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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2022 in all areas

  1. Knightfisher....I don't think you'd find it funny if you invested many years building a business and then someone used your name and logo to take sales away from you. I think you'd be pretty pissed.
    1 point
  2. Canadian Tire sells nothing other than made in China products anymore. May as well call it China Tire
    1 point
  3. I prob bought what was, in a sense. 'stolen goods' but did not do it knowingly. The pic shown above was my Sail order. When I could not get them from Sail. Cabelas or Can Tire I naturally looked elsewhere on the net. I had never heard of Aliexpress before. Now I get at least 2 e-mails a day from them!!😁Need to adjust my spam settings.
    1 point
  4. I have no problem with folks getting a "good deal". I'm all for competitive free markets that offer the best products/services at the lowest price. Its the "knock offs" that I have an issue with. As a former business owner, I know the $$$, never mind the blood, sweat and tears, it takes to build a brand and the reputation that brand reflects. These "companies" (I use the term loosely) in China that blatantly use the same name (or very similar), logos, and "look alike" products as established brands are no better (if not worse) than common thieves. In China they operate without impunity because they don't respect or enforce global copyright laws...in fact, it's encouraged by that regime. Frankly, purchasing these products is the moral equivalent of buying goods from a break and enter criminal that robbed your neighbour.
    1 point
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