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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Are we to assume then that all those who actually own cottages on the lake are Pro's ?
    1 point
  2. What this teaches us is just how important it is to be conscientious while driving. We all break laws every day when we drive above the posted limit, roll through a stop, or what seems to be very popular now, cruising through traffic lights really late. It doesn't seem a big deal because we generally don't get caught and it doesn't end with the horrific results mentioned above. But it could and that's what we all need to remember. I'm as guilty as the next guy and thank heavens I've never been on either side of that type of crash. Charges? Sure, but nobody wins here.
    1 point
  3. During the RCMP Press Conf. this afternoon announcing the over 30 charges the spokesman said they had 125 officers and staff investigating from day 1. They made sure every i was dotted and every t was crossed. Before we get a lynch mob together and hang the accused ask yourself if you have never blown a STOP sign or gone through a red? I have and have been very lucky. When I was 17 with a new licence I passed a stopped School Bus on a very busy Hamilton street. I cried like a teen right there and then and thanked God I didn't kill a child. I can tell you I never did that again.
    1 point
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