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NF: Interesting link for the day

Guest lundboy

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Look, just get to the point.


I will rule the planet some day.


So bow to me.



I can be merciful.


My real name is ZONTAR.


I have a cabbage leaf growing out of the back of my head.



My food is Paranoid Propaganda,


and I'm being overfed here.



(note to self: stick to fishing threads)




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Guest lundboy
Documents have been forged and doctored for centuries. What does all this prove? There is tons of mis-information everywhere.


But if you take a look around and see whats happening. How sea life is being affected, plants, animals, the arctic glaciers, the global floods and extreme weather. These are things that cannot be denied.


Hmmm... Think about what you just said, and apply it to the proof, evidence and documentation you see for promoting climate change. Are you so sure that you aren't being taken for a ride?


There's plenty of visual evidence right now that what I have provided documentation to is taking place. That link http://www.green-agenda.com has evidence in there that shows how polar regions have been melting and how it has been since the last "mini ice age", and how the water levels on some key ancient architecture at sea level around the world has not shown any change in water marks.


So I guess we have to agree to disagree on these issues.


I will leave you with one last article, which I'm sure you will view as rhetoric, and falsehoods, because once one has worshiped at the alter of Climate ChangeTM , one has a hard time switching religions.




Edited by lundboy
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Guest Johnny Bass

So basically, you are saying you want to start limiting the amount of Children, people are having? Good luck with that. Especially in the west.


Cats are extinct? Then what animal have I been feeding in the backyard all this time?


Actually it is getting harder for many couples to conceive.


Again. How do you propose to reduce the population any time soon, other than war or plague?


Fantasy? I think not. Space travel is becoming more and more advanced as each day passes. With the advancements of nuclear power and alternative energies, it may very well be reality in 30-50 years. Who knows. All it takes is one little break through and watch technology take off. Just like when they invented the micro chip. Look what has happened in the last 30 years.


Limited cultivators?If need be they can add soil and other soiless applications. So it is not fantasy.They are already working on this thing that you call fantasy.


You think apartment buildings are ugly, but what does that have to do with anything? Look at some of the world's most heavily populated cities. They are full of apartment buildings. Why? Limited space.


And I don't know what you are trying to prove with all that population data. That there were fewer people in the past? That goes without saying.


This entire discussion IMO is ridiculous and fantasy. Since there is no reasonable way of reducing the earth's population, anywhere in the near future, without war or plague or devastating natural disaster.


Or if they start putting restrictions on baby births which will not happen anytime soon. What they have done is make it more expensive to raise a child, thus people are having less children. Or at least putting it off.


I think more time should be put on finding practical ways to deal with the problems(of an increasing population) and not fantasy.


So although you think it would be a better place if there was 1-2 million per continent? It is easier said than done.

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Guest Johnny Bass
Hmmm... Think about what you just said, and apply it to the proof, evidence and documentation you see for promoting climate change. Are you so sure that you aren't being taken for a ride?


There's plenty of visual evidence right now that what I have provided documentation to is taking place. That link http://www.green-agenda.com has evidence in there that shows how polar regions have been melting and how it has been since the last "mini ice age", and how the water levels on some key ancient architecture at sea level around the world has not shown any change in water marks.


So I guess we have to agree to disagree on these issues.


I will leave you with one last article, which I'm sure you will view as rhetoric, and falsehoods, because once one has worshiped at the alter of Climate ChangeTM , one has a hard time switching religions.



Are you sure you are not being taken for a ride by the powers that be?


Polar regions have been melting on and off. What has changed now is the rate of thaw. There is a clear visual indication that water levels are up. If the water levels went up even by a 1/4 of an inch, the result would be increased rainfall and heavy flooding. Hmmmmm. Has there been increased rainfall and heavy flooding? The answer is yes.


Therefore, logic is on my side.


Are you telling me the PTB are causing it? They are causing the floods, the rainfall, the hurricanes and the earthquakes and the upswing in tornadoes and the huge hail storms we have been having and the eradic behaviour of sea life and the early blooming of plants?


Lets get serious now. All you have is words on a site. My evidence I presented cannot be denied by anyone that has eyes and ears.


Honestly, due to the limited time and the amount of mis-information on the net?I don't have time to read it, but if it is saying that global warming is fantasy and that it is being promoted by the elites? I will not buy it. Have they actually worked that angle before to cause fear? More than likely, but now I believe it is really happening. Either way, something must be done to curb pollution of our air we breathe and our waters we drink.

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Guest lundboy
Are you sure you are not being taken for a ride by the powers that be?


Polar regions have been melting on and off. What has changed now is the rate of thaw. There is a clear visual indication that water levels are up. If the water levels went up even by a 1/4 of an inch, the result would be increased rainfall and heavy flooding. Hmmmmm. Has there been increased rainfall and heavy flooding? The answer is yes.


Therefore, logic is on my side.


Are you telling me the PTB are causing it? They are causing the floods, the rainfall, the hurricanes and the earthquakes and the upswing in tornadoes and the huge hail storms we have been having and the eradic behaviour of sea life and the early blooming of plants?


Lets get serious now. All you have is words on a site. My evidence I presented cannot be denied by anyone that has eyes and ears.


Honestly, due to the limited time and the amount of mis-information on the net?I don't have time to read it, but if it is saying that global warming is fantasy and that it is being promoted by the elites? I will not buy it. Have they actually worked that angle before to cause fear? More than likely, but now I believe it is really happening. Either way, something must be done to curb pollution of our air we breathe and our waters we drink.


