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Everything posted by RJackson

  1. Another one to consider in this class of rides is the GL Lunds. I've ran them for 3 years and they are quite the ride. RJ
  2. Steve, When I started watching this I knew you'd get a kick out of it too. It's well done and entertaining. Hope Pops is doing well! RJ
  3. I haven't unplugged my Fortrex since the day I installed it 3 years ago. No issues. RJ
  4. Thanks folks! Glad you enjoyed it. It was a weird winter but if ya put enough time in things can happen every now and then. No hard and fast rules on C&R but as far as I know unless they're deep hooked they go back. Not around here for some reason. The odd fluke but our stocked lakes in Eastern Ontario are lacking in many ways. RJ
  5. Yuuuuup, a fishing report! The coldest winter to hit Eastern Ontario in over 30 years, ya it sucked. We had ice early and it never left so that was the silver lining. Was it a challenge at times? Darn right but we made the best of it. The usual suspects came topside this past winter with a few new things thrown in the mix to keep it interesting. The Crappie bite was great early on probably stayed steady but other species pulled us away from that bite. Having Chevy at the house led to a few impromptu texts. “We fishin tonight?” Often it was yes even if we only snuck out for a few hours. Paydirt was usually found. So close to 15…I swear that is the toughest fish to catch around here, a true 15 inch Crappie. Only did Quinte once this year. After the day we had I didn’t really want or need to go back…..when ya whack nearly 30 walleye in a day it’s tough to compare to…. Full report on this wild day is here: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1357 Probably my favourite fish I landed this winter was this sucka. Most people scoff at Panfish but until you target them regularly you don’t get an appreciation for a fish like this. It fell just shy of the Ontario record but is still headed for my wall. Highlight day was one spent with our friends Darren and Sherry up in the Hills. It’s a privately run area with their own stocking program so don’t be thinking this is a MNR stocked lake situation. Though it does shed some light in my eyes as to what those lakes could potentially produce. Incredible day of Rainbow fishing, just incredible. Loads more pics from this day are in this report: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1365 Spent two nights on the Ling…man they’re fun. Lakers are always on my mind, whether on ice or the Lund I just love those big headshakes. A truly majestic old fish that should be treasured in our area. Haven’t spent many days out on the chase but some quality fish have visited the topside for a few seconds… More Laker Pics can be seen here: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1392 File this one under the “It makes no sense” file…..while Crappie fishing I landed this…. Then while Laker fishing I landed this on a swimbait…. Bizarre but fun nonetheless. Spring is here they say, I see at least 3 more weeks of safe ice fishing. Pick your spots, stay away from current and have a blast in the sunshine as the weather finally warms….. RJ
  6. I always run in Low Power mode in less than 10 fow. Yes you lose your zoom but why would you need it when you are only in 8 fow? My guess on the digital depth jumping was you were on a soft bottom that caused it to fluctuate. Yesterday I had mine fluctuating between 15 and 19 feet. I was stumped until I moved around a bit and figured out I was setup right on the edge of a 4 foot high boulder on the bottom. The cone was hitting the rock on one side and the bottom on the other, a rare occurance to see that I'd think but once I figured it out I was able to move and set up just beside that boulder and wail on Bluegills as they were surrounding it. I've been playing around with my 28. In the day when everyone is begging for more colors on their flasher I went down to the two color pallette yesterday and actually preferred it. Anymore questions regarding Vexilar fire me a PM anytime. RJ
  7. Bizarre that you just posted this. In light of recent events I spoke to my buddy who runs the local Lund dealer. He directed me to this video. RJ
  8. Go Irish Setter and never look back. These are the ones I have. No pair of boots kept my feet warm until these. http://hunt.irishsetterboots.com/irishsetter-shoe/4888-irish-setter/4888-irish-setter-hunt-mens-15-inch-side-zip-mossy-oak-break-up-camouflage RJ
  9. Steve, I run a 3 bank MinnKota. My main is in that mix. It certainly can't hurt to have the main getting juice when having some downtime. For the small extra cost I'd consider it. Mine is under deck and fairly close to the batteries. The MK comes with long cables so you'd likely be ok with having anywhere in your Lund. Very handy to have! RJ
  10. Wow Mike, Rural living has taken you to another place! Great fishin as usual! RJ
  11. They're awesome to see, at a distance! RJ
  12. I fished the golf ponds at the resort I stayed at. Loaded with nice Largies and Gators. Never turn your back to the water or reach down to grab your fish. Slide em up the bank. That's what the locals were doing! RJ
