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Is Costco Open Today?


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Spent yesterday freezin,' and ducking the floating ice pans on the ONLY uncrowded trib I could find. The most exciting thing that happened . . . . I watched a 'territorial' fight between 2 mink . . . . musta been 'territorial, mating was over months ago. Those critters have to be the most vicious l'il animals I've ever seen . . . . the loser finally retreated into the rocks under the bridge, but the 'winner' still tried to go after him for a good 5 minutes before heading into the underbrush along the creek. I never saw the loser come out? But . . . nary even a line bump . ... except for the ice pans. I had several people stop by, going home . . . outta about 6 people, by 10:00, not one fish! Anybody going out today? CANADIAN COPPER? Is there gonna be trout available today?

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