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I came, i lost, i returned and i conquered

BFSC Kevin

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as some may have read.

i was very ticked off that i lost my spinner and xrap because of my stupidity of forgetting to bring some leaders

well, when i woke up today, i couldn't stop thinking about it... sooooooo... i returned!!


at 1 i met up with my gf and we headed off to the islands, saw some bass that didn't feel like eating, caught a 13 inch bullhead that put up a good first fight of the day...



and we continued on our journey to find some pike..

finally time was up and we had to go.

it was either we took this current ferry or wait and take the next, since we had a bit of time, we decided to stay for the next ferry.. good thing we did!

i walked around and threw a aglia spinner around and i saw a follow! and BAM, it took it and ran... my curado was going nuts.. i yelled over to my gf who is sitting there bored, "i got something! its huge! go grab the camera!"

and she returns shortly to assist me..

after a good few minutes fight and running into the weeds, i get her landed.. it was a beautiful 34inch PB pike (not bad i think, considering this is my first year going for pike).

after the OFAH award, we have 36 inch for team 3.. WOOT!

(i edited out my face.. made a funny face)



Edited by kevin
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Great job on that PB Pike! Yes there are bigger out there, but you got a real nice one there. I figure anything that qualifies for OFAH is a VERY respectable fish! Good on you to return...as long as you learn from your skunks/lost fish then you are headed in the right direction. The next fish after a skunk is sweet...esp when you land your PB.

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