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Everything posted by blaque

  1. My thought is that i would preload them to 70ish percent and the rest of my presentation will take care of the rest to get my bait down. I always end up putting about 4 larger shot just under the float....and if fishing eggs for instance, i will use smaller shot for whatever shot pattern i need to get the bait down. That would be the other 30% that the float has left to load. Basically its just a head start to "true" the float...... And more importantly its 4 or 5 less lead shot ive got to pinch with my teeth. Im becoming more and more concerned with that as i age lol. In reality......when fishing jigs (which i fish primarily it seems), I only use float shot right under the float to true the float.......and the jig. So i would just have to throw on the loaded float and jig. No lead in my mouth whatsoever. Anyway, all the comments are right on. It works for some situations, and some not. Just the outcome of a sunday night with no football or hockey to watch LOL
  2. Streams were locked up this weekend so i decided to try out a thought ive had kickin around in my brain for a while. Preloading drennan floats. Not sure if its logical or not lol. The benefits are that is will be one less thing to rig in frigid temps (applying float shot under the float). Also, when adjusting the float location, (sliding it up and down mainline)i dont have to worry about burning the mainline if the float shot are tight to the line. Drawbacks may be how this float will now track as the load isnt at the lowest point on the float. Also, depending on water conditions, you may still want to adjust the weight which isnt possible when inserted into the float obviously. But for me, i think this should work for 95% of the water type i fish. We shall see as i havent thrown these at any fish yet. Pretty simple........drill a small hole in the float, load shot into hole, fill with aquaseal to just above hole. Aquaseal will lock shot to the bottom and obviously also seal the hole
  3. So what the heck does a Prawn look like
  4. Who's to say he didnt pick the flowers and drink someone elses beers
  5. My honest opinion. I would have told him to come get the rod and not troubled myself with the awkward confrontation. I just wouldn't dial his number next time I was goin out on the water. Bill, I hear that. I was on a seriously tight budget this past summer and parked the boat the entire season. It never saw the water. Tough go for sure but it had to be done to throw money at some other things that took precedence
  6. Watching bettmans press conference address. Why do I always feel like I'm going to throw up in my mouth a little whenever I hear him speaking?
  7. Saw this on ur Facebook page and "liked" it lol
  8. Couple pics look like a stick and a puck might have been a good idea as well
  9. Shweet
  10. Honestly, i read and watch enough of this negative stuff......im gonnna stay positive on this one
  11. Nah, well...maybe to have bragging rights to having invented it lol, but the amount of the population that fishes is pretty slim........or at least the amount of lunatics, i mean people, that fish in the middle of winter is slim. Dont think theres much money there
  12. Yep, i think weve all looked to the sky asking for those at one point or another. Its easy to suck the ice off an ice rod......not such an easy task at the end of a 14 footer LOL. I think we could probably find the technology as close to our noses as the battery operated socks
  13. Ive watched some of those Inventor TV shows over the past year and am floored at what gets pushed thru and what doesnt. Also gives a good idea at what the process is and the investment involved in bringing a product from idea to market. Most products dont make it past "how big is your tartet market"? In other words, if your inventing something in the fishing world, what percentage of the worlds population are fishermen. Peanuts compared to the percentage of the population that use.....lets say.....cell phones. I'd be hard pressed to want to follow an idea into the fishing market
  14. Puffy Shirt episode...yes?
  15. Kudos to your family and their efforts Skipper. Lets hope this bit of news has the potential they think it may have
  16. Meh, it doesnt bug me to much. Get a paper shredder, makes a good free fire starter
  17. Yep, front page news these days should be next to the crossword puzzle if ya ask me.
  18. Could be promising news coming out of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute down here in Buffalo NY. Potential Cancer Vaccine
  19. see if you can find one that will admit it "Hindsight is always 20/20", "things arent always what they seem", etc....etc.....
  20. That doesnt even make sense. Just because he's ashamed of the government that runs his country doesnt mean hes not proud of its citizens and what they stand for. His protest actually solidifies how much he cares for his country. He plays the game for the american people and those within the hockey community......not for the politicians. I would take much more pride and satisfaction in the cup parade in Boston than i would EVER take from a podium full of POLS.
  21. Love your lower river pics.....water looks primo
  22. Devils advocate was also good, ............if you can stomach Keanu Reeves' acting skills, you get rewarded with some good Pacino
  23. I admire that your being so diligent with your purchase lol. I'd probably jump the gun if i were in your shoes from the excitement. I agree with your comments about the back flip seats in the smokercraft, especially with the family. Although your little ones will probbaly spend 99% of the time up front in the bow. I know ive never seen a kid get on my boat without running right for the open bow lol I also think that black princecraft is a BAD lookin boat. Again.....i may let my superficial side get the best of me and go for the sexier ride You may be able to somehow mount more rear seats in the back if you ever needed them Good Luck.....very exciting
  24. I've gotta look at my W-2's a little closer this year. I had no idea i had a stake in the mining industry
  25. Sabres win!! Woo hoo
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