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Gowganda Ontario


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Well my buddy Chris and I headed back up to Auld Reekie Lodge in Gowganda to give the owners a hand getting geared up for the upcoming season.


We didn't fish as hard as we do in the summer but did manage to hit a few lakes in between the odd jobs that Urs had lined up to do.


Here's my partner in crime.




Fishing was slower than usual. I would attribute this to the still cold temperatures of the water. I don't think the big pike had moved up into the shallows yet. We were recording temperatures of 42-48 degrees in the shallows still. We did manage to pop a few decent smallies and a couple of smaller pike in our quest for the trophy.


Before anyone gets too excited, there is no closed season on the aforementioned species up there and all but the lake trout were released to be caught in July.









One cool part of the trip was that Chris and I both got to catch our first ever lake trout. Chris's was much bigger, around 4 lbs while mine was probably around 2 but they will be very tasty I'm sure!






We had a great time and got a fair amount of work done for Urs and Dianne.

We're both looking forward to the return trip in July!





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Very nice....I think a couple fishing shows have filmed episodes up there? Looks like good fishing....if they ever need a couple extra pairs of hands, PM me :D


We actually stayed in the same cabin that Charlie Wray stayed in while he filmed his show up there. I think Cronzy may have done a show up there as well.


The lodge is a great place. If you go on the meal plan or modified meal plan I'll guarantee you gain 10 lbs in a week. You will not leave the dining room hungry!


The fishing is outstanding! They have boats on 4 or 5 outer lakes as well as the main lake and you'll not have a bad day fishing.


Last year we landed 103 smallmouth in one day with 3 anglers. 34 walleye another day with 3 anglers. 25 pike in one day with 3 anglers.


We are heading back up July 19th for another week of some serious fishing.



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Nice reprt Paulyboy. I was up at Auld Reekie probably back around 1994. We did pretty well on bass along the shore lines. I wanted to catch some pike, but didn't catch a one on the lake there at Auld Reekie. We did take a one-day fly in, my first, and caught some night sized pike.


That was a trip that I'll never forget as while my father, step-mother, and I were there, we received a call from home that my G-father (my Dad's dad) had passed away in Florida. Packed up and heading out first thing in the morning for a 16 hour drive back home. Dumb luck had us driving through Toronto during the remnant of a hurricaine that had come up through the states. Yeah - quite the memorable trip for me.


Really nice place and we had a great time there ... looks like you are doing the same.

Thanks for taking the time to post the report. really neat.

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I found the fishing slow as well, Auld Reekie is a great place!! Im on my way back up this afternoon, I hope the fishing gets better. Some Bass would be good to fry up!!! LOL

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Those are nice trout, especially the second one. Did you target them or were they incidental? I thought trout in Gowganda was more of a fluke.


A couple of years ago, while fishing Gowganda for walleye opener (we stayed at a different camp), there was a gentleman from London who had never, ever fished in his life. The camp owner had to take him out in the boat and teach him how to bait, cast, reel, etc. But the first time he goes out, he lands a giant trout on a jig tipped with half a worm, while I had get on my knees and pray to God to get the walleye to even sniff at my offerings.


Anyways, thanks for the report, and for returning those beautiful smallies to be caught another day--by me this June, LOL!

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Those are nice trout, especially the second one. Did you target them or were they incidental? I thought trout in Gowganda was more of a fluke.


A couple of years ago, while fishing Gowganda for walleye opener (we stayed at a different camp), there was a gentleman from London who had never, ever fished in his life. The camp owner had to take him out in the boat and teach him how to bait, cast, reel, etc. But the first time he goes out, he lands a giant trout on a jig tipped with half a worm, while I had get on my knees and pray to God to get the walleye to even sniff at my offerings.


Anyways, thanks for the report, and for returning those beautiful smallies to be caught another day--by me this June, LOL!



We were targeting them. The ministry has been stocking the lakers for the last few years. I believe they have released somewhere in the neighborhood of 20,000 fish so far and will still be releasing more over the next few years. The bigger one was a stocked fish as it had the clipped fin so it looks as if the population is doing well. They even had eggs in them.



The fishing in July is definitely much better and we now have an in with the local guide that Auld Reekie uses and he's been sharing some tips and tricks to use so it should be that much better for us on our next trip! :thumbsup_anim:



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  • 2 years later...

We actually stayed in the same cabin that Charlie Wray stayed in while he filmed his show up there. I think Cronzy may have done a show up there as well.


The lodge is a great place. If you go on the meal plan or modified meal plan I'll guarantee you gain 10 lbs in a week. You will not leave the dining room hungry!


The fishing is outstanding! They have boats on 4 or 5 outer lakes as well as the main lake and you'll not have a bad day fishing.


Last year we landed 103 smallmouth in one day with 3 anglers. 34 walleye another day with 3 anglers. 25 pike in one day with 3 anglers.


We are heading back up July 19th for another week of some serious fishing.




Here's a link to charley wray on that episode they were on lake pebonishewi which is a short flight from gogama lodge. http://www.livetargetlures.com/index.html


I was at the same lake last fall for my bachelor party. Richard came with us as a guide. He has been fishing that lake for years and was very helpfull in locating the fish even though it was 30+ degrees with no wind for the whole week. The fishing was incredible as was the scenery.

Here's a few pics of the trip.

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Here's a link to charley wray on that episode they were on lake pebonishewi which is a short flight from gogama lodge. http://www.livetarge....com/index.html


I was at the same lake last fall for my bachelor party. Richard came with us as a guide. He has been fishing that lake for years and was very helpfull in locating the fish even though it was 30+ degrees with no wind for the whole week. The fishing was incredible as was the scenery.

Here's a few pics of the trip.

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