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"No History of Colonialism"

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

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My ancestors were a victim of colonization many times, having a mix of scottish/irish/english/french and who knows what else blood, i wonder how many times the lands and nations of my ancestors changed hands, and how many people died in those wars. Why is it that the suffering of my and all of our ancestors is irrelevant, no one is offering me a cheque every month to compensate for their suffering, but then i'm just an evil white guy.


Conquest and colonization was and to some extent still is the way of the world, the native people of this continent did the same to each other countless years before the white folks got here, so do the Iroqiuos compensate the Hurons every month, or is it the other way around? Anyone ever here about the theory theat the greenland inuit invaded northern canada and killed the other inuit ( a distinct and seperate group), in other words the inuit living in the north now are colonists themselves, how do they compensate those they stole their land from seeing as they allegedly killed all of them? By no means did the 'native' north americans get an easy ride, but then in many other parts of the world conquered people have been and still do get treated much much worse, in some cases eradicated.


But what is this need for self loathing amognst some Canadians about this issue? Conquest and violence is the way of the world, how far back do we have to go to compensate and apologize to specific groups, at some point we have all been victimized by this cycle, at least ancestrally. What do we have to do to make amends for all of the terrible things we've done that have resulted in a nation that so many people are desperate to move to? THE WORLD ISN'T FAIR. But if I had to be a conquered people I'd rather live tax free with free money in one of the best countries in the world than say..well almost anywhere else, Canada must be one of the very few places in the world where the conquerers pay the bills of the conquered while the conquered do nothing but demand more and more and more, there is only one explanation i can see for this, liberal guilt, it's so Ontario.


Maybe harper is technically right, or wrong, but so what? My ancestors played the game just like everyone else, they lost some and they won some, there is nothing to apologize for.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i was waiting for someone to make the "long winded, ignorant, latent racist" post!


Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
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non sequitur?


It has everything to do with what you said in your opening sentence. Only I am not bashing My Prime Minister in public with innuendo. My statement is a fact.



Whos the Racist anyways and what are the Racist comments. Its getting too easy pulling that card out eh.

Edited by holdfast
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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

k...so separatists have what to do with harper being ignorant? don't get me wrong, i REALLY don't like the separatists and my Canada includes Quebec but you totally changed the subject....


and nothing i said was innuendo...go and GOOGLE "harper colonialism" and see how many news agencies have covered this blunder..


given how you are a proud canadian you'd think once and a while you'd side with your country and not your party... this comment is embarrassing for all of us, regardless of our political affiliation.

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My statement has absolutely nothing to do with Harper or a Party, however if you wipe that fog in front of your eyes, you will notice that I stated that the real threat to what you said QUOTE....That our Country has no History of Colonialsim Would be the Spineless, Gutless, Government officials like Andre Jeaneau who is in the position to to uphold our History had the gull to bow down to sovereigntists groups, because they found reliving the re-enactment offensive. BOO HOO I think your Rant should be focused on the real threat to Colonial History in Canada ( if you really care) instead of the Harper Bashing, which I think was your real motive. Unless your like the ( The Sovereigntists) I"ll say it, Its because they are English Haters that are sensitive to true history and will deny or forcefully hide the fact that the Brits beat the French and consequently ruled. Get over it. Also I forgot, it seems that it is a sin in Canada to be proud of your Nation and feel any Nationalism from what I heard. I think there is a real problem here in parts of this country that is spreading like wild fire. Do you think. I haven't heard of your Harper Quote as I'm sure it would of been spewed on the CBC and Toronto's Yahoo because I'm sure the biased press would of sensationalised it. So it sounds fishy to me. Let me check though, it would of been not the first time Harper opened his mouth to the wrong people. LOL, I guess he cant hide his so called hidden agenda.

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if only semantics were a sport, you'd be a star player!


Who's really the one using semantics here? Maybe it's time to take a look in the mirror Doc. Just like many others on the left of center, maybe you are desparately looking for something to hang Harper with, especially after yet another Liberal implosion with the resignation of Denis Codere. Is that what really triggered this thread?


In the end, they are all the same anyways.....slimey little puppets for big business and the wealthy.

Edited by ChrisS
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Conquest and colonization was and to some extent still is the way of the world, the native people of this continent did the same to each other countless years before the white folks got here,

Colonialism: The conquest continues....

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