3. Haha
  3. haha, well hopefully it all ends up well... I guess... I mean I was kinda hoping for some amputation. Better not wait too long. I would think getting it sorted out sooner than later is better.
  4. Here is a shakedown between the EOS 7D and T2i. Dollar for Dollar I couldn't find anything I needed from the 7d for double the price. http://www.cameratown.com/reviews/canont2i_vs_7d/index.cfm
  5. I guess they amputated, Manjo is unable to type his update on the finger incident....
  6. Imagine casting this bad boy....
  7. I did say if you are brave. but yah better not do that.
  8. 1.99? That seems a bit stiff...
  9. merci.
  10. Drain the carb before doing anything, it likely has water in it if it sat for any amount of time. it can just get stuck in there and make things a nightmare. Then do the seafoam, then plugs. also, if you are feeling brave, you can touch the spark plug wires while its running. if you get shocked then they are leaking and they should also be changed. Very common for spark plug wires to the be the root of weird stuff.
  11. No cans in the backcountry. this includes opeongo.
  12. The camera I took that picture with is a T2i. No complaints with it at all.
  13. Anyone know the name of that motel near apsley? Looking for a cheap place to crash out on Saturday night.
  14. I would think if you disclosed the locations and reasons then it wouldn't be an issue.
  15. I think that guy will feel safer in prison.
  16. Its an older camera, I think it came out around 2008, but it took and likely still takes great pictures. If you are getting a good deal on it go for it. For lenses you have lots of options since you should be able to use the EF and EF-S lenses. What lense does it come with? I have the 18-55mm EF-S with IS lense as well as the 55-250mm ef-s IS lense. For portraits you can get the 50mm portrait lense and it will do you just fine. For macros you can look at the 100mm f2.8 ef USM lense or the ef-s60mm f2.8 lense. either of these will get you through most shots, however, the kit 18-55 takes nice macros as well. Here is a macro with the 18x55is lense snail by vinceyon, on Flickr
  17. Yah, cut it off and put it on youtube.
  18. I haven't used them for a long time, but we used to just tale a normal wedless widegap and use an elastic band and strap it to the back.
  19. ITS ALL OVER FOR YOU MAN!!!! quick amputate
  20. Its pricey to throw one... 4 swimbait hooks @5 bucks, 10 for the rig and a pack of 4 swimbaits maybe another 5 bucks or more. So you are looking at throwing atleast 20 bucks for one setup. Definatly want to make sure your knot is good.
  21. Bringing in Luongo for the right deal, doesn't put us back at all. Reimer can't carry the team with the defense as sucky as it is for a whole season, he needs help for a few years. Of coure noone woul de happy to sell the farm to get luongo.
  22. I think louong for 2 years as a starter, take the heat off of reimer, and let him grow, then have lou backup for 3 more years while he fades away to retirement. Reimer can grow himself and find his game. He has talent, he needs to grow. With luongo the leafs will be good in goal for about 5-10 years. Presumming reimer pans out. Then you have scrivens you can use topick up a draft pick at trade deadline for a team making a run without a backup. I am not too sure what I would give up for luongo, maybe even scrivens and a draft pick for luongo, vancouver will need a backup for schnieder. As for center, thats the big question mark in toronto as I think Luo is a lock. I would really like to see parise, but I don't think he will play here. I think nash is more likely. However that still leaves center open. I really think IF nash came here, both him and JVR would be tested on Center, and if that doesn't work then Burke will be shopping from a center around deadline day. I really wish he would have shelled out the coins for Richards.
  23. Also took this one...
  24. The pictures were taken about 2 minutes apart. You can see how dramatecally the sunset reflection changes within a few mionutes.
  25. Well a while ago I saw a strange reflection off the sun and the buildings but I didn't have a chance to setup the camera to get a good picture of it. I got a couple better pics this evening.
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