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Brooklin Spring Fair


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hey all.


Well it's that time of year again when the fairs start rolling through towns... Is anyone going to the Brooklin spring fair from the board? I'm sure I may run into jigger there but not sure if others are going. If there are enough people going maybe we can do a M&G some time on Sat. or Sun. in the parking lot between Winchester and the beer tent just after lunch (AKA the hockey rink lot)? Your thoughts? Ok, Ok, I know someone is bound to say to do the M&G in the beer tent but that's just to easy... ;):D



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I used to go to the Brooklin fair every year for many years. I've won the nail driving contest a number of times too :)


I work weekends these days though, so my wife will prolly take the kids over. Its a great fair though!!



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