  13. Thanks Rich, that's nice of ya to say fella. Of course anytime you are in the Ottawa area fire me a note and we will get ya on the Lund for a day. The Merry-go-around..lol. We call it the Muskie500. It sure is quite the place. RJ
  14. September was a pretty wild display of Eastern Ontario fishing but I think October may have trumped it! Hosting our first BIG BASS Megabucks took up some of our time but in the end it was worth every second. The reviews from the anglers have us convinced they loved the format, the payout and most of all the fishing. Big Rideau Lake was rockin'. The final hour of the day saw 6 4 lb plus fish brought to the scales. Cash and prizes in the $10,000 range were handed out to the winners. This will be an annual event so watch for it if you hope to fish next year as the field will be limited again. Some pics of the day... Full report of the day with loads of pics and results are here: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1311 Fall time is Smallie Time. BIG TIME. Enjoyed some great days on the Smalljaws! Drop Shotted Jackall CrossTail Shad in Green Pumpkin and Tubes whacked em all month long! Full Smallie report is here: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1306 Spent one morning in the Duck blind with my buddy Luke and Duke. I had never done that before and watching Duke work was a treat! More Duck Hunting shots: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1296 Lastly was our return trip to LSC. That place is nuts and I love it. Added a few to our crew this year with Grant, Tony and Pat joining us that just added to the fun. Doubleheader... Rod rotation was sweet on me as I lucked into a turn at this girl. Boing! Whole report is here with loads of pics : http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1317 I consider myself so lucky to have the time, means and support to do what I do. It truly is a blessing. Thanks for reading. RJ
  15. Thanks folks. Started October right tonight with a 40 inch Muskie in an afternoon trip. If memory serves me right, one Walleye was 8.6 and the other was 10.5. RJ
  16. Thanks fellas. I doubt October will top that but I'll try! RJ
  17. Hahaha! You took my bait! I understand the issue at hand here but not sure what you'll ever do to stop it. RJ
  18. I knew I'd get a reaction! I'm kidding fellas. I do a little bit of steel heading myself. I enjoy the peace and quiet of the river as much as you do. Sadly it can hectic on these creeks pretty quick especially around the GTA. Pick your spots midweek is about the best we can do! RJ
  19. Looking back on this past month it may be the best month of fishing I've ever seen. 16 days on the water with friends, family and clients. Laker closer was awesome. Had a few buddies out for the closer, a laker beating went down. Poor things didn't stand a chance with this crew. Spent a day on the Ottawa with my old buddy Pat looking for Muskies. Put a 32 incher in the Frabill, as well as a Walleye and a decent Snake for this area. Next up was where my love affair with the St. Lawrence River began. I quickly became addicted to the Bronze Bombers that live there. PB's were beat pretty much on every trip either by myself or boat guests. That place is heaven. Birdee's new PB.. Had RJ Sr. down for a day. He absolutely whacked em on the Drop shot. Not bad putting 21 plus lbs for 5 fish on your first day drop shotting. That's sick. His best on the day was 5.2... The rest of his crazy day can be seen here: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1285 I managed my new PB that I surely plan to crush this Fall... Grant sucked these two girls in with his famous tube jig prowess! More Bronze... 75% of our fish on the Larry have been on the dropshot, tubes accounted for the rest. Jackall Cross tail shads in Green Pumpkin have been getting slurped! A new addition at our place is Chevy moving in with us as he's going to school. Built in fishing buddy with one of his days off lining up with mine so if I'm not guiding we've been out everyday possible. We spent a day on Lake Ontario, I think he liked it. He's also picked away at some Largies, Crappies and Smallies aboard the Lund. The month ended with a bang for me personally....with Grant aboard the Lund we contacted 6 Muskies in a day, shaking off a 30 incher and landing 2 including my new PB at 51 inches. Sharing that moment with Grant was cool, I think there was even a hug in the flurry! More pics including release pics can be seen here: http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1290 How October can match that I don't know, but I'll try. Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did living it, but I doubt it! RJ
  20. Tim Horton's Everything bagel, double toasted with Herb and Garlic Cream Cheese, add Bacon too. Try it. The Bacon was a recent addition that is a hit! RJ
  21. Great read Mike. Always a pleasure to follow your travels! RJ
  22. Here's a different opinion. Close the rivers to this onslaught. Solved. RJ
  23. Dip in milk/egg mix. Pack of Fish Crisp. Deep fry. Done. Burp. RJ
  24. Haha! Mike, Sinker is our yellow Lab.
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