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Didnt want to hijack the DUI thread


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How about this... The images speak for themselves


Look at Switzerland V. Canada The have more firearms per person and household and more Hand guns per person




From www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/.../1997/crime-rpt_e.asp


And they have less Murders








From http://dev.prenhall.com/divisions/hss/worl...rence/home.html

Careful when selectively using stats like that. We have much less handguns than our Amercan neighbours and much less gun crime and accidental deaths. The stats are more likely a reflection of culture than availability.

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As TOMC replied, about 50%of the guns used in crimes are stolen from legal gun owners, who may have done everything the law required to store them, but the crooks got them anyway. I was a jail guard in Toronto and spoke with a few gang guys who broke into an apartment and spent 3 days opening the firearms safe of a collector (they got off on that charge by the way). And as for conscience or careful usage, these chickensh** punks would fire at anyone to save face and look cool.


For the record I am against banning them, but what about much stricter storage laws. Why couldn't handguns be stored at one central privatized storage facility in an area (I know its much easier to do in Toronto or urban centres) with much more serious security, yet the owners can access them when needed. An inconvenience yes, but the problem is growing.


Secondly MUCH more strict penalties. How about:


1. 5 years if you illegally possess a gun/ammo

2. 10 years if used in a crime but not discharged.

3. 15 years if discharged

4. 20 If someone is injured.

5. 25 if somone is killed

6. Automatic 25 years no parole on second weapons offence of any kind.


I am not sure but doesn't the criminal code already have these type of sentences as a guideline now but the judges know that CC can keep the little darlings that long due to space and budget restrictions?


1. I think your sentence for this one is too light for a couple of reasons. If you are illegally in possession of a gun/ammo because you are an angry young snot today and you get caught. If you get out in just five years, chances are you are going to be bigger (after spending your stay in the can at the spa lifting weights) Plus with 2500 calories a day assured to you in the provincial jail anyhow, you will either put on fat or muscle and the former will just make you cuter to the other guys in there.... Also you are most likely going to be a lot more educated in the criminal arts, because you really don't have anything else to do but listen to the other master criminals in there. Besides that you are only five years older which is not near long for life to have mellowed you out.... (think of Stompin Tom's Ben in the Pen here.) Lastly, certainly with our current system you will one heck of a lot madder aftering being coddled by the social engineers running CC these days who will ad nasauseum that it was not your fault that you did what what you did.....


Now if you were to spend 25 yrs in a facility like I suggested you are going to be older, hopefully arthritic from all those cold nights in the bush sleeping on a wooden cot and with a bit of luck for our society more than a little crippled up from spending a lot of days digging, scraping to live. After that you might not have the energy to pursue more crimes....


2. Not nearly severe enough. See above, bascially if you are crude enough now to use a gun in a crime 10 yrs in club fed probably won't take the edge off at all either.


3. If you are hard enough to shoot the gun during the crime you ought to be tough enogh to do the whole twenty five I suggested.


4. That is just like giving them a break because they are a bad shot or the person they shot was tough enough to survive.


5. Second time? HUH maybe we did something the first time here....


A bit tongue in cheek but I have known a few career criminals and in all seriousness none of them really ever saw time in the can as a big deterrent in Ontario..... Hell one guy I know even admitted to doing a small B and E just to get about 8 grand worth of dental work, that he couldn't have afforded any other way... I hope he was joking but I just don't know if he was or not.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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