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NFL Football starts tonight..want to make the season interesting?


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5th year running of my salary cap pool. If you have not played its alot of fun and makes those Sundays you are not on the water a lot more fun. Each week you pick your starting line up with 100 to spend. Each week the values of the players will go up or down depending on how your players did the week before.


Entry is 3 fishing lures to be sent to the winner at the end of the season.


If you want to join sign up through yahoo fantasy and go to salary cap football

League is called Fishing and Football

you will need the league number Group ID# 4868

the Password is football


KIck off is tonight ! you can make your picks until Sunday


Good luck to all



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Always known fantasy football and fishing mix well. My family league is the WFL(Wabakimi football league). It's fun to use our fishing names and to keep better in touch with each other. I'm already in 4 leagues but a true fishing league, I'm in.


Just so everyone knows, I would prefer Pike lures. :tease:

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So do you. :oops:


I have to give credit to solopaddler for sticking up for his beloved league... :clapping:


Someday you opinion my change.....the NFL doesn't have enough football and too many commercials....too many yellow flags....but last nights game was excellent...now if only our owner would pass on and a new one take over and get serious about winning we would really have something to cheer about...


Go Ralph Wilson and leave the Bills behind.... :thumbsup_anim:

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