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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey, folks, for those of you living close to Simcoe "Don't try this at home"!!?
    1 point
  2. Boron wasn't just lighter, it was a lot more sensitive than the graphite of the day. Unfortunately, it was also more brittle, and had this nasty habit of shattering when put under a good load, particularly in cold weather. You're right, more R&D would have figured it out, but Fenwick decided it just wasn't worth the investment given Boron's substantially higher cost and much, much lower sales volumes. I got a couple of Fenwick Boron-X rods shortly after they first came out. First one blew up in my hands spectacularly while I was fighting a fish, leaving me holding a cork handle and a stump that didn't even reach to the first guide. Second one split when I set the hook on a rock. Fenwick did replace them both under warranty, and and I subsequently swapped them for graphites.
    1 point
  3. Canadian Maple syrup and a sprig of rum glaze, Took a bit longer then I thought, Got cold outside quick. Friggen winter. LOL Yummy,none the less.
    1 point
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