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Guest lundboy



Darwins book in MP3 format... work out while sweating to the real Oldies while learning at the same time!


Just thought I would pass it along..




Hmmmm Darwin huh? Big eugenics proponent, whole family inbred with the Wedgewoods trying to perfect his "species", even married his aunt when his wife died. A lot of his "research" was propaganda setup to further the eugenics movement (which is still in full swing today, only now it's called the Trans-Humanist movement). Charles Galton Darwin, "Darwin's grandson" contiunes to push eugenics or trans-humanism agenda today.


But don't believe me, look it up.


the basics:


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Hmmmm Darwin huh? Big eugenics proponent, whole family inbred with the Wedgewoods trying to perfect his "species", even married his aunt when his wife died. A lot of his "research" was propaganda setup to further the eugenics movement (which is still in full swing today, only now it's called the Trans-Humanist movement). Charles Galton Darwin, "Darwin's grandson" contiunes to push eugenics or trans-humanism agenda today.


But don't believe me, look it up.


the basics:




I also heard they have a habit of beating their pets.....but no one cares about that stuff....they just care about the widely accepted undisputed (successfully) long standing champion theory of evolution.



PS: its going to get its first update in a little while, but that is a secret I will not reveal at this time :whistling:

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Guest lundboy
I also heard they have a habit of beating their pets.....but no one cares about that stuff....they just care about the widely accepted undisputed (successfully) long standing champion theory of evolution.



PS: its going to get its first update in a little while, but that is a secret I will not reveal at this time :whistling:


You hit the nail on the head... theory.


Huxley and Darwin were and are the poster-boys for eugenics... and yes you are right, no one cares... but only because they take their education at face value, refuse to face the facts and study history. But soon they will care, and ask themselves "how did this happen to us?"


Don't kid yourself, you are no more on the inside than I am or anyone else is.


PS: I'm not advocating creationism either, that's a whole other can of worms. Just the fact that there is a whole other side to Darwinism that not a lot of people care to know about.

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gravity is a theory .....that does not make it any less of a reality than it is.

Evolution is a theory....that does not make it any less of a reality than it is.


Don't kid yourself, you are no more on the inside than I am or anyone else is.

Yes I am. I just did not want to get into new science modifying the existing theory.

Education in genetics and keeping with a few educational Nova programs keeps me a little more on the inside than most.

There are others on this board who know a heck of a lot more than me about it. Just like there are A LOT of people who are more on the inside of fishing than me.

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Guest lundboy
yes I am. Education in genetics and keeping with a few educational Nova programs keeps me a little more on the inside than most.


Academics tend to think in these terms. That comment tells me that you have an indoctrinated mind, and are not open to other possibilities. How can you be sure that you have been "educated" with the truth? Remember history is re-written everyday, education is a part of that re-writing. Dr. Josef Mengele also had an education in Genetics and Anthropology, and he turned out to be one of the worst eugenics experimenters in history (that we know of). Does that make it ok in your mind that a lot of what you have been educated on, comes from some of his work?


I think I have recommended you look into the book by Charlotte Iserbyt regarding the education system.


I think we have been through this before... history always repeats itself because we refuse to learn and pay attention.


Genetics can be used for good or bad, right now there is a lot more nefarious purposes than good. And the worst is yet to come.


But... as I said before don't take my word for it.


BTW, Nova is sponsored by The RAND corporation and also by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations... the most prolific eugenics funders going.


Also I have not denied evolution may exist, simply that Darwin was deep into eugenics, and so are his descendants, and a huge portion of the ruling elite. Somehow, you have twisted my words to read as you want and to flip attention on to something that dispels the subject I brought forward.


That's all I have to say in this thread.



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Actually history is never rewritten..peoples perception or record of it is. Evolution is as certain as we can be. The beautiful thing about science is it's willingness to always look at ways to improve what it already accepts.

As anglers, we see evidence of evolution all the time. Evolution is merely adaptation over longer periods of time. Slot limits are actually us becoming involved in the evolutionary process and speeding it up.

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