Since you haven't read the site, you are assuming that it says Climate ChangeTM is a fantasy, when in fact it is not, as I stated to you earlier. It is merely saying that the problem has been hijacked by the global elite to subdue the population, justify taxing, and to reduce the population by 90%, and that the plan was initiated a long time ago.


Seriously, unless you are with greenpeace (or replace with your favourite eco warrior faction) and travel around the world to see the evidence first hand, all you have is words on a site or from talking heads on PBS and news channels as well. If you are unwilling to look further at what the PTB ARE capable of and HAVE been doing for some time, then you will no doubt go to the grave with the opinions you have been led to, as will I. Remember when you have uinlimited money you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to.


Everything the elite do is to accomplish "the great work" which was laid out 100+ years ago. Including using weather as a weapon. Weather manipulation is not a secret. There are documented international treaties (UN based docs, are aparently misinfo according to you) that explain what each country can and can't (shouldn't) do to each other. All you have to do is look up at the crisscross patterns in the sky on any given clear day (that old eyes to see, ears to hear theory).


Case in point China right now, have manipulated the weather for the Olympics.


I won't give you anymore links, because your mind has been set, and you have already said you won't look at anymore evidence from the web.


It's true there is a lot of misinformation out there ON BOTH SIDES, coordinated and created as per plan.


My goal with this thread is to get people to start "thinking" about what is going on. To look at other sources of world events rather than the six o'clock news and to form their own opinions, specifically that things are not as they appear. Haven't been for long long time. Which you have done to some extent, and I respect that.


When people won't, don't, can't read, can't reason for themselves, can't form their own opinions, are victims of the Hegelian dialectic (since the time of their birth and long before) pushed out by the mainstream media and societal eilite, any other reasoning or evidence to the contrary of their comfort zone appears to be little more than madness. Which is what most of you think of me by now, but that's ok.


The next 2-4 years will expose the truth, so far it is "looking" to be from your point of view JB (because that is what we are intended to believe).


So, for everyone on this forum, I apologize for trying to shift you from your "happy place" and to take a serious look at the world around you from different points of view. And maybe convince you to prepare for what will transpire in a short time period. You can all rejoice in knowing that I will not post anymore threads related to this subject matter, nor will I chime in on any threads of similar ilk. I've provided as much info as I could in such a small venue, and there has been little interest, and downright indifference. Not an unexpected response to the ramblings of a "madman".

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Guest Johnny Bass
Since you haven't read the site, you are assuming that it says Climate ChangeTM is a fantasy, when in fact it is not, as I stated to you earlier. It is merely saying that the problem has been hijacked by the global elite to subdue the population, justify taxing, and to reduce the population by 90%, and that the plan was initiated a long time ago.


The global Elite make a lot of money polluting the earth. If they are going to loose profit, they have to generate it another way. And it isn't going to come out of their pockets.


Now would you rather pay them to poillute, or pay them to clean up our air and waters?


You tell me what actions governments take that are not added to the tax payer?


And explain to me how they are using Global warming to reduce the population by 90%? If we are going to discuss global warming? Lets try to stay on the subject.



Seriously, unless you are with greenpeace (or replace with your favourite eco warrior faction) and travel around the world to see the evidence first hand, all you have is words on a site or from talking heads on PBS and news channels as well. If you are unwilling to look further at what the PTB ARE capable of and HAVE been doing for some time, then you will no doubt go to the grave with the opinions you have been led to, as will I. Remember when you have uinlimited money you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to.


Bull My evidence is not on a site. These are events that are happening world wide and are widely publicized. Your argument does not apply.


I know exactly how they herd the sheep and the degree of mass manipulation that is used. This has nothing to do with the discussion of Global Warming. They are not capable of making Hurricanes(it takes 2 massive fronts) or global torrential rainfall on the scale of major flooding.


Everything the elite do is to accomplish "the great work" which was laid out 100+ years ago. Including using weather as a weapon. Weather manipulation is not a secret. There are documented international treaties (UN based docs, are aparently misinfo according to you) that explain what each country can and can't (shouldn't) do to each other. All you have to do is look up at the crisscross patterns in the sky on any given clear day (that old eyes to see, ears to hear theory).


Case in point China right now, have manipulated the weather for the Olympics.


Yes weather manipulation is possible, but not on the scale we have been seeing. At least not yet. So again, your argument sounds a little too far out there.


I won't give you anymore links, because your mind has been set, and you have already said you won't look at anymore evidence from the web.


It's true there is a lot of misinformation out there ON BOTH SIDES, coordinated and created as per plan.


It sounds like your mind is made up also, so we are at a stalemate.


Obviously, since they play both sides of every spectrum. But i have done my homework.


My goal with this thread is to get people to start "thinking" about what is going on. To look at other sources of world events rather than the six o'clock news and to form their own opinions, specifically that things are not as they appear. Haven't been for long long time. Which you have done to some extent, and I respect that.


With this I totally agree 200%. The one major thing we disagree on is I am pro-green. And I believe something should be done about the amount of pollution being pumped into our air and waters.


When people won't, don't, can't read, can't reason for themselves, can't form their own opinions, are victims of the Hegelian dialectic (since the time of their birth and long before) pushed out by the mainstream media and societal eilite, any other reasoning or evidence to the contrary of their comfort zone appears to be little more than madness. Which is what most of you think of me by now, but that's ok.


If you repeat a lie enough times, people will perceive it as the truth. This is one of their tactics in mass manipulating.


Only time will tell what the future brings and it doesn't look like the wait is going to be too long.

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