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Back lake Lakers


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Hey everyone.


Planning a trip to the Kawartha highlands in mid august.


I know the lakes Im going to be on both have both small and large mouth, plus 1 and possibly both have lakers.


I think i should be able to figure the bass out easy enough but as for lakers Ive never had the pleasure of fishing for them before.


Both lakes (Bottle and Sucker) are small, and not to deep, sucker has maximum depth of 30' or so, while bottle is around 70'


Any tips of locating and fishing the lakers here? I assume they will almost definitely be on or very near the bottom in both of the lakes.


I will have a flasher unit to use, Should i try jigging tubes in the depths or what would you suggest?


Thanks anyone for your help...and if you have any specific information about bottle/sucker lakes feel free to message me.

Edited by Brettiop
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A laker lake with a max depth of 30 ft...i cant imagine that being a very productive trout lake.


Troll spoons with snap weights or keel weights starting at 1 or 2 oz and work your way deeper until you hit fish. Vertical jig if you find structure they seem to be relating to closely.

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