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Anyone want to sponser a guy and his son?

Big Cliff

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As some of you know my son and I are going on our first fly in June 24 to June 29th. We will be going to Vick Lake which is situated North of Armstrong and we've booked with Mattice Lake Outfitters, one of the recommendations suggestions by Mike. Apparently it is about 78 NM north of their air base in Armstrong so it's remote enough.


We will be fishing walleye and Northern pike with our primary focus being on walleye and numbers. The lake is tea stained and is known for large numbers of walleye in the 2-4 lb range and pike up to about 25 lbs. It's a private lake with only one camp on it so we are expecting a stellar 5 days.


Both my son and I are experienced fishermen, I guided on the French River (weekends and holidays) for many years and my son lives in Noelville, fishes that whole area and has for many years. We are pretty good fishermen so I expect we'll do quite well.


Now, I am not asking for (or expecting) anyone to contribute to the cost of this trip, I have already put in the necessary number of hours to cover that. What I am wondering is: would anyone be interested in contributing products and/or merchandise in return for a detailed review. Rain gear/bug spray/water purification/plastics/jigs/anything that might be needed or appreciated by a couple of guys in a remote situation for 5 days.


In return I would provide an "Honest detailed report on their product", the pros, the cons, suggestions. My report will be posted on here and on Face Book and available at no charge to anyone that does decide to provide a product for testing.


Anyone interested? Please email me at [email protected]





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