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Everything posted by RJackson

  1. I met my buddy Phil about 10 years ago through our local fishing message board. Little did we know that our first trip to the Bay of Quinte one December day (That was a disaster by the way) would turn into what would become a life long friendship. Phil has become a part of our family over the years, the kids still call him Uncle Phil and our boy Sinker runs to the window every time he sees his truck pull into the laneway. It was a no brainer to have him stand up for me at our wedding in 2011. When I took the job working for Frito Lay in the spring of 2011 a few things changed. 99% of it was positive. The downside of it was my schedule changed. What was a given every weekend that Phil and I would fish now wasn’t possible due to my schedule. It’s been tough to get used to. We still fish a bunch together but it’s tricky to make it happen at times. When I got word Phil had taken a weeks holidays (which is unheard of) I cleared a few days of my schedule and refused to book anything. We put plans in the works. Local trips? Go away for a few days to do something different? We decided on Lake Ontario for a couple of days on the Salmon Hunt. We trailered the Lund down late in the afternoon and immediately skipped out onto the lake to try to put the pieces together for the next day. We did so quite quickly and we excited for what the next day would bring us. When this is the first bite you get after 20 minutes of trolling it gets the heart pumping… We whooped em good...including this double header. We did have a triple as well but that didn't have the same results.. What a gong show. We took the BBQ out in the Lund to save us running to shore for a bite to eat or to have to endure a crappy sandwich. This was mint. We were interrupted while eating lunch... Big steelhead around too... More pics and some details on our day are here: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1265 With the sun setting we banged off a few more and headed for shore with sore shoulders, big smiles and a great feeling of spending some time with a good buddy. Good stuff! RJ
  2. Thanks boys! I tried Salt and Vinegar chips with her tonight. She's not a fan.
  3. Few days wrapped up here. Joined two fellas from my local FH message board over the past week and as usual these trips are always a hoot. Cprince and I fished a lake over in PQ. STUPID numbers of fish. I think I had 9 Largies in the boat before he casted once ( he's a slow knot tyer ), all on cranks. It rain all day and while the size sucked we had a blast. I then had DropShot'r n board. We went to Muskrat, it sucked. We had a dozen in the boat by noon with 2 3 lbers for our efforts. I made the call to bail and head elsewhere. Great call. They ate everything there including open water frogging. I did catch a freakin snapping turtle on a jig, that was interesting! My buddy Rob and I did a Laker trolling day. I loved that, effortless fish catching!. His Terrova with Ipilot did the trick. Steelhead rods landed us 10 for 12 on this kicked back day! Grant and I had a great day on the jig the other day, excuse Grant's pics as I had to crop them as he fished in his gitch because he showed up in jeans for a forecasted 30 degree day... :w00t: We finally kept a few fish for the table. Birdee BBQ'd em up and they were tasty, so they say! And finally my first Duker for 2013.... Starting another weeks holidays today. 3 booked trips and 3 fun days on tap. Gonna have to go to the Rideau River soon, Birdee and I are fishin the MSBassin event on the river early August and haven't been on it for Bass in 12 years...great event to consider fishing, great cause and fun day! RJ P.S. The Bears like Lay's at our place FYI...
  4. Best Northern report I've read. The "into the wild" aspect of it is cool, doing it alone shows your skills. Good stuff. RJ
  5. I'm shocked knowing the area you fish that you've never heard or run across this Mike. They usually have them for sale on the spot. They also can be bought at most of your local marinas. $10 can save the hassle in the future. RJ
  6. Awesome ride Terry. I have the same sized Lund but an older ProV. Great boat that will do everything you'll ever want it to. RJ
  7. I too thought Lew was gonna break out a few Musky Pics... That is a little too close for comfort! RJ
  8. Great haulin there. 30 Specks has to be up there as a monumental day! RJ
  9. You definitely should hear the ticking! RJ
  10. Enjoy your time up our way Shawn. Lookin like a walleye sky today for ya! RJ
  11. Awesome coloration on that Larry skie! RJ
  12. Helluva day for ya Matt! RJ
  13. Thanks folks, still at it hard in Eastern Ontario! I prefer not to hold them like that for photos but with clients I insist simply for their safety. RJ
  14. The last few weeks have been a blur and there is no let up in the next month. Loads of on the water time with friends, family and clients. A short recap. Had a Father/Son combo out for Gar last week sometime, the trash talk was awesome between them. The Dad took the lead for big fish early with this 48"er. Dad was chirping the kid bad until the kid beat his best fish for the day by an inch with a 49"er. Then the tide turned! Took Chevy and Mickey down to the Larry for day on the Carp. Needed a relaxing day on the banks! Well it wasn't very relaxing... Great day it was down there, more pics of our day are here: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1250 Birdee and I slid out for 3 hours on Saturday night for Bass opener. Total frog bite. The Jackall Iobee stole the show. Into a long stretch of time on the water starting Wednesday. We only have a few dates available if anyone is looking to book a day on the water, drop us a line asap if interested! RJ
  15. Tigers are just sexy. Good stuff. RJ
  16. Nothing "Common" about a 30 fella. Grats! RJ
  17. Things should be fine spawn wise up in FMZ18, haven't seen a Bass on a bed in a bit. Colder lakes could be an issue but reality is the studies show the most successful and largest specimens spawn first and the fry from the late spawners rarely are big enough to make it thru winter anyways...so the key fish should be long done. Have a great season boys! RJ
  18. Looks like fun fellas. Still remember Lloyd bouncing around out of Port Hope with the backyard canopy over his boat. Still whackin em! RJ
  19. Wicked, we don't have em up this way. RJ
  20. Great fish Rich, is that a White Crappie? RJ
  21. Like I said before Aaron, Congrats brotha. Can't wait til they turn the reins over full time to you, only in time. RJ
  22. Thanks folks, it's been a weird spring in Eastern Ontario but still managing to find those special windows of good conditions. No photoshopping needed for these ones! I tied on the Jackall Cherry 0 footer 56 in Tenesee Shad at seasons start and it hasn't come off since. RJ
  23. Great show and like many have said, it's not a fishing show. The bizarre locations and oddball style fishing it shows is intriguing. He has an absolute savage on a rod though! RJ
  24. Though it's been a little later spring than I'd hoped for we did manage to find that magic window of conditions that we are looking for... My buddy Grant and I were giggling like school girls when we did the math, two 53's a 52 and a 51 incher. 2 hours fishing, 4 good casts and 209 inches of Gar....all sight fished on new favorite Gar bait. Jackall Cherry 0 footer. Quality hooks right outta the package! Grants new PB. This last one was a pig, it looked like it ate a cormorant. 21 inch girth and the heaviest gar I've ever caught. Tipped the digital scale well over 22 lbs. A few more pics of this wild couple hours fishin are here: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1227 RJ
  25. Thanks folks, glad you enjoyed this! RJ